id,user,user_label,created_at,full_text,retweeted_status,retweeted_status_label,quoted_status,quoted_status_label,place,place_label,source,source_label,truncated,display_text_range,in_reply_to_status_id,in_reply_to_user_id,in_reply_to_screen_name,geo,coordinates,contributors,is_quote_status,retweet_count,favorite_count,favorited,retweeted,possibly_sensitive,lang,scopes 1464071770143698997,25393058,Zilla Saldana,2021-11-26T03:21:25+00:00,,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 0]",,,,,,,0,19798,106492,1,1,0,und, 1472230116281491464,890230529659949056,∆V🌻,2021-12-18T15:39:47+00:00,,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 0]",,,,,,,0,456,2370,1,1,0,und, 1449465216199061507,33521530,swyx,2021-10-16T20:00:11+00:00,companies creating content they want you to read vs writers creating stuff you actually want to read,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 100]",,,,,,,0,21,231,0,0,0,en, 1459613123590066180,573162336,"Mack, yes, That Mack",2021-11-13T20:04:21+00:00,"Finally watching Shang-Chi, here as a bus operator to rate the SFT transit factors of The Bus Scene:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 100]",,,,,,,0,12507,51527,1,1,,en, 1460189455273234432,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T10:14:29+00:00,RT @missingfaktor: Growing a Meta-Language: Very interesting talk by @swyx.,1460045488904970240,1460045488904970240,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 100]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,0,en, 1463009631635050498,33521530,swyx,2021-11-23T05:00:52+00:00,"Stych reaches 🦄 valuation with 25 people: That’s $40m valuation per head. 🤯",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 100]",1450992549141704704,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,10,0,0,0,en, 1463966459244146696,33521530,swyx,2021-11-25T20:22:57+00:00,TIL I couldve used `git grep` instead and it would have probably worked 🤦‍♂️,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 100]",1455012914620813321,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,17,0,0,0,en, 1470789190417719303,33521530,swyx,2021-12-14T16:14:03+00:00,"The same consolidation play Microsoft made for developer tools, @Vercel is now making for developers",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 100]",1470788640846462979,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,87,1,0,,en, 1456732859830472707,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T21:19:13+00:00,(btw i have clicked that Download update button ~10 times since October 12 and it doesnt do anything),,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 101]",1456719597445386242,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,70,0,0,,en, 1471356847902756866,33521530,swyx,2021-12-16T05:49:43+00:00,"RT @_brohrer_: War stories please. What’s the jankiest piece of tech you’ve seen a company depend on?",1471112859400687627,1471112859400687627,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 102]",,,,,,,0,510,0,1,1,,en, 1471951803705008129,33521530,swyx,2021-12-17T21:13:52+00:00,The next great GitHub competitor should assume monorepos by default and make the experience *amazing*.,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 102]",,,,,,,0,26,668,0,0,,en, 1423715277385043968,33521530,swyx,2021-08-06T18:39:08+00:00,"RT @youssefkhouili4: here's an awesome list of awesome dev podcast Thanks @swyx",1423701721952526340,1423701721952526340,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 103]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,en, 1435602941621243907,4145801,Tim 🚪,2021-09-08T13:56:28+00:00,I think $130m sounds about right for selling out the privacy and security of 1.3m Redux DevTools users?,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 103]",,,,,,,0,3,150,0,0,0,en, 1441497170490834945,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T20:18:01+00:00,"The @tailwindcss space-x utility is the best thing to happen to CSS Layout since Grid, dont sleep on it",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 103]",,,,,,,0,51,524,0,0,0,en, 1445115297065693198,33521530,swyx,2021-10-04T19:55:10+00:00,"RT @daslaf: Dudes, esta conversación entre @swyx y @threepointone es puro oro.",1445112871424339974,1445112871424339974,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 103]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,es, 1450756269229309959,33521530,swyx,2021-10-20T09:30:22+00:00,RT @wialy: Nice article about pros (a lot) and cons (some) of Tailwind by @swyx,1450748944976424989,1450748944976424989,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 103]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,0,en, 1439429494926811137,14435843,Sean Grove,2021-09-19T03:21:49+00:00,"Lambdragon and the future of Self Provisioning Runtimes with @swyx @aldonline",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 104]",,,,,,,0,4,10,0,1,0,en, 1462141656916967426,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T19:31:50+00:00,"This is getting out of hand - now there are TWO of them! -@Rich_Harris and @bennorskov at #SvelteSummit",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 104]",,,,,,,0,3,170,1,0,0,en, 1467258399381340162,166138615,Amjad Masad ⠕,2021-12-04T22:23:57+00:00,An essay I wrote at the time to battle with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 104]",1467258397305147393,166138615,amasad,,,,0,24,363,1,1,0,en, 1108746837685501953,37636440,Michel Weststrate,2019-03-21T15:07:00+00:00,Recommend talk by @swyx on why Immer took the immutable JavaScript world by storm,,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 105]",,,,,,,0,4,30,0,0,0,en, 1301976526603206657,1175464650395111424,Jamie Kyle 🏳️‍🌈,2020-09-04T20:12:48+00:00,"I am so sorry for this... I wrote a JSON parser using @typescript's type system",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 105]",,,,,,,0,432,2576,0,0,0,en, 1443233639882375172,33521530,swyx,2021-09-29T15:18:08+00:00,Jeff Bezos bragging about a feature that *reduces* sales in 2002. Great example of being customer centric,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 105]",,,,,,,0,28,346,0,0,0,en, 1472622049554100226,2178012643,Balaji Srinivasan,2021-12-19T17:37:11+00:00,"Ok, @levie proposed a space on web3 so let’s try it. Cc @joshelman @zachweinberg",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 105]",,,,,,,0,53,274,1,1,0,en, 1425169044227850244,33521530,swyx,2021-08-10T18:55:53+00:00,"🔥 Quick tip on docs - if you have a list of points with long text, give a bolded 2-3 word summary upfront.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 106]",,,,,,,0,38,309,0,0,0,en, 1425868308708999176,18905413,Rob Richardson,2021-08-12T17:14:30+00:00, - a look at the #React #Server #Components announcement. Nice tl;dr analysis @swyx,,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 106]",,,,,,,0,4,10,0,1,0,en, 1430729757767868421,33521530,swyx,2021-08-26T03:12:10+00:00,"RT @Madisonkanna: Good article by @swyx on why he changed his mind about Tailwind",1430685599258734592,1430685599258734592,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 106]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,en, 1443671264091152396,50811421,youngmi mayer,2021-09-30T20:17:06+00:00,ok i made this really fast so it’s not very good but these are the small examples i could find in ten mins,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 106]",1443615643920646145,50811421,ymmayer,,,,0,13280,80248,0,0,0,en, 1452180933625270276,33521530,swyx,2021-10-24T07:51:29+00:00,Dan Luu writes an incredibly well received post on the willingness to look stupid:,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 106]",1323639998780825600,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,13,0,0,0,en, 1458156097622007809,33521530,swyx,2021-11-09T19:34:39+00:00,"Free Startup Idea: Chaos Monkey for Meetings Randomly cancel recurring meetings and see if anyone notices",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 106]",,,,,,,0,74,638,1,0,,en, 1427673244358774786,119903601,Jamund Ferguson,2021-08-17T16:46:40+00:00,Been learning more about dev-rel lately and this article from @swyx was incredible!,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 107]",,,,,,,0,2,4,0,1,0,en, 1435268954147151877,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T15:49:19+00:00,RT @tlakomy: I’m blown away by how good @swyx’s “Third Age of JavaScript” talk is 🔥,1435256423315877889,1435256423315877889,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 107]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,en, 1436300371081768971,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T12:07:48+00:00,"RT @patio11: This is the most ludicrous tech demo I’ve seen since the Twilio demo.",1436239651778351108,1436239651778351108,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 107]",,,,,,,0,72,0,0,1,0,en, 1459221080170799109,1643966166,Benn Stancil,2021-11-12T18:06:31+00:00,"it's friday, let's fight about our deepest, darkest fears: making hard decisions.",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 107]",,,,,,,0,18,135,1,1,0,en, 1440846596405542916,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T01:12:52+00:00,"oh damn @chriscoyier just featured my site on his video about styling scrollbars!!",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 108]",1225559755080585216,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,4,0,0,0,en, 1451242768559443976,4266261,Ben Kunz,2021-10-21T17:43:33+00:00,"Exceptional post by @swyx. How to create your luck. TLDR: Move more and observe.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 108]",,,,,,,0,7,14,1,1,0,en, 1470791843222753280,33521530,swyx,2021-12-14T16:24:36+00:00,"Everybody making @vercel comparisons to avengers is thinking too small Vercel Class of 2021 looks more like",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 108]",1470789190417719303,33521530,swyx,,,,0,11,158,1,0,0,en, 1428771895936049158,3127370223,Ava,2021-08-20T17:32:19+00:00,most people think they want optionality but actually just want reassurance that they’ve made the Right Choice,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 109]",,,,,,,0,104,1152,0,0,,en, 1461898243294515205,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T03:24:36+00:00,"Preemptive apologies for @SvelteSociety taking over Tech Twitter tomorrow, the excitement is off the charts 🧡",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 109]",,,,,,,0,2,57,0,0,,en, 1428100847712423938,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T21:05:49+00:00,👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 10]",1428097711383871489,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,und, 1433502587068694528,33521530,swyx,2021-09-02T18:50:24+00:00,Bill Gates,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 10]",,,,,,,0,1,3,0,0,,en, 1225559755080585216,33521530,swyx,2020-02-06T23:19:50+00:00,"✍️Scrollbar Shenanigans Messing around with Webkit Scrollbar Styling like it's 1999!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 110]",,,,,,,0,1,15,0,0,0,en, 1420642639037091841,33521530,swyx,2021-07-29T07:09:34+00:00,"Reflections on 10 years of Containers, from Bryan Cantrill some history at the start",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 110]",1381331610319036416,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,0,en, 1444513081564930052,33521530,swyx,2021-10-03T04:02:11+00:00,RT @1scrummymummy: I love this kid. She’s got it absolutely figured out. Emma aged 8 ❤️,1444024564921638917,1444024564921638917,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 111]",,,,,,,0,20929,0,0,1,0,en, 1445103851783082002,389681470,Kent C. Dodds 💿🔴,2021-10-04T19:09:41+00:00,"🎉 I'm thrilled to announce a brand new Let me tell you what's so exciting about this...",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 112]",,,,,,,0,124,1345,0,1,0,en, 1462701329176940545,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T08:35:47+00:00,"Beautiful illustration of Facebook's Invisible Asymptotes here from @gustaf (10mins in)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 112]",1129047995163586563,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,0,en, 1421234755794657280,33521530,swyx,2021-07-30T22:22:25+00:00,RT @acdlite: @swyx @reactjs Any test that you don't run continuously is destined to break without anyone noticing,1421233345716002820,1421233345716002820,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 113]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1454608210917167107,33521530,swyx,2021-10-31T00:36:37+00:00,"Trying out @factoriogame for the first time this weekend If you don't hear from me... you'll know its going well",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 113]",,,,,,,0,1,108,0,0,0,en, 1460460351837802497,33521530,swyx,2021-11-16T04:10:56+00:00,"RT @that_mc: Finally watching Shang-Chi, here as a bus operator to rate the SFT transit factors of The Bus Scene:",1459613123590066180,1459613123590066180,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 113]",,,,,,,0,12507,0,1,1,,en, 1255515906953719808,33521530,swyx,2020-04-29T15:14:53+00:00,"Me: conference talks are hard and they're all cancelled Them: we'll have talks at home Conference talks at home:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 114]",,,,,,,0,5,52,0,0,0,en, 1441441711939588097,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T16:37:39+00:00,RT @LiedtkeSamuel: Great brief introduction to #TypeScript in #React by @swyx on egghead 🙌,1441441532100419591,1441441532100419591,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 114]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,en, 1462819374251741185,154491048,Art Lapinsch,2021-11-22T16:24:51+00:00,"Using Launch Cheat Sheet by @swyx as the basis for the rework. It's a fantastic resource.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 114]",1462819032730517512,154491048,artlapinsch,,,,0,4,14,1,1,0,en, 1463598659786870787,33521530,swyx,2021-11-24T20:01:27+00:00,"RT @cssbasics: 100 Bytes of CSS to look great everywhere, by @swyx",1463568127443222533,1463568127443222533,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 114]",,,,,,,0,9,0,1,1,0,en, 1468996525653209094,1349817381657444360,italianCoders,2021-12-09T17:30:39+00:00,"Few minutes and we will be live with @swyx to talk about #React #FrontEnd Here the link 🎉🚀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 114]",,,,,,,0,3,3,0,0,0,en, 1330495319440842754,372129456,Tan Li Hau 🤔,2020-11-22T12:56:18+00:00,"Writing custom transitions in Svelte Here are some of the custom transitions I've created in @sveltejs so far 🧵 👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 115]",,,,,,,0,22,139,0,0,,en, 1426672482975551490,33521530,swyx,2021-08-14T22:30:00+00:00,Passwordless no code low code creator economy cohort based buy now pay later mRNA CRISPR lab grown space blockchain,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 115]",,,,,,,0,40,522,0,0,,en, 1439430395141885954,33521530,swyx,2021-09-19T03:25:24+00:00,"RT @sgrove: Lambdragon and the future of Self Provisioning Runtimes with @swyx @aldonline",1439429494926811137,1439429494926811137,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 116]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,0,en, 1454744376165367813,33521530,swyx,2021-10-31T09:37:41+00:00,"ok i have some notes and am going live with the last tutorial - this time - far less nooby!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 116]",1454710611539943424,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,1,0,0,0,en, 1456078047501852680,15412900,Flaherty.eth,2021-11-04T01:57:13+00:00,Love the craft displayed on this page. Who cares about scroll bar aesthetics in 2021? @swyx does and it is glorious.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 116]",,,,,,,0,1,10,1,1,0,en, 1460389956031942659,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T23:31:12+00:00,RT @dan_abramov: where do you hope to see yourself in five years? earnestly. (both professional and personal counts),1459998825574248458,1459998825574248458,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 116]",,,,,,,0,68,0,1,1,,en, 1461935761218056192,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T05:53:41+00:00,RT @brian_d_vaughn: Looking forward to going to the @sveltejs Summit tomorrow in NYC. Will I see any of you there? 🙂,1461843236671131653,1461843236671131653,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 116]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1469205711125049345,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T07:21:52+00:00,RT @amasad: An essay I wrote at the time to battle with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur,1467258399381340162,1467258399381340162,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 116]",,,,,,,0,24,0,1,1,0,en, 1263517446465519619,2571501973,Netlify,2020-05-21T17:10:08+00:00,Wanna make a form but don't wanna deal with setting up JavaScript or APIs to handle the responses? You don't have to 👀,,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,190,2030,0,0,0,en, 1425204981804650496,33521530,swyx,2021-08-10T21:18:41+00:00,Need research help: What is the best job scheduling/cronjob system you've used and what's one thing you LOVE about it?,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,6,99,0,0,,en, 1440267058340634624,33521530,swyx,2021-09-21T10:50:00+00:00,"TIL about the ""DeWitt Clause"": Has there ever been a pettier mofo in tech than Larry Ellison?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,6,28,0,0,0,en, 1447999307924213761,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T18:55:12+00:00,"Some nice data on cold starts today: If you stay off Java and dotNet, you're fine, basically.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 118]",1363442491127701504,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,0,en, 1457523991183298563,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T01:42:53+00:00,"Latest post is live in newsletter: “Community Annealing, or Why You Should Get Good at Events”",,,,,,,e01d36c55a12ec4cf389049ec42665dce335b54e,Revue,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,0,4,0,0,0,en, 1472629089164951554,33521530,swyx,2021-12-19T18:05:09+00:00,"RT @balajis: Ok, @levie proposed a space on web3 so let’s try it. Cc @joshelman @zachweinberg",1472622049554100226,1472622049554100226,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,53,0,1,1,0,en, 1473218830210330627,33521530,swyx,2021-12-21T09:08:34+00:00,"If Web3 merely stood for ""yes we accept all cookies from now til the end of time"" it would have been adopted yesterday",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 118]",,,,,,,0,8,177,0,0,,en, 1425877361011027977,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T17:50:29+00:00,RT @rob_rich: - a look at the #React #Server #Components announcement. Nice tl;dr analysis @swyx,1425868308708999176,1425868308708999176,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 120]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,0,en, 1462110156850974725,81712767,Lee Robinson,2021-11-20T17:26:40+00:00,"#sveltesummit in NYC with the @vercel team, cheering on @steph_dietz_ 🎉 Kudos to @swyx and @SvelteSociety for hosting!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 120]",,,,,,,0,15,237,0,0,0,en, 1383101776627331072,33521530,swyx,2021-04-16T16:55:34+00:00,"If you know someone on Twitter and always wanted to work with them — don't wait til they're ""on the market"" to tell them.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 121]",,,,,,,0,16,224,0,0,,en, 1427674041335181314,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T16:49:51+00:00,RT @xjamundx: Been learning more about dev-rel lately and this article from @swyx was incredible!,1427673244358774786,1427673244358774786,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 121]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,0,en, 1427709213287981056,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T19:09:36+00:00,"This is an incredible landing page: Huge congrats to @sindreaars and the entire @scrimba team 👏🏽",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 121]",,,,,,,0,15,118,0,0,0,en, 1434389932177559555,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T05:36:24+00:00,"Taken from this excellent compendium of Visual Programming - a very valuable format of blogpost!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 121]",1434388834087800832,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,14,0,0,0,en, 1451252088181166106,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T18:20:35+00:00,"RT @benkunz: Exceptional post by @swyx. How to create your luck. TLDR: Move more and observe.",1451242768559443976,1451242768559443976,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 121]",,,,,,,0,7,0,1,1,0,en, 1465732837173252101,1191207924,Erik Bernhardsson,2021-11-30T17:21:55+00:00,I wrote a blog post about how I think the cloud service stack will change in the next 5-10 years:,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 121]",,,,,,,0,86,539,0,0,0,en, 403183731449413632,183749519,Paul Graham,2013-11-20T15:31:07+00:00,"One of the more striking graphs I've seen lately. Stripe's revenue history as of Oct 2012, and now.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,476,1025,0,0,0,en, 923374215041912833,3018765357,Netflix UI Engineers,2017-10-26T02:22:22+00:00,Removing client-side React.js (but keeping it on the server) resulted in a 50% performance improvement on our landing page,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,2788,5358,0,0,0,en, 1433213036886560768,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T23:39:50+00:00,"Adage: ""There are only two ways to make money in software: bundling and unbundling."" People doing Monorepo Microservices:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,0,15,0,0,0,en, 1453546267116703745,1379874346005635074,emnul.eth,2021-10-28T02:16:50+00:00,Every single software team with a SDK needs to watch this video by @swyx . Wow!! So many insights.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,5,10,1,1,0,en, 1456706638010667012,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T19:35:01+00:00,"it's taken me fully ~10 years to appreciate the truth of @BrendanEich's ""Always Bet On JavaScript"" line. It's so powerful.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,131,1031,0,0,0,en, 1464873480654974981,33521530,swyx,2021-11-28T08:27:08+00:00,"Take more pictures of yourself, and of the people and things you take for granted every day. These are the good old days.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 122]",,,,,,,0,85,554,1,0,,en, 1451276860172738563,2327560616,The New Stack,2021-10-21T19:59:01+00:00,What It Takes to Become a Senior Engineer @bcamerongain @darrylktaft @Swizec @swyx #SeniorEngineer,,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 123]",,,,,,,0,1,8,1,1,0,en, 1459392996579835904,33521530,swyx,2021-11-13T05:29:39+00:00,"RT @bennstancil: it's friday, let's fight about our deepest, darkest fears: making hard decisions.",1459221080170799109,1459221080170799109,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 124]",,,,,,,0,18,0,1,1,0,en, 968688836468453376,33521530,swyx,2018-02-28T03:26:30+00:00,This passage from @DanielPink 's Drive is the realest thing I have ever read. Have to keep the fire burning or be dead inside.,,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 126]",,,,,,,0,13,80,0,0,0,en, 1319423392852832256,90488576,Charity Majors,2020-10-22T23:40:25+00:00,"""treat complacency like cancer"" -- this piece is aces. by @appyg99, clearly a girl after my own heart.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 126]",,,,,,,0,40,195,0,1,0,en, 1434105682077364224,37845634,Kevin A. K.,2021-09-04T10:46:53+00:00,"The CFP for Svelte Summit is now open! Go submit your amazing talks everyone! @SvelteSociety @sveltejs",,,,,,,2d56427825d31a620d10acb51615805f894c90f6,Tweetbot for Mac,0,"[0, 126]",,,,,,,0,12,27,0,0,0,en, 1429649362594852868,33521530,swyx,2021-08-23T03:39:04+00:00,"I am in Denver for the week! Thinking of organizing a social dinner on Friday. anyone in? any other events going on this week?",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 127]",,,,,,,0,0,19,0,0,,en, 1446867332748300288,14361975,Justin Garrison,2021-10-09T15:57:08+00:00,"It’s always nice to see when a company understands what employees want for benefits 👏 @PolarSignalsIO",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 127]",,,,,,,0,407,2998,0,0,0,en, 1455399711054065665,33521530,swyx,2021-11-02T05:01:45+00:00,Got an @elgato stream deck from the lovely folks at @GitHub and immediately set it up with meme soundboard clips because i’m 12,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 127]",,,,,,,0,0,126,0,0,0,en, 1451664045979803649,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T21:37:33+00:00,"Seattle based folks - @TreTuna and I are doing a small group tech dinner tonight in Cap Hill, DM for deets if you wanna come by!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 128]",,,,,,,0,0,4,0,0,,en, 1460725443133415424,113376737,Ken Kunz,2021-11-16T21:44:19+00:00,Less than 4 days 'til #SvelteSummit! Reply if you'd like to meet up in Chicago 🏙 for a viewing party 🍕🍺.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 128]",,,,,,,0,0,4,0,0,0,en, 1425892922717704192,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T18:52:19+00:00,"Fixes for each: 🚫 iTunes: 🚫 Mail: 🚫 Dictionary: 💁🏽‍♂️",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 129]",1425889455643119616,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,31,0,0,0,en, 1420085405349662721,1125559272232837121,Dominik Tornow,2021-07-27T18:15:19+00:00,"@temporalio is all about scalability and reliability while guaranteeing functional correctness. There is a lot to unpack here! 🧵",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 130]",,1204202807298969600,temporalio,,,,0,7,22,0,1,,en, 1445463346916986885,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T18:58:11+00:00,"RT @RandallKanna: Today at 2pm PT! And it’s actually my very first Twitter space.",1445463239475621898,1445463239475621898,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 130]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,0,en, 1449140817814167557,33521530,swyx,2021-10-15T22:31:09+00:00,"German word for when an app, that was perfectly fine as it was, completely changes its logo/design/UX wrecking your daily workflow",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 130]",,,,,,,0,1,40,0,0,,en, 1457020940345229314,1594100137,🦊 Eric B. | httpjunkie.eth,2021-11-06T16:23:56+00:00,"Another great podcast with @swyx on @GatsbyJS with Abhi Ayer and Ward Peeters! Love the long form format!",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 130]",,,,,,,0,1,8,1,1,0,en, 1460765511684280329,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T00:23:32+00:00,"@isamlambert on the competitive threat of the big clouds: “The one thing clouds cannot clone is taste.”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 130]",1448162617973825541,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1468703734062624773,9083902,Rick Blalock,2021-12-08T22:07:12+00:00,"Quote of the day goes to @swyx : ""You can learn a lot on the internet for the low low price of your ego"" 🔥",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 130]",,,,,,,0,1,17,1,1,0,en, 1440205468761088004,33521530,swyx,2021-09-21T06:45:16+00:00,"🆕 How I take Podcast Notes - and ship a mixtape almost every day Thanks to a question from @aravindballa",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 131]",,,,,,,0,4,12,0,0,0,en, 1462820793318973445,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T16:30:29+00:00,"RT @artlapinsch: Using Launch Cheat Sheet by @swyx as the basis for the rework. It's a fantastic resource.",1462819374251741185,1462819374251741185,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 131]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,0,en, 1474349637943238657,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T12:02:00+00:00,"Free startup idea / Request for startup: Google, but with up/downvote and block buttons for domains that are low quality SEO bait.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 131]",,,,,,,0,27,670,0,0,,en, 1426537001868685314,1297539457696980994,Rajat Gupta,2021-08-14T13:31:39+00:00,"If you mugged up the rules of React Hooks like me - watch this. Great explanation of the internals by @swyx",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 133]",,,,,,,0,10,49,0,1,0,en, 1432402513337085955,33521530,swyx,2021-08-30T17:59:06+00:00,"wtf, i dont know when this happened but TIL @Github Actions can show lint warnings inline as you review PRs 🤯",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 134]",,,,,,,0,5,119,0,0,0,en, 1439702640217124867,33521530,swyx,2021-09-19T21:27:12+00:00,"For those who prefer audio, there's a full transcript here as well, thanks to @DescriptApp and @TransistorFM",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 134]",1439702355553886211,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,17,0,0,0,en, 1447467193214529536,33521530,swyx,2021-10-11T07:40:46+00:00,"PSA: @Steve_Yegge (he of Stevey’s Platforms Rant fame, if you read it you know it) has a new Youtube Podcast!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 134]",,,,,,,0,0,20,0,0,0,en, 1402925458623172611,3337657847,Tim Nolet 👨🏻‍🚀,2021-06-10T09:47:49+00:00,My coworker @ndom91 wrote an in depth post on how we implemented and tweaked the Monaco code editor on Checkly.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 135]",,,,,,,0,2,11,0,0,0,en, 1417613624466571267,33521530,swyx,2021-07-20T22:33:20+00:00,"Levels of Node.js mastery: Newbie: node callbacks don't scare you Expert: node_modules don't scare you God: node-gyp doesn't scare you",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 135]",,,,,,,0,17,302,0,0,,en, 1436008517845008388,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T16:48:05+00:00,"RT @DevtoolsFM: How do you view software? @swyx approaches tools with a ""Would I Invest in this thing"" mindset!",1436002996660363267,1436002996660363267,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 135]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,0,en, 1422372693827985409,1176969867733479424,Svelte Society 🧡,2021-08-03T01:44:11+00:00,"🧡🧡🧡 ICYMI: @Sveltejs was just voted the most loved framework at the 2021 @StackOverflow developer survey! 🧡🧡🧡",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 136]",,,,,,,0,39,182,0,0,0,en, 1425711567392317444,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T06:51:40+00:00,RT @TrungTPhan: 12/ Quick video cut of @elonmusk breaking down SpaceX’s 5-Step design and manufacturing process:,1425476793327259651,1425476793327259651,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 136]",,,,,,,0,439,0,0,1,0,en, 1437843899020562432,33521530,swyx,2021-09-14T18:21:14+00:00,"TIL if you 🧡 a tweet tagged with #AppleEvent, you get a fancy animated 🍎 confirmation! Fun little bit of whimsy, well done @TwitterDev!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 136]",,,,,,,0,0,122,0,0,0,en, 1469826858652880896,33521530,swyx,2021-12-12T00:30:05+00:00,"""If you were a character in a book, what would your readers be yelling at you to do?"" Fave thought exercise of mine, from @ESYudkowsky.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 136]",,,,,,,0,6,47,0,0,,en, 977291318324948992,21782915,Andrew Clark,2018-03-23T21:09:42+00:00,"Visualization of the difference between async rendering and synchronous rendering in React, and why async rendering has more constraints.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 137]",,,,,,,0,425,1296,0,0,0,en, 1436140187881443335,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T01:31:17+00:00,conference flu is kicking my ass right now and i dont have enough to continue this theme. Gonna take the rest of the week off to recover.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 137]",1435793597870321674,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,,en, 1442310363681378312,33521530,swyx,2021-09-27T02:09:22+00:00,"🔥 Just pushed my new @Revue newsletter! “[] YouTube Podcasting - good idea, or bad idea?”",,,,,,,e01d36c55a12ec4cf389049ec42665dce335b54e,Revue,0,"[0, 137]",,,,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,en, 1474275047271706626,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T07:05:36+00:00,"example of what i mean by the target/js code i wrote source: see it in action as an FAQ:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 137]",1474271524110491649,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,9,0,0,0,en, 1422007533510688777,33521530,swyx,2021-08-02T01:33:10+00:00,"RT @swyx: Doing my taxes in Singapore this year: The tax system fits on ~1 page 🤯 If you have a standard employment situation, @IRAS_SG…",1381324888216981504,1381324888216981504,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 138]",,,,,,,0,7,0,0,1,,en, 1434604925783265288,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T19:50:42+00:00,"RT @panlepan: @geogebra How to read a, b, c on the parabola y=ax²+bx+c. @GeoGebra #MathGIF",1434556932879261702,1434556932879261702,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 138]",,,,,,,0,101,0,0,1,0,en, 1441818486636888066,33521530,swyx,2021-09-25T17:34:49+00:00,"I had a wonderful chat with @liormech and @pgupta about @getamberflo and how AWS does Usage Metering and Billing!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 138]",1429888354192019476,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,4,0,0,0,en, 1462128832266313736,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T18:40:53+00:00,"RT @PierB: @sveltejs @vercel @Rich_Harris @rauchg @steph_dietz from Vercel just said publicly: ""Svelte is the future of web development""…",1462110266536124425,1462110266536124425,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 138]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1420825810877915136,33521530,swyx,2021-07-29T19:17:25+00:00,"RT @KennethCassel: I'm building a new course on @SlipApp! If you've ever wanted to go the extra mile and delight your users, If you've…",1420584976576286722,1420584976576286722,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,23,0,0,1,,en, 1423690189218611200,33521530,swyx,2021-08-06T16:59:26+00:00,"RT @supabase: Remember to get your submissions in by 23.59 PDT TODAY for the @supabase #hackathon ⚡ 🚀 We have incredible judges lined up…",1423683811104198661,1423683811104198661,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1424617565758791681,33521530,swyx,2021-08-09T06:24:30+00:00,RT @KatiHartwig: My seat mate on my flight is a 6 year old little girl who started our trip with “I’m going to talk to you randomly so you…,1423999597031088130,1423999597031088130,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,30787,0,0,1,,en, 1425838034725969921,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T15:14:12+00:00,RT @jlongster: 🎉 It's finally ready! I've been hacking on something for the past couple months and it's absurdly great. It's time for more…,1425825714788503552,1425825714788503552,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,566,0,0,1,,en, 1432375239464263682,33521530,swyx,2021-08-30T16:10:43+00:00,"RT @pratheekhegde: Concurrent React from Scratch by @swyx (lesson on @eggheadio) Watch 1/20 Maybe. Will probably…",1432341565028978694,1432341565028978694,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,0,en, 1435269011663687681,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T15:49:33+00:00,"RT @giltayar: VCs are coming to Javascript tooling. Worrying or great for the ecosystem? Good question from @swyx. Lots of good takes on…",1435258266729205762,1435258266729205762,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1436422883987890186,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T20:14:37+00:00,RT @DevtoolsFM: What's temporal? What kinds of tasks might you accomplish with it? Hear Shawn Wang talk all about it on today's episode of…,1436362948956639237,1436362948956639237,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1437813679932821505,1389094644328271872,,2021-09-14T16:21:09+00:00,"Have you been sold a technology only to encounter the pitfalls months later? @swyx wants to be an honest advocate.",,,,,,,e5057be9f0fb05c9d0d7206d7e0b388a4067eb68,LaterMedia,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,3,15,0,1,0,en, 1440054304799297538,33521530,swyx,2021-09-20T20:44:35+00:00,"RT @_Arnoldho: Just finished 'the coding career handbook' written by @swyx cover to cover, it has some really solid advices in there and I…",1440052933555417092,1440052933555417092,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1440512358753783828,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T03:04:44+00:00,"RT @eugeneyan: When given a problem, solve it without machine learning first. In this opinionated piece, I'll share: • Similar views from…",1440470398152454144,1440470398152454144,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,73,0,0,1,,en, 1444090807657459717,33521530,swyx,2021-10-02T00:04:13+00:00,RT @github: Footnotes are a great way to reference notes and relevant information without disrupting the flow of your content. Now you can…,1443621707999232000,1443621707999232000,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,142,0,0,1,,en, 1445524267244785664,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T23:00:16+00:00,"RT @Rich_Harris: i will be sharing some ✨ o p i n i o n s ✨ about web development — MPAs, SPAs and other TLAs — at @jamstackconf next week…",1442862057829765126,1442862057829765126,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,35,0,0,1,,en, 1446318406865547271,33521530,swyx,2021-10-08T03:35:54+00:00,"RT @CommonRoomHQ: It's @swyx! Head of Developer Experience at @temporalio and tech meetup connoisseur. We asked Shawn everything from his…",1446268135078699012,1446268135078699012,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,,en, 1447696664202940418,33521530,swyx,2021-10-11T22:52:36+00:00,"RT @rezasjourney: I recently learned about the idea of learning in public through this brilliant article by @swyx,…",1447694312007880704,1447694312007880704,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,0,en, 1448326748517515264,33521530,swyx,2021-10-13T16:36:20+00:00,"RT @devonko_: I'm in desperate search of a kidney donor who meets the following requirements: ∙ Blood type: O+/- ∙ Age: 18-55 ∙ Location:…",1445795629049864197,1445795629049864197,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,2233,0,0,1,,en, 1449906512193679364,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T01:13:45+00:00,"RT @apartovi: I once killed a $125 million deal by being “too honest.” There are many ways to lose deals, lest you think last week’s story…",1449856639331340289,1449856639331340289,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,857,0,0,1,,en, 1449993680903761926,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T07:00:07+00:00,"RT @GergelyOrosz: The sensible approach is not to delete one or the other. To maximize your ""luck surface area"" so opportunities find you,…",1449977842004074500,1449977842004074500,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,10,0,0,1,,en, 1450161277733466113,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T18:06:05+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🆕 Podcast: Gatsby 4 and the Jamstack Endgame I chatted with @wardpeet @AbhiAiyer about: - @Gatsbyjs 4…",1449912418071580672,1449912418071580672,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,21,0,0,1,0,en, 1451392508756299781,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T03:38:34+00:00,"RT @mitchellh: I love this “Willingness to look stupid” post. For me, I’d also flip this and say that people who go out of their way to be…",1451287571481325569,1451287571481325569,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,56,0,1,1,,en, 1452857849508294660,33521530,swyx,2021-10-26T04:41:18+00:00,"Remember when ISAs were the key to unlocking global human potential for a hot minute was literally one hot minute",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",1452852967170658304,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,en, 1455934854298685442,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T16:28:13+00:00,"RT @plasmicapp: Plasmic is hiring a founding developer advocate 🥑 to help us grow our developer community: 🚀 RTs…",1455911713069359110,1455911713069359110,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,12,0,1,1,0,en, 1456137169907564544,33521530,swyx,2021-11-04T05:52:09+00:00,"RT @0xdoug: 10/ Behind every order is a thinking, breathing shark. A shark with mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay. A shark who's likely…",1456032869135093760,1456032869135093760,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,63,0,1,1,,en, 1457543817964392458,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T03:01:40+00:00,"RT @acemarke: I spent the afternoon hacking on the experimental RTK ""action listener middleware"" API. After applying multiple suggestions,…",1457535446674718725,1457535446674718725,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1459730541482102784,33521530,swyx,2021-11-14T03:50:56+00:00,"RT @ossia: Next time you go for a walk or a drive, listen to this insightful interview with @swyx on @thechangelog. Shawn talks about his…",1459728100070236163,1459728100070236163,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,13,0,1,1,,en, 1459787354416173059,33521530,swyx,2021-11-14T07:36:41+00:00,"RT @Nutlope: Been getting a lot of questions on what developer advocates do. Here's a useful framework for thinking about it (h/t @swyx).…",1459765327047315460,1459765327047315460,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,26,0,1,1,,en, 1462229776295469057,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T01:22:00+00:00,"RT @Marcard: Glad I was able to stumble upon @swyx’s tweet for the #SvelteSummit NYC watch party. My first tech meetup but surely not my…",1462223074946863110,1462223074946863110,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1462519879857328134,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T20:34:46+00:00,"RT @coderinheels: Lots of fun earlier at the #SvelteSummit Watch Party New York! @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #svelte #sveltejs…",1462208114753691648,1462208114753691648,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,,en, 1465437441687371776,33521530,swyx,2021-11-29T21:48:07+00:00,RT @JoshuaKGoldberg: I've been playing around with @temporalio for a couple of weeks now and have to say I'm *thoroughly* impressed. There…,1464876415153803268,1464876415153803268,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1465905924338434048,33521530,swyx,2021-12-01T04:49:42+00:00,"RT @patak_js: 📜 New blog post! ⚡️ The Vite Ecosystem, an exploration of the projects, teams, and individuals collaborating to push the DX…",1465625407890280452,1465625407890280452,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,88,0,1,1,,en, 1469121735576342528,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T01:48:11+00:00,"RT @tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS v3.0 is here — bringing incredible performance gains, huge workflow improvements, and a seriously ridiculous…",1469011539302694914,1469011539302694914,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 139]",,,,,,,0,394,0,1,1,,en, 1426711010291847170,33521530,swyx,2021-08-15T01:03:06+00:00,anonymized DM,,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 13]",1426672482975551490,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,109,0,0,0,en, 1191822370237009922,33521530,swyx,2019-11-05T20:59:30+00:00,I hereby declare December the World Don’t Release Anything Month so that we can catch up on everything everyone released in all other months,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,34,229,0,1,,en, 1419726530414989315,33521530,swyx,2021-07-26T18:29:16+00:00,"RT @jsjoeio: Underrated Tool: Better Twitter (Search) I use this multiple times per week (sometimes every day) to search for old tweets H…",1419726229456900109,1419726229456900109,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,19,0,0,1,,en, 1419804566611136526,33521530,swyx,2021-07-26T23:39:22+00:00,RT @benskuhn: I had a fascinating conversation yesterday with a former roommate who's now a postdoc in number theory. I learned a lot about…,1419281153983500290,1419281153983500290,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,542,0,0,1,,en, 1420055275847839746,33521530,swyx,2021-07-27T16:15:35+00:00,"RT @lorendsr: Is it just me or can the 2nd edition of Designing Data-Intensive Applications be: ""Just use @apollographql Federation for re…",1419880024929415173,1419880024929415173,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,9,0,0,1,,en, 1420174594644742156,33521530,swyx,2021-07-28T00:09:43+00:00,"RT @DominikTornow: @temporalio is all about scalability and reliability while guaranteeing functional correctness. There is a lot to unpac…",1420085405349662721,1420085405349662721,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,7,0,0,1,,en, 1420234701059416066,33521530,swyx,2021-07-28T04:08:34+00:00,"RT @supabase: #supalaunchweek Day 2: 🔥 Supabase Storage is now in Beta 🔥 - Streaming Media - Public Buckets - No…",1420043000344768517,1420043000344768517,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,32,0,0,1,0,en, 1420541906979749889,33521530,swyx,2021-07-29T00:29:17+00:00,"RT @mollyfmielke: My thesis is out! ""Computers and Creativity"" asks: How can we utilize the full potential of creative thought and computa…",1374387504174927878,1374387504174927878,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,213,0,0,1,,en, 1421136292423684100,33521530,swyx,2021-07-30T15:51:10+00:00,RT @iBakasura: This talk on Growing a Meta-Language by @swyx is just amazing! He goes in depth into talking about the how the trifecta of l…,1421095739195756549,1421095739195756549,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1421255651087380480,33521530,swyx,2021-07-30T23:45:27+00:00,"RT @jsjoeio: 💼 Announcing ""Joe's Jobs"" I'm launching a job board 🚀 The goal is to help you find the best jobs in product, engineering, OS…",1421134763314741251,1421134763314741251,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,24,0,0,1,,en, 1421693412441395205,33521530,swyx,2021-08-01T04:44:57+00:00,"RT @radenagus17_: “It is always going to be a truth that the more you know, the more you also learn about that stuff that you didn’t know t…",1421686377670856704,1421686377670856704,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,,en, 1421981745625276419,33521530,swyx,2021-08-01T23:50:41+00:00,"RT @jsjoeio: 🎙️ jsjoeio's mixtape Alright, trying out this podcast/mixtape thing as a hobby and an excuse to meet cool people. First segm…",1421968022814658561,1421968022814658561,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,,en, 1422753480192630785,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T02:57:17+00:00,"RT @saviomartin7: The wait is over!! 🎉🎉 Introducing Slickr. The most powerful cover image generator for your @hashnode blog ✨️ Enjoy creat…",1420663531653926912,1420663531653926912,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,45,0,0,1,,en, 1422969836125057025,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T17:17:01+00:00,"RT @supabase: You still have until 23.59 PDT Friday 6th August to make a submission for the @supabase #hackathon We have incredible judges…",1422946955630612483,1422946955630612483,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1423001983632297986,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T19:24:45+00:00,"RT @BenAPatton: @swyx ""You don't have to agree with somebody to offer them loving attention. All you're admitting at that moment is there's…",1423001554496507905,1423001554496507905,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1423301730184269826,33521530,swyx,2021-08-05T15:15:50+00:00,"RT @munificentbob: Today is the day! Crafting Interpreters is available for purchase in print, Kindle, ebook, and PDF! Behold:…",1420758051049459725,1420758051049459725,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,492,0,0,1,,en, 1423326500787408896,33521530,swyx,2021-08-05T16:54:16+00:00,RT @biantris_: Life can be so much wider when you discover a simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made by people who w…,1423313808525824000,1423313808525824000,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1423405617549484033,33521530,swyx,2021-08-05T22:08:39+00:00,"RT @ljin18: Let's stop celebrating creator funds, incremental creator features, and shallow rhetoric about creator empowerment. All of the…",1408103654863814657,1408103654863814657,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,315,0,0,1,,en, 1424135077999484931,33521530,swyx,2021-08-07T22:27:16+00:00,RT @BrittneyPostma: The new @SvelteSociety site is live in all it's new SvelteKit awesomeness. I got to make some small contributions to th…,1423972793910243330,1423972793910243330,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,16,0,0,1,,en, 1425175777000136706,33521530,swyx,2021-08-10T19:22:38+00:00,"RT @swyx: One thing I've consistently had to relearn in developer marketing: ""Talk benefits, not features"" doesn't work! Developers are s…",1361279902889086980,1361279902889086980,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,105,0,0,1,,en, 1425503610213785600,33521530,swyx,2021-08-11T17:05:19+00:00,"RT @ReactSummit: There was a time before #ReactJS, and there will be life after. If you tie yourself too closely to any tech, you might tra…",1425487171172044815,1425487171172044815,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,0,1,,en, 1425673473108504576,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T04:20:18+00:00,"RT @eggheadio: Go deep with @supabase In this new course from @signalnerve you'll: 📀 Create a Postgres database 🔐 Authorize users with G…",1425514852999745547,1425514852999745547,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,28,0,0,1,,en, 1426279632479744004,33521530,swyx,2021-08-13T20:28:58+00:00,"RT @jposhaughnessy: 1/ Why You Should Write Letters to Your Kids as They Grow--A thread I've noticed a lot of FinTwiters having babies. C…",1426027634270654467,1426027634270654467,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,251,0,0,1,,en, 1426600484773662724,33521530,swyx,2021-08-14T17:43:55+00:00,"RT @rajatetc: If you mugged up the rules of React Hooks like me - watch this. Great explanation of the internals by @swyx…",1426537001868685314,1426537001868685314,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,10,0,0,1,,en, 1426944198519885824,33521530,swyx,2021-08-15T16:29:42+00:00,"RT @Mappletons: @swyx 17. This collection has now matured into a full grown essay documenting the history of ""digital gardening"" as an etho…",1426937335460114441,1426937335460114441,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,16,0,0,1,,en, 1427365094938202112,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T20:22:12+00:00,"RT @will_lawrenceTO: Still in love with this piece by @swyx. I feel like creating + working is a good mix for me. My work informs my writ…",1427363684037369866,1427363684037369866,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1427373400616407051,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T20:55:12+00:00,"RT @feross: ""Apple's web engine consistently trails others in both compatibility and features, resulting in a large and persistent gap with…",1420471522703986688,1420471522703986688,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,0,1,,en, 1427417904643928079,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T23:52:03+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🆕 Measuring Developer Relations How you measure DevRel = what you think effective DevRel *is* + your p…",1427351638872772633,1427351638872772633,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,24,0,0,1,0,en, 1427636024881074195,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T14:18:47+00:00,RT @RabbiGreenberg: This post by @swyx should be mandatory reading for anyone trying to think through how to measure effectively the bit am…,1427618325232771076,1427618325232771076,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,,en, 1427636302325981188,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T14:19:53+00:00,RT @jim_ej: Brilliant talk brought to me by @swyx: What we know about coding based on evidence. TDD is no better t…,1427577933074505728,1427577933074505728,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,0,en, 1428028645755416589,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T16:18:55+00:00,"RT @tina_cms: We just launched our public beta: - Brand new dashboard - Media Manager with @cloudinary - Command line quickstart - And mu…",1428016338371452930,1428016338371452930,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,52,0,0,1,,en, 1428114812249071618,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T22:01:18+00:00,RT @sugarpirate_: I'm sorta back from a long twitter break! I've been spending my free time slowly getting through @thorstenball's excellen…,1428061205902630916,1428061205902630916,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1428139798871433218,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T23:40:36+00:00,"RT @FrederickWeiss: Especially enlightening episode on The @swyx Mixtape today. Social Proof and Scarcity, and the Principles of #influence…",1428133615574130690,1428133615574130690,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1428241684798664706,33521530,swyx,2021-08-19T06:25:27+00:00,"RT @jakub_smetanka: What was the last book you have read, or you are reading ? I have already finnished The @Coding_Career Handbook by Shaw…",1428025214588366848,1428025214588366848,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1428567896033095686,33521530,swyx,2021-08-20T04:01:42+00:00,"RT @ShitUserStory: As a… – remote worker I want to… – give facebook access to four cameras strapped to my head so that… – I can simulate an…",1428470276426289161,1428470276426289161,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1136,0,0,1,,en, 1428582154800275458,33521530,swyx,2021-08-20T04:58:22+00:00,"RT @react_india: 🚨Nominate Speakers 🚨 If you know someone who has something great to talk about, nominate them. Join @GantLaborde @swyx…",1428580204088373252,1428580204088373252,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1429649523769372676,33521530,swyx,2021-08-23T03:39:42+00:00,RT @benthompson: If I could convince everyone in the world to read and understand one article about COVID it would be this one. FWIW it ver…,1429608015057981446,1429608015057981446,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,295,0,0,1,,en, 1429727373503524864,33521530,swyx,2021-08-23T08:49:03+00:00,"RT @CookieDuster_N: Another awesome read from @swyx Best bit: Traditional marketing advice says people have to hea…",1429725966335713281,1429725966335713281,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,0,en, 1430179658088263685,33521530,swyx,2021-08-24T14:46:16+00:00,"RT @swyx: Write Errors that Don’t Make Me Think Error messages and Error pages (see @RozenMD’s…",1430179632637218821,1430179632637218821,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,0,en, 1430370226550448132,33521530,swyx,2021-08-25T03:23:31+00:00,"RT @zackkanter: Bezos interviewed by @om (2008) on the origins on AWS: ""We were finding we were spending too much time on fine-grained coor…",1430165281205325837,1430165281205325837,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,85,0,0,1,,en, 1430609058885636098,33521530,swyx,2021-08-25T19:12:33+00:00,"RT @dalmaer: ★ New Job! Arming Developers @ Shopify I am excited to share the news that, after a lovely summer post-Google, I have taken a…",1430587772889223175,1430587772889223175,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,13,0,0,1,,en, 1430741775350603781,33521530,swyx,2021-08-26T03:59:55+00:00,RT @djbaskin: I made a game called Cofounder Quest to find a new collaborator! I'm hiding the game on floppy disks all over the city in pla…,1430678607014162435,1430678607014162435,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,287,0,0,1,,en, 1430939976254988288,33521530,swyx,2021-08-26T17:07:30+00:00,RT @forrestbrazeal: The Cloud Resume Challenge Book has officially LAUNCHED! 🚀First 100 sales are 15% off with this link - move fast. https…,1430880791316373512,1430880791316373512,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,14,0,0,1,,en, 1432423583909773312,33521530,swyx,2021-08-30T19:22:50+00:00,RT @andrewray: Awesome talk by @swyx on building #react's concurrent and suspense mode from scratch to help teach it. It's really cool to s…,1432402740655788032,1432402740655788032,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1432471599312113664,33521530,swyx,2021-08-30T22:33:37+00:00,"RT @imShahrukhDon: My CFP for EmberFest was accepted!!! Thank you @swyx for giving me multiple rounds of review. My man is really trying t…",1432469865785352192,1432469865785352192,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,,en, 1432502043332120579,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T00:34:36+00:00,"RT @imShahrukhDon: Today, I was selected to speak at one of the most important conferences for Ember. I just learned Ember 3 months ago. A…",1432501072300593162,1432501072300593162,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1432794852920418304,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T19:58:07+00:00,"RT @DavidKPiano: 🚀 The new @statelyai visualizer is now live on @ProductHunt! You can now visualize, simulate, and inspect your XState mac…",1432659604618551296,1432659604618551296,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,102,0,0,1,,en, 1432917775362650115,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T04:06:34+00:00,RT @beyang: It’s time to speak the truth plainly: @github code search is terrible and the dev world deserves so much better. If you believe…,1432909493805981699,1432909493805981699,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,30,0,0,1,,en, 1433221477801811970,33521530,swyx,2021-09-02T00:13:22+00:00,RT @kasra_ferdowsi: I'm super excited to announce that our work on interactive Program Synthesis with control structures (with @shraddha_96…,1433175067563855872,1433175067563855872,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,69,0,0,1,,en, 1434279350527053826,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T22:16:59+00:00,"RT @kylebrussell: I wrote a primer on the Loot project that everyone’s getting hyped about in the NFT scene Gimme the Loot! by @kylebrusse…",1433232024102387716,1433232024102387716,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,138,0,0,1,,en, 1434565043975331844,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T17:12:14+00:00,"RT @jonwu_: I was stunned. 1st reaction: ""Me?? A newly minted business school graduate? To functionally be CFO?"" 2nd reaction: ""But...why…",1433595892557225984,1433595892557225984,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,72,0,0,1,,en, 1435269040323321858,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T15:49:39+00:00,"RT @CompuIves: It's still pretty crazy that for a normal devenv you have the linter, typechecker, editor and bundler all generating the sam…",1435258964242059268,1435258964242059268,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,8,0,0,1,,en, 1435269101115555845,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T15:49:54+00:00,"RT @m4d_z: Deep dive in the #JavaScript's History, where it comes from, and where it goes for the next 10 years. I do love those kind of pr…",1435253892523171843,1435253892523171843,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1435327567796506624,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T19:42:13+00:00,RT @brianleroux: I've been thinking about @swyx's 'self provisioning runtime' thought experiment a bunch. while I do think 'self provisioni…,1435324306238619649,1435324306238619649,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1435995867941675009,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T15:57:49+00:00,RT @danciupuliga: Highly recommend this course by @swyx (@eggheadio) on building a CLI with the Open CLI framework. I was able to POC a qui…,1435995667516821505,1435995667516821505,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1436322793201627148,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T13:36:54+00:00,"RT @dsymetweets: A farewell to Simon Peyton Jones as he leaves Microsoft Research Subject: RE: New horizon   I would like to add a few wo…",1436130456324526081,1436130456324526081,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,312,0,0,1,,en, 1436982325909364736,33521530,swyx,2021-09-12T09:17:38+00:00,RT @CouchNish: A person called OwlKitty changed the Business Card scene from “American Psycho” to the guys showing each other pictures of t…,1436104144801067033,1436104144801067033,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,49409,0,0,1,,en, 1437498030840762377,33521530,swyx,2021-09-13T19:26:52+00:00,"RT @redpointvc: Join us for our next Redpoint Office Hours on September 22; investor @SaiVC_ will host special guest @swyx, Head of Develop…",1437459469261279232,1437459469261279232,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1437814369044234240,33521530,swyx,2021-09-14T16:23:53+00:00,"RT @DevtoolsFM: Have you been sold a technology only to encounter the pitfalls months later? @swyx wants to be an honest advocate. https:/…",1437813679932821505,1437813679932821505,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1438094757335638018,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T10:58:03+00:00,"RT @jasonlaster11: 🚀 @replayio is live on @ProductHunt! You can now record, replay, pause, and inspect web applications with familiar deve…",1438035707704995840,1438035707704995840,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,154,0,0,1,,en, 1438165409497161733,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T15:38:48+00:00,"RT @tsurdilo: Happy to be presenting at the @BrightTALK : The 360 Cloud Landscape on September 21st. Topic: How to deal with failures in p…",1438163663249186822,1438163663249186822,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,7,0,0,1,,en, 1438785162985328641,33521530,swyx,2021-09-17T08:41:28+00:00,"RT @supabase: We get a lot of #developers asking about row-level security @_dijonmusters explains how #Auth works using RLS in @supabase i…",1438643952710717440,1438643952710717440,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,10,0,0,1,,en, 1439013636354162688,33521530,swyx,2021-09-17T23:49:21+00:00,"RT @mizzo_mi: As lists and threads are all the rage here, this by @swyx is one of the best I read during the year...or ever 👏 Where do the…",1438992207344635904,1438992207344635904,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1439920494967459843,33521530,swyx,2021-09-20T11:52:53+00:00,RT @ethansooo: The Coding Career Handbook by @swyx has been such a great resource for coders at the beginning of their journey such as myse…,1281842370602889216,1281842370602889216,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,8,0,0,1,,en, 1440055143530045473,33521530,swyx,2021-09-20T20:47:55+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🆕 post: Why do Webdevs keep trying to kill REST? My unifying mental model for - REST vs @GraphQL - Apo…",1439966955570618376,1439966955570618376,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,85,0,0,1,0,en, 1440676595056840706,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T13:57:21+00:00,RT @seancdavis29: I really this article from @swyx because it reframes the GraphQL vs REST debate. There's much more nuance to the conversa…,1440666213382717453,1440666213382717453,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1440676648290951180,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T13:57:34+00:00,"RT @BenNadel: Good morning my beautiful, beautiful friends! Ep. 041 of @WorkingCodePod is out! This week, @AdamTuttle @k_Roll242 @timcunnin…",1440657316441776135,1440657316441776135,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1440722557313847308,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T16:59:59+00:00,"RT @thelambdragon: Watch @aldonline + @swyx discuss @thelambdragon, self-provisioning runtimes, and why the future of programming is all ab…",1440712894958628874,1440712894958628874,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,,en, 1440736073525596160,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T17:53:42+00:00,"RT @mattgperry: 🚀 Introducing Motion One. The smallest fully-featured animation library for the web. Built on the Web Animations API, it o…",1440341298582523904,1440341298582523904,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,677,0,0,1,,en, 1440745728595271684,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T18:32:04+00:00,RT @lucasbernalte: I just read about the Four Gears of Learning in Public by @swyx and it clicked. I have only been trying to use the Conne…,1440741221236764674,1440741221236764674,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,,en, 1440788339355832320,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T21:21:23+00:00,RT @ftrain: is a climate change initiative and their website is one of the finest pieces of digital work @Postlight…,1440773063079981057,1440773063079981057,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,66,0,0,1,0,en, 1440867912089161728,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T02:37:34+00:00,RT @kentcdodds: I spent most of yesterday on my @RideOnewheel and listening to @swyx's audio reading of The @Coding_Career Handbook (https:…,1440684812885315597,1440684812885315597,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,10,0,0,1,,en, 1440872926513819651,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T02:57:30+00:00,"RT @ryantakesoff: The biggest lesson I’ve learned in building a $4B company: It’s all about the people. I’m thrilled to announce today t…",1440843960776228865,1440843960776228865,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2013,0,0,1,,en, 1441058374406262791,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T15:14:24+00:00,"RT @ReactNewYork: So, who’s gonna be talking at #ReactDayNewYork 2021? Well, we’ll have @swyx, @anna_carey, @AtilaFassina, @millicode_, @ia…",1441000583641673733,1441000583641673733,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,0,1,,en, 1441070950208913413,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T16:04:22+00:00,"RT @ReactAdvanced: He's the head of #developer experience, author of a bestselling book on progressing career in IT, and a sought-after men…",1441069852127543299,1441069852127543299,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,,en, 1442036489672593410,33521530,swyx,2021-09-26T08:01:05+00:00,"RT @packyM: What kind of company would 30-year-old Jeff Bezos build if he were starting out today? Let's search for clues in four 90's in…",1439935763966214144,1439935763966214144,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,63,0,0,1,,en, 1442509441643941899,33521530,swyx,2021-09-27T15:20:26+00:00,"RT @JoshWComeau: ✨🥳🎉✨ WE’RE LIVE! After more than a year of full-time work, CSS for JavaScript Developers is completed, and ready to go. 😄…",1442490764341039111,1442490764341039111,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,453,0,0,1,,en, 1442713764210495490,33521530,swyx,2021-09-28T04:52:20+00:00,"RT @GergelyOrosz: A month into a paid newsletter for eng managers/engineers, it's taking off faster than I ever hoped: ~ 500 paid subscrib…",1442537833495990278,1442537833495990278,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,33,0,0,1,,en, 1442904394886889472,33521530,swyx,2021-09-28T17:29:50+00:00,RT @LitAnscombe: I moderate /r/kafka and people often mistake for a subreddit about the programming language. Our users have almost spontan…,1442683658951802882,1442683658951802882,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1412,0,0,1,,en, 1442904700387356674,33521530,swyx,2021-09-28T17:31:03+00:00,RT @protsaq: Currently reading @swyx's 'The Coding Career Handbook' (which is a great resource - helps very much with programmer's anxiety)…,1442885004284026893,1442885004284026893,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1443046610963865601,33521530,swyx,2021-09-29T02:54:57+00:00,"RT @jarroddicker: 6 months of @darkstardao. 12 essays on Web3. In order-- March 1, 2021: A New Media Structure: The Ownership Economy b…",1443026395832127496,1443026395832127496,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,23,0,0,1,,en, 1443320968684785664,33521530,swyx,2021-09-29T21:05:09+00:00,"RT @posobin: (3/6) @ampie_app surfaces the connections to you as you browse. It's a powerful sidebar for the browser: go to any page, and i…",1443269476464664584,1443269476464664584,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,7,0,0,1,,en, 1443977557859180548,33521530,swyx,2021-10-01T16:34:12+00:00,"RT @CascadiaJS: Announcing the second of 3 lightning ⚡️ talks for the official #CascadiaJS pre-conference meetup on Oct 14! Temporal: Reac…",1443976506858823683,1443976506858823683,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,0,1,,en, 1444071440563638273,33521530,swyx,2021-10-01T22:47:15+00:00,"RT @swyx: Ancient Chinese had a saying: 修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下. Fix yourself, your family, your country, then go for world peace. In that order…",1311191397085491200,1311191397085491200,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,123,0,0,1,,en, 1444085087490875393,33521530,swyx,2021-10-01T23:41:29+00:00,"RT @kevinakwok: New essay up. Narrative Distillation - modern IPO env is about owning marketing, not pricing - increasing impt of narrativ…",1443311835629895686,1443311835629895686,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,57,0,0,1,,en, 1444344411542867970,33521530,swyx,2021-10-02T16:51:56+00:00,"RT @reactnewsletter: In this 80-minute video, @swyx has a fascinating conversation with @threepointone where they discuss the future of Rea…",1444342415788232709,1444342415788232709,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,7,0,0,1,,en, 1444532242655498242,33521530,swyx,2021-10-03T05:18:19+00:00,"RT @jaltma: This is probably somewhat of a golden age of startup creation: - we more or less know how to build startups now. Almost a scie…",1444371187203641346,1444371187203641346,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,147,0,0,1,,en, 1445127195509153798,33521530,swyx,2021-10-04T20:42:27+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🆕 post: Eating the Cloud from Outside In How do you compete with 3 clouds 50x your size? While they play Chess, @Cloudflare pla…",1445044267508850695,1445044267508850695,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,35,0,0,1,,en, 1445158504013066243,33521530,swyx,2021-10-04T22:46:51+00:00,"RT @kentcdodds: 🎉 I'm thrilled to announce a brand new Let me tell you what's so exciting about this... https://t.…",1445103851783082002,1445103851783082002,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,124,0,0,1,0,en, 1445442241384701960,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T17:34:20+00:00,"RT @ReactNewYork: 2 more to go! @deekshasharma25 will talk about headless architecture and we finish React Day New York with @swyx You can…",1445439018359996417,1445439018359996417,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1445800634649698309,33521530,swyx,2021-10-06T17:18:27+00:00,"RT @uibreakfast: New episode 🎙 How to Market Yourself with @swyx You’ll learn several components of defining your brand, tips on expressi…",1445777136992735246,1445777136992735246,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1446318251542147072,33521530,swyx,2021-10-08T03:35:17+00:00,"RT @Nutlope: I'm using a technique called ""Following the Graph"" (coined by @swyx) to better understand the Next.js ecosystem. This means e…",1446276421882581011,1446276421882581011,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1449459553733541888,33521530,swyx,2021-10-16T19:37:41+00:00,"RT @Lethain: Systems thinking is my fav thinking tool, but many of my largest reasoning errors stemmed from surface use (""here's an intuiti…",1446525397508657155,1446525397508657155,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,17,0,0,1,,en, 1449526697242468359,33521530,swyx,2021-10-17T00:04:30+00:00,"RT @swyx: Temporal: React for the Backend (🌩️ talk) Just posted last night's @cascadiajs lightning talk on my cha…",1449069225704714246,1449069225704714246,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,8,0,0,1,0,en, 1449897463100309506,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T00:37:47+00:00,RT @patriciamou_: 🤯 the best thing I found on the internet today are @jeremywaite's hand-illustrated 1-pagers on storytelling methods from:…,1449897168316387329,1449897168316387329,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,44,0,0,1,,en, 1450183757260988416,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T19:35:25+00:00,"RT @supabase: 🏆 Presenting our #Hacktoberfest Hackathon winners in more detail, starting with the runner up for ""Best Project"": 🥈 @jnnksbr…",1450174724672311305,1450174724672311305,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,0,1,,en, 1450233999759081474,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T22:55:04+00:00,"RT @tsurdilo: Want to get started developing fault-tolerant, distributed applications with @temporalio and its @java SDK? Join our intro #w…",1450233802056519682,1450233802056519682,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,0,1,,en, 1450324123142406146,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T04:53:11+00:00,"RT @TrungTPhan: A Netflix user will browse the app for 90 seconds and leave if they find nothing. Thumbnail artwork is actually NFLX's mo…",1445768087832182796,1445768087832182796,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,7630,0,0,1,,en, 1450328084616343558,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T05:08:55+00:00,RT @stevesi: Apple’s M1 Pro/Max is the second step in a major change in computing. What might be seen as an evolution from iPhone/ARM is re…,1450255227945242628,1450255227945242628,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,802,0,0,1,,en, 1450940383010045952,33521530,swyx,2021-10-20T21:41:59+00:00,"RT @swyx: Lastly - I officially left the /r/reactjs mod team today. Here are some reflections on the entire process in case it helps othe…",1318608931938131968,1318608931938131968,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,0,1,,en, 1451089293565325315,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T07:33:42+00:00,"RT @IrevDev: Trust @swyx to have incredible ""birds eye view"" insights of the industry. I'm a little late, but this is really great talk: h…",1451086357732855810,1451086357732855810,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1451213900238651394,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T15:48:50+00:00,"RT @JannikWempe: You have a lot of influence on how much luck you have. Maybe you can't change the odds themselves, but you can change the…",1451156477587116040,1451156477587116040,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,1,1,,en, 1451289107863269394,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T20:47:41+00:00,RT @thenewstack: What It Takes to Become a Senior Engineer @bcamerongain @darrylktaft @Swizec @swyx #SeniorEngineer,1451276860172738563,1451276860172738563,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,0,en, 1451333212630708245,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T23:42:57+00:00,"RT @KennethCassel: We're launching an Instructor Cohort at Slip! Looking for 10 devs to join our inaugural 4-week cohort Over 4 weeks, y…",1451229925395030021,1451229925395030021,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,66,0,1,1,,en, 1451628674327871491,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T19:17:00+00:00,"RT @baskarmib: ""What many engineers might fail to realize is that they must also communicate and find ways to document what they have done""…",1451587809656152087,1451587809656152087,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,1,1,,en, 1452160034482253826,33521530,swyx,2021-10-24T06:28:26+00:00,"RT @shrirambalaji: Such a wonderful video by @swyx on ""How to Outlive React?"". If you're into frontend and plan on being invested in it for…",1452120199180603393,1452120199180603393,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1453489774073765888,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T22:32:21+00:00,"RT @swyx: The primary beneficiary of you being #1 on Product Hunt is Product Hunt. The primary beneficiary of you being Employee of the Mo…",1284597930398105600,1284597930398105600,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,14,0,0,1,,en, 1453538950572691458,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T01:47:45+00:00,"RT @whereistanya: Hey, so, I've been a bit shy about announcing this, but I'm writing a book! It's called the Staff Engineer's Path. It i…",1453510557122846722,1453510557122846722,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,218,0,1,1,,en, 1453644616461271041,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T08:47:38+00:00,RT @emanuel__sol: Every single software team with a SDK needs to watch this video by @swyx . Wow!! So many insights.,1453546267116703745,1453546267116703745,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,0,en, 1454234569855553539,33521530,swyx,2021-10-29T23:51:54+00:00,"RT @cjc: In joining a startup, you are choosing how to invest your most valuable asset—your time. ⏰ I had a few career chats this afterno…",1454234168800415755,1454234168800415755,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,78,0,1,1,,en, 1454237996094345228,33521530,swyx,2021-10-30T00:05:31+00:00,"RT @supabase: We're excited to announce that we just raised $30m Series A funding 🙂 Led by Coatue, with participation from some of the bes…",1454103068841156609,1454103068841156609,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,61,0,1,1,,en, 1455799398613458946,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T07:29:58+00:00,"RT @grinich: 🚀 We're launching a podcast!🎙 Focused 20-minute interviews that distill advice and tactics from top SaaS founders on how to b…",1452762935210622976,1452762935210622976,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,1,1,,en, 1455957502697213956,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T17:58:13+00:00,"RT @LucasMinter2: @swyx has inspired me to make a public commitment: Next Friday, I'm going to kick off a book club with friends. We are g…",1455955781317132295,1455955781317132295,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,,en, 1456030655876378624,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T22:48:54+00:00,"RT @kvogt: 1) Monday night was a night I’ll never forget. I’m still speechless. I got to take the first ride, by anyone, ever, in a *driver…",1455992698242953219,1455992698242953219,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,902,0,1,1,,en, 1456089620051939330,33521530,swyx,2021-11-04T02:43:12+00:00,RT @josephflaherty: Love the craft displayed on this page. Who cares about scroll bar aesthetics in 2021? @swyx does and it is glorious. ht…,1456078047501852680,1456078047501852680,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1456388798019878931,33521530,swyx,2021-11-04T22:32:02+00:00,"RT @Coding_Career: Poll: Is it a good idea to look at open source contributions when hiring? No ""it depends"" - there's always pros and con…",1456368848634986508,1456368848634986508,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1456447836803854336,14243237,Cedric Chin,2021-11-05T02:26:38+00:00,"“In reality, a mentor is mostly just somebody that answers questions more than once. That’s it. It’s not cinematic.”",,,,,,,85449edeaa7f6ae7eddac4a17a652ba08b5f536a,Tweetbot for iΟS,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,36,1,1,0,en, 1456466989912707076,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T03:42:44+00:00,"RT @ejames_c: “In reality, a mentor is mostly just somebody that answers questions more than once. That’s it. It’s not cinematic.” https://…",1456447836803854336,1456447836803854336,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1456679761434927104,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T17:48:13+00:00,RT @swyx: I hereby declare December the World Don’t Release Anything Month so that we can catch up on everything everyone released in all o…,1191822370237009922,1191822370237009922,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,34,0,0,1,,en, 1456682921620688902,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T18:00:47+00:00,RT @alizauf: Tune in today at 2pm ET / 11am PT to hear @Rich_Harris and me talk with my dear old pal @jeanqasaur on #PLTalk about the journ…,1456668099739111424,1456668099739111424,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,1,1,,en, 1456691453506113536,33521530,swyx,2021-11-05T18:34:41+00:00,"RT @changelog: 🎉 New episode of The Changelog! 🎉 📌 Connecting the dots in public ✨ featuring @swyx 🎤 hosts @adamstac @jerodsanto 🗄️ #cultu…",1456689893694976006,1456689893694976006,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,1,1,,en, 1456793894352408577,33521530,swyx,2021-11-06T01:21:44+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🎙️ My latest podcast is with @leeerob! *Next.js, Vercel, and the SDK for the Web* - Next.js 12 - @Reactjs Server Components - @…",1456665048949018626,1456665048949018626,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,46,0,1,1,,en, 1457002741113319430,33521530,swyx,2021-11-06T15:11:37+00:00,"RT @loujaybee: In some senses, I do think he's right ✅ @swyx did a good job of outlining the problem. When we're new to content and/or tec…",1456915351241990145,1456915351241990145,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1457028453333491715,33521530,swyx,2021-11-06T16:53:48+00:00,"RT @httpJunkie: Another great podcast with @swyx on @GatsbyJS with Abhi Ayer and Ward Peeters! Love the long form format!…",1457020940345229314,1457020940345229314,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1457471762258546691,33521530,swyx,2021-11-07T22:15:21+00:00,"RT @zevav: gratitude to @swyx for his excellent, usually bite-sized podcast: always amazed by his prolificity, bu…",1457466032365445120,1457466032365445120,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,0,en, 1457804131762991104,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T20:16:04+00:00,"RT @changelog: 📢 We had @swyx on The Changelog! 1️⃣ Why learn in public 2️⃣ The dark side of the #API economy 3️⃣ @Cloudflare's Go game vs…",1457803089230974983,1457803089230974983,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1457844649922482179,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T22:57:04+00:00,"RT @SvelteSociety: 🗽 NYC/East Coast Svelte Fans! You are invited to the NYC #SvelteSummit party IRL with @Rich_Harris and @swyx! 20 Nov 1…",1457844600236699648,1457844600236699648,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,18,0,1,1,,en, 1458653534212132864,33521530,swyx,2021-11-11T04:31:17+00:00,"RT @acemarke: In the spirit of ""working in public"", but also ""I'm human"" and ""ARGH THIS IS BROKEN SOMEONE HELP ME"": I've spent the last fe…",1458630426709442562,1458630426709442562,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1458850032661139456,33521530,swyx,2021-11-11T17:32:06+00:00,"RT @Rich_Harris: today is a big day for @sveltejs: i've joined @vercel to work on it full time! so happy about what this means for svelte'…",1458822051263823875,1458822051263823875,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1088,0,1,1,,en, 1459285436816261121,33521530,swyx,2021-11-12T22:22:15+00:00,RT @zaiste: Tomorrow (Nov 13) at 11am PT / 8pm CET together with @swyx we will be discussing React Server Components in Next.js 12 (a featu…,1459274455583281160,1459274455583281160,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1459360123386667011,33521530,swyx,2021-11-13T03:19:01+00:00,"RT @BrittneyPostma: It's official, I am attending the Svelte Summit NYC Party with @swyx and @Rich_Harris. Can't wait to meet and see every…",1459357949671915525,1459357949671915525,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,3,0,1,1,,en, 1460476790439174145,33521530,swyx,2021-11-16T05:16:15+00:00,RT @dalmaer: This is one of the most impactful things I read when I first saw it at Google: “How orgs are like slime moulds” by the platfor…,1451387846053433348,1451387846053433348,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,198,0,1,1,,en, 1460653951913660416,33521530,swyx,2021-11-16T17:00:14+00:00,"RT @robhope: Trying a lil something different for #BlackFriday this year... 🔥📖The Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook📖🔥 only $20 (save 60%)…",1460608858959847425,1460608858959847425,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,20,0,1,1,,en, 1460703767066656768,33521530,swyx,2021-11-16T20:18:11+00:00,"RT @ronvoluted: Keen on developer productivity and wellbeing? r/webdev + r/web_design are officially running a 6-week talk series on exact…",1460615907139411970,1460615907139411970,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,8,0,1,1,,en, 1460901016165965827,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T09:21:59+00:00,"RT @dvassallo: When I was an employee, I had daily/weekly/monthly/yearly goals. I would have plans on how to meet them, and anything unexpe…",1460851683542515713,1460851683542515713,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,26,0,1,1,,en, 1461017571445010440,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T17:05:08+00:00,RT @Netlify: We’re excited to announce that Netlify has raised $105 million in funding! 🍾 We’re bringing together the #Jamstack ecosystem t…,1460973163823697922,1460973163823697922,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,87,0,1,1,,en, 1461020846760214528,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T17:18:08+00:00,"RT @onegraph: Some exciting news for us and our customers - OneGraph is joining @Netlify! We'll make building on and connecting APIs in th…",1460973352613388290,1460973352613388290,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,35,0,1,1,,en, 1461023087130857476,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T17:27:03+00:00,RT @DennisCode: Today we're taking the first step in making integrating web services in your web applications easier - API Authentication o…,1460974396382736391,1460974396382736391,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,16,0,1,1,,en, 1461033076818022402,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T18:06:44+00:00,"RT @biilmann: Jamstack has forever changed the direction of the web. Today @Netlify is doubling down on Jamstack in a big way. We’ve rais…",1461028261664722947,1461028261664722947,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,55,0,1,1,,en, 1461750746072899586,33521530,swyx,2021-11-19T17:38:30+00:00,"RT @andrewculver: Ooh, I had already forgotten: One of my favorite parts of this article is that it gave me an opportunity to highlight @sw…",1461748429764239361,1461748429764239361,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1462113335168614401,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T17:39:18+00:00,"RT @leeerob: #sveltesummit in NYC with the @vercel team, cheering on @steph_dietz_ 🎉 Kudos to @swyx and @SvelteSociety for hosting! https…",1462110156850974725,1462110156850974725,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,15,0,0,0,,en, 1462113877924229127,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T17:41:27+00:00,"RT @SvelteSociety: 🏔 #SvelteSummit is happening now! Make sure you don't miss it! Catch it live 📺👇 16 talks from…",1462113564429361156,1462113564429361156,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,13,0,1,1,0,en, 1462128802759385098,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T18:40:46+00:00,"RT @jiherr: Sveltception! @rauchg bragging about hiring @Rich_Harris and how they are changing the internet. Very happy to attend #Svelte…",1462123847390576648,1462123847390576648,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,,en, 1462128844719247364,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T18:40:56+00:00,"RT @PierB: @sveltejs @vercel seems to be going all in with Svelte which makes me very happy 😍 - Hired @Rich_Harris to work on it full time…",1462108361621745664,1462108361621745664,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,1,1,,en, 1462135459287547909,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T19:07:13+00:00,"RT @coderinheels: Great to see people IRL here at #SvelteSummit Watch Party in Brooklyn - @AdamRackis @swyx @BrittneyPostma @SvelteSociet…",1462132521139937286,1462132521139937286,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,14,0,1,1,,en, 1462159781855125509,33521530,swyx,2021-11-20T20:43:52+00:00,"RT @coderinheels: #SvelteSummit Watch Party in Brooklyn, New York @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #svelte #sveltejs #javascript #ty…",1462142750296530956,1462142750296530956,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,11,0,1,1,,en, 1462276996596174850,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T04:29:38+00:00,"RT @coderinheels: At the #SvelteSummit After Party, after the After Party, after the New York Watch Party - We know how the party!n 😄 @Sve…",1462249320221233152,1462249320221233152,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1462550956537790465,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T22:38:15+00:00,"RT @growthcurrency: Some interesting thoughts on... → More Than Just Money → #PartTimeCreator → Making Part Time Work → Making Part Time C…",1462481486733623302,1462481486733623302,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1462837422031474692,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T17:36:34+00:00,"RT @anuraggoel: Announcing Render's $20 million Series A and new free plans 🚀 Building Render with amazing people…",1462790152489558028,1462790152489558028,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,33,0,1,1,0,en, 1463166092713635849,33521530,swyx,2021-11-23T15:22:35+00:00,RT @kevmodrome: Today I'm announcing that going forward I'll be working as the Technical Community Builder at @SvelteSociety. What's it mea…,1463151477174714373,1463151477174714373,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,23,0,1,1,,en, 1463282080066904067,33521530,swyx,2021-11-23T23:03:29+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🎉 We are live with the @temporalio TypeScript SDK!! Write highly scalable and reliable long-running workflows without being a d…",1463194116515196942,1463194116515196942,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,34,0,1,1,,en, 1463629358862520330,33521530,swyx,2021-11-24T22:03:26+00:00,"RT @Randy_Au: This week on Counting Stuff, I flail around looking at the original papers that inspired the plane-with-measles picture. Whic…",1463153008380887042,1463153008380887042,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,13,0,1,1,,en, 1463940387223982080,33521530,swyx,2021-11-25T18:39:21+00:00,"RT @altalogy: Black Friday deals? We prefer giveaways🥰 How about a $5,000 worth design sprint to tweak your landing page or product? To e…",1463612122026450946,1463612122026450946,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,1,1,,en, 1464010411401834504,33521530,swyx,2021-11-25T23:17:36+00:00,"RT @eugeneyan: I'm excited to share something I've been working on for a while—! It collects the tacit, tribal, gh…",1463666344147120132,1463666344147120132,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,288,0,1,1,0,en, 1465145505055313924,33521530,swyx,2021-11-29T02:28:04+00:00,RT @geoffrich_: .@swyx's tips on precording talks were also very helpful! As was the speaker prep session he hosted for Svelte Summit speak…,1465117279339696136,1465117279339696136,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1465401567138357248,33521530,swyx,2021-11-29T19:25:34+00:00,RT @SvelteSociety: You know you want to. Yes. Exactly! Ditch React and use Svelte instead 😎At #SvelteSummit @stolinski showed us the proce…,1465395388970590213,1465395388970590213,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,13,0,1,1,,en, 1465444016179146752,33521530,swyx,2021-11-29T22:14:14+00:00,"RT @CommonRoomHQ: It's time! Welcome to the 13 Days of Community, a two-week adventure celebrating our favorite content covering growth, en…",1465442383294652420,1465442383294652420,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1465908308716363779,33521530,swyx,2021-12-01T04:59:10+00:00,"RT @steveklabnik: If you've been wondering what I've been up to at @oxidecomputer, wonder no more: Super glad that…",1465689502060535808,1465689502060535808,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,210,0,1,1,0,en, 1466104198018191362,33521530,swyx,2021-12-01T17:57:34+00:00,"RT @temporalio: Ever find a race condition bug and then look again, only to see that it is gone? 😱 This exact thing happened to @christoom…",1465439478269493258,1465439478269493258,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1466251630400061442,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T03:43:24+00:00,"RT @atomiksdev: Introducing Floating UI — a new, low-level JavaScript positioning library for floating elements like tooltips, popovers, an…",1466106700583243779,1466106700583243779,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,287,0,1,1,,en, 1466475039054708737,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T18:31:09+00:00,"RT @temporalio: Our monthly meetup recording is up! Featuring: - Temporalite @Datadog - Temporal @TypeScript SDK - Temporal + XState @BDev…",1466473939543199756,1466473939543199756,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,,en, 1466497627155939330,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T20:00:55+00:00,"RT @codesandbox: We're thrilled to announce and open source Sandpack! 🎉 Sandpack is a toolkit for building live coding experiences that ru…",1466428912087576587,1466428912087576587,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,271,0,1,1,,en, 1466548802886635524,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T23:24:16+00:00,"RT @jasonlaster11: Would you like to help scale the craziest backend I’ve ever seen?'s tech stack is TS, EC2, K8S,…",1466544085041233922,1466544085041233922,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,21,0,1,1,0,en, 1466659029715853315,33521530,swyx,2021-12-03T06:42:16+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🆕 For my third year in a row, I've compiled my list of favorite new podcasts to feature up-and-comers and my favorite episodes o…",1466447823801491458,1466447823801491458,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1466918633871867907,33521530,swyx,2021-12-03T23:53:51+00:00,RT @swyx: One thing I wish I learned way earlier in my JS journey is Node Streams and child processes. We use them *all the time* in our to…,1201528574236217345,1201528574236217345,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,75,0,0,1,,en, 1466984868319928325,33521530,swyx,2021-12-04T04:17:02+00:00,RT @turborepo: We think these kinds of packages are only getting more and more popular as we continue toward the next generation of JS buil…,1466091140868886536,1466091140868886536,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1467666370988965888,33521530,swyx,2021-12-06T01:25:05+00:00,"RT @mojombo: When I was interviewed on Live TV by Fox News after the big GitHub Series A, they got the investor wrong, spelled ""repository""…",1458878468150620181,1458878468150620181,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,6,0,1,1,,en, 1467958083007565826,33521530,swyx,2021-12-06T20:44:14+00:00,"RT @jasonlaster11: just shipped a new Outline View that can easily show ~50k functions in a file 🚀 If you’re looki…",1467947006911864832,1467947006911864832,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,5,0,1,1,0,en, 1468710357472452608,33521530,swyx,2021-12-08T22:33:31+00:00,"RT @rblalock: Quote of the day goes to @swyx : ""You can learn a lot on the internet for the low low price of your ego"" 🔥…",1468703734062624773,1468703734062624773,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1469727766308286473,33521530,swyx,2021-12-11T17:56:20+00:00,"RT @rahulnpadalkar: Was searching for videos that explain React Hooks. Came across @swyx 's ""Getting Closure on React Hooks"", from @jsconfa…",1469677279315959810,1469677279315959810,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1470487931332792324,33521530,swyx,2021-12-13T20:16:57+00:00,"RT @jasonlaster11: This week is bug report week at DM or reply directly if you’re part of the support loop. It d…",1470487534132154378,1470487534132154378,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,0,en, 1470489620639006721,33521530,swyx,2021-12-13T20:23:40+00:00,"RT @arthurwuhoo: What makes Gmail performant is different than what makes Instagram performant. In ""Application Holotypes"", @_developit m…",1470489155725578262,1470489155725578262,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,15,0,1,1,,en, 1471331938707271681,33521530,swyx,2021-12-16T04:10:44+00:00,"RT @flantz: Babble Royale is now live in early access! I think it's the funnest game I've ever worked on. Come see for yourself. https://t…",1471192145453215745,1471192145453215745,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,572,0,1,1,,en, 1471581447962038273,33521530,swyx,2021-12-16T20:42:12+00:00,"RT @lynnandtonic: December is for shipping! ✨ My annual portfolio refresh A bit more fun with a browser you can r…",1471522091044200448,1471522091044200448,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,112,0,1,1,0,en, 1472033075865563137,33521530,swyx,2021-12-18T02:36:48+00:00,RT @JeffMorhous: So I just finished reading “The Coding Career Handbook” by @swyx - it was a really great read and I can’t wait to re-refer…,1471993625231773700,1471993625231773700,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,2,0,1,1,,en, 1472776118696837120,33521530,swyx,2021-12-20T03:49:24+00:00,"RT @b0rk: I built a new tool where you can experiment with DNS called Mess With DNS! It's at I made this with @om…",1471158826288226306,1471158826288226306,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,732,0,1,1,0,en, 1473052149244645376,33521530,swyx,2021-12-20T22:06:15+00:00,"RT @mipsytipsy: ""treat complacency like cancer"" -- this piece is aces. by @appyg99, clearly a girl after my own heart.…",1319423392852832256,1319423392852832256,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,40,0,0,1,,en, 1473343069819142144,33521530,swyx,2021-12-21T17:22:15+00:00,"RT @Coding_Career: ""The best places to grow are not the places where everything is peachy. It's the places where there's pressure on you to…",1473316076893081602,1473316076893081602,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,4,0,1,1,,en, 1474222541191499779,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T03:36:58+00:00,"RT @swyx: Updating @KentBeck's law of Software Development: Make it work Make it right Make it fast Make it low-code* *configurable, exte…",1474082755550257152,1474082755550257152,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,8,0,1,1,,en, 1474324452234072064,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T10:21:55+00:00,RT @gwenshap: “Your North Star metric is ‘monthly active developers’”. ⁦@swyx⁩ is laying down the law for DevRel. L…,1474316991645245441,1474316991645245441,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 140]",,,,,,,0,17,0,1,1,0,en, 1438122214818152449,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T12:47:09+00:00,"Holy shit, a rare @buildsghost sighting on the @replayio launch today 🤯 You can't pay for this kind of endorsement.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 141]",,,,,,,0,0,31,0,0,0,en, 1471192145453215745,47207321,Frank Lantz,2021-12-15T18:55:15+00:00,"Babble Royale is now live in early access! I think it's the funnest game I've ever worked on. Come see for yourself.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 141]",,,,,,,0,572,2242,1,1,0,en, 1422809609442500609,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T06:40:20+00:00,"More notes on Category creation, from @paigepaquette's @heavybit interview of folks from Netlify, Slack, and Datastax:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 142]",1385125844826222592,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,0,en, 1462113564429361156,1176969867733479424,Svelte Society 🧡,2021-11-20T17:40:13+00:00,"🏔 #SvelteSummit is happening now! Make sure you don't miss it! Catch it live 📺👇 16 talks from all over the world!👇🤯",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 142]",,,,,,,0,13,45,1,1,0,en, 1428133615574130690,70805899,Frederick Weiss 🫀,2021-08-18T23:16:02+00:00,"Especially enlightening episode on The @swyx Mixtape today. Social Proof and Scarcity, and the Principles of #influence",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 143]",,,,,,,0,2,5,0,1,0,en, 1460350386204602370,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T20:53:58+00:00,"RT @tannerlinsley: 🎉🥳 Announcing #ReactLocation, a brand new router for React! ⏳ Async Loaders & Elements 🔀 Parallelized ⏲️ Prefetching 🗄…",1460274803139510278,1460274803139510278,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 143]",,,,,,,0,336,0,1,1,,en, 1424816422216028160,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-08-09T19:34:41+00:00,"Our CEO @mfateev was recently on the @OssStartup podcast and had a great discussion about open source and @temporalio.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,9,20,0,0,0,en, 1431079237885202433,33521530,swyx,2021-08-27T02:20:53+00:00,"RT @dabit3: I just published ""The New Creator Economy - DAOs, Community Ownership, & Cryptoeconomics"" This is the favorite thing I've ever…",1430865774034489360,1430865774034489360,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,45,0,0,1,,en, 1433631625301028866,33521530,swyx,2021-09-03T03:23:09+00:00,"Today's clip: looking into @vitessio and sharing my discover of @MYonkovit's excellently named HOSS talks FOSS podcast!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 144]",1433277854406438913,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,2,0,0,0,en, 1444758173227700225,33521530,swyx,2021-10-03T20:16:05+00:00,"RT @thundernerds: ⚠️ NEW EPISODE 🧠 Learning in Public with @swyx Watch 👉👉👉 🎙️ Hosts: @FrederickWeiss, & @AritDeve…",1444725115766415364,1444725115766415364,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,11,0,0,1,0,en, 1444793748110512131,33521530,swyx,2021-10-03T22:37:27+00:00,"RT @swyx: 🔥 Excited to share my podcast with @mhevery today! We talked: - @BuilderIO & Headless CMSes - @adamdbradley's Partytown - @QwikD…",1444726528395210756,1444726528395210756,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,15,0,0,1,,en, 1456776045617504261,33521530,swyx,2021-11-06T00:10:49+00:00,"Just banged my head on a monorepo tooling problem for 1 hour, then asked coworker for help and solved it while explaining my problem to him, fml",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,0,320,0,0,,en, 1458126539308998665,33521530,swyx,2021-11-09T17:37:12+00:00,"RT @sebastienlorber: 🧵 🎙️🎥 Podcast with @swyx & @leeerob Lots of interesting subjects! Couldn't listen to it this week 😅 But definitel…",1458068399318253582,1458068399318253582,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1462208114753691648,32330308,Gen Ashley,2021-11-20T23:55:55+00:00,"Lots of fun earlier at the #SvelteSummit Watch Party New York! @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #svelte #sveltejs #webdev #webdevelopment",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,5,35,1,1,0,en, 1464104392240484355,33521530,swyx,2021-11-26T05:31:03+00:00,"RT @estee_tey: New article is out!🌻 Learn in a fun visual & hands-on way about: 🔸The parts that make up the scrollbar 🔸CSS Pseudo-element…",1463906446052003843,1463906446052003843,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 144]",,,,,,,0,9,0,1,1,,en, 1424951893864816644,33521530,swyx,2021-08-10T04:33:00+00:00,"This diagram stood out in an essay I was reading: When locked in a zero sum debate, add a dimension to find the way out.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 145]",,,,,,,0,88,243,0,0,0,en, 1432797787863744519,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T20:09:47+00:00,"just discovered this MongoDB song parody *from MongoDB*, promoting Atlas: holy crap seems like a fun company to work at!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 145]",1432569213688823810,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,0,en, 1462142750296530956,32330308,Gen Ashley,2021-11-20T19:36:11+00:00,"#SvelteSummit Watch Party in Brooklyn, New York @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #svelte #sveltejs #javascript #typescript #webdevelopment",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 145]",1462130634835513367,32330308,coderinheels,,,,0,11,28,1,1,0,en, 1464299864934666240,33521530,swyx,2021-11-26T18:27:47+00:00,"RT @LeaVerou: New blog post! On Yak Shaving and , a new HTML element for Markdown It talks about how my…",1464265965546483722,1464265965546483722,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 145]",,,,,,,0,14,0,1,1,0,en, 1442862057829765126,19487837,Rich Harris,2021-09-28T14:41:36+00:00,"i will be sharing some ✨ o p i n i o n s ✨ about web development — MPAs, SPAs and other TLAs — at @jamstackconf next week",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 146]",,,,,,,0,35,343,0,1,0,en, 1456368848634986508,1249002899897647105,Coding Career Community,2021-11-04T21:12:46+00:00,"Poll: Is it a good idea to look at open source contributions when hiring? No ""it depends"" - there's always pros and cons - give your 80% response",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 146]",,,,,,,0,1,6,1,1,,en, 1473751452225003521,2571501973,Netlify,2021-12-22T20:25:01+00:00,"Navigate through the Netlify UI faster than ever before with our new Command Palette! 🧪 Available now in Netlify Labs.",,,,,,,2feaa4497dbf2f5efce3ede84518b1db6517855c,Sprout Social,0,"[0, 146]",,,,,,,0,13,106,0,0,0,en, 1474316991645245441,9462812,Gwen (Chen) Shapira,2021-12-24T09:52:16+00:00,“Your North Star metric is ‘monthly active developers’”. ⁦@swyx⁩ is laying down the law for DevRel. Love the bold clarity.,,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 146]",,,,,,,0,17,84,1,1,0,en, 1254508357227933696,33521530,swyx,2020-04-26T20:31:14+00:00,"Data Fetching For Developers Who Are New to Svelte And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too my @SvelteSociety Day talk!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 147]",1254420896673984517,33521530,swyx,,,,0,7,40,0,0,0,en, 1420488973554577408,33521530,swyx,2021-07-28T20:58:57+00:00,i dont like talking money on twitter so we are doing further discussion on @dev_invest_feed if you wanna continue the convo,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 147]",1420477145969618946,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1423999597031088130,260337016,Kati Hartwig,2021-08-07T13:28:55+00:00,"My seat mate on my flight is a 6 year old little girl who started our trip with “I’m going to talk to you randomly so you need to be prepared, ok?”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 147]",,,,,,,0,30787,408121,0,1,,en, 1433232024102387716,52247685,Kyle Russell,2021-09-02T00:55:17+00:00,"I wrote a primer on the Loot project that everyone’s getting hyped about in the NFT scene Gimme the Loot! by @kylebrussell",,,,,,,e6528b505bcfd811fdd40ff2d46665dbccba2024,Twitter for Mac,0,"[0, 147]",,,,,,,0,138,762,0,1,0,en, 1422639121764274178,33521530,swyx,2021-08-03T19:22:52+00:00,"RT @keenanisalive: New paper with Chris Yu & Henrik Schumacher: We model 2D & 3D curves while avoiding self-inters…",1422318272800829440,1422318272800829440,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 148]",,,,,,,0,777,0,0,1,0,en, 1432771300330668036,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T18:24:32+00:00,"RT @magic_labs: 🍿 Awesome ppl to follow to learn about @sveltejs: 🔸 @lihautan, Svelte maintainer & youtuber. 🔸 @swyx, speaks & write about…",1432760330883514369,1432760330883514369,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 148]",,,,,,,0,13,0,0,1,,en, 1451086357732855810,878874259707367424,Kurt 🍩,2021-10-21T07:22:02+00:00,"Trust @swyx to have incredible ""birds eye view"" insights of the industry. I'm a little late, but this is really great talk:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 148]",,,,,,,0,1,10,1,1,0,en, 1458684981954244608,33521530,swyx,2021-11-11T06:36:15+00:00,"Devtools pride is seeing users casually taking our API designs, docs, and error messages for granted having no idea how much *worse* they used to be",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 148]",1458682064908161027,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,42,0,0,,en, 1461052708400549891,403930194,Webflow,2021-11-17T19:24:45+00:00,"We still have chills from this keynote. We are so excited for the next chapter of no-code. If you missed it, watch it here:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 148]",,,,,,,0,15,114,0,0,0,en, 1189555830544355330,33521530,swyx,2019-10-30T14:53:05+00:00,"Levels of Impostor Syndrome working at @Netlify: 😍Seeing Coworkers 😱😱Representing the company in public 🤯🤯🤯Seeing the people applying to work here",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 149]",,,,,,,0,6,207,0,0,,en, 1431399776952610820,33521530,swyx,2021-08-27T23:34:35+00:00,"Just shipped an FAQ where we explain when *NOT* to use @temporalio :) Imagine a world in which every tool were upfront about when NOT to use them 🤯",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 149]",,,,,,,0,4,101,0,0,0,en, 1433682486106542088,33521530,swyx,2021-09-03T06:45:15+00:00,"我吃的盐比你吃的饭还要多😱🤯 You could tell who spoke Chinese by the audible gasps in the room. Tony Leung owned every goddamn second he was onscreen in #shangchi",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 149]",,,,,,,0,0,14,0,0,0,zh, 1457543086255403018,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T02:58:46+00:00,"RT @acemarke: The ""workflow support"" comes from adding a new `condition` option that's `(predicate) => Promise`. It's based off of…",1457535874837749765,1457535874837749765,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 149]",,,,,,,0,1,0,1,1,,en, 1451314758540410880,937667962722488320,Celeste,2021-10-21T22:29:37+00:00,✌✨ just sayin',,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 14]",,,,,,,0,7906,37500,0,0,0,en, 1451309430830612495,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T22:08:26+00:00,"Nice alternative to ""What's your greatest weakness?"": ""What is one skill you would like to work on, that would make you much more effective at work?""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 150]",,,,,,,0,10,138,1,0,,en, 1468330375881510916,312750384,Jason Laster,2021-12-07T21:23:36+00:00," is shipping Network Monitor V0.5 today. It’s not quite V1, but it’s definitely not V0 🚀 If you see any bugs, send us a replay!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 151]",,,,,,,0,10,68,0,0,0,en, 1427141503743193089,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T05:33:44+00:00,"I think this is where I plug my soundcloud Gals: Guys: early 2010s collegehumor was best collegehumor",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 152]",1426711010291847170,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,0,en, 1432122467707805700,33521530,swyx,2021-08-29T23:26:18+00:00,"Preview of next blogpost: The Self-Provisioning Runtime! Sending out to subscribers tonight: Looking forward to your comments!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 152]",,,,,,,0,1,23,0,0,0,en, 1441524053659947013,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T22:04:51+00:00,Developers will literally tweet about how they have 25 years experience and still spent 4 hours chasing down an errant semicolon instead of moving to FP,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 152]",1422811409683914752,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,,en, 1455808489415057415,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T08:06:06+00:00,"12am-1am is my peak productivity time, I am blasting thru emails and todo items rn, shoutout to all you late night hustlers who are seeing this realtime",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 152]",,,,,,,0,1,94,0,0,,en, 1462850627801731072,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T18:29:02+00:00,"RT @AByteOfCodeAlex: How I apply @swyx's priority list: Systems > Goals Discipline > Motivation Trust > Distrust Principles > Tactics Writi…",1462843985970425857,1462843985970425857,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 152]",,,,,,,0,6,0,1,1,,en, 1385349095074656259,33521530,swyx,2021-04-22T21:45:37+00:00,"I'm turning 35 today! 🎉 As I grow older, I'm realizing the value of principles to make decisions and guide behavior. What are yours? Here's 35 of mine:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,504,4141,0,0,,en, 1435218549946073092,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T12:29:02+00:00,"Virgin HTML purist: nooooo you cant just put CSS in classes it is so ugly and unreadable Chad @mhevery: lets just go ahead and put all state in HTML too",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,29,223,0,0,0,en, 1435258266729205762,8373052,Gil Tayar,2021-09-07T15:06:51+00:00,"VCs are coming to Javascript tooling. Worrying or great for the ecosystem? Good question from @swyx. Lots of good takes on the directions js should go.",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,2,13,0,1,0,en, 1455911713069359110,1168003019620773888,Plasmic,2021-11-03T14:56:16+00:00,"Plasmic is hiring a founding developer advocate 🥑 to help us grow our developer community: 🚀 RTs and referrals are appreciated!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,12,15,1,1,0,en, 1459931369019035649,2048741,Shreyas Doshi,2021-11-14T17:08:57+00:00,"A hilarious fact of corporate life is that we prefer smaller meetings, while being quite certain that we should be invited to each and every one of them.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,88,1431,0,0,,en, 1461155566311542786,33521530,swyx,2021-11-18T02:13:28+00:00,"Why I obsess over asking the right questions: You can give a bad answer to a good question, but it’s impossible to give a good answer to a bad question.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 153]",,,,,,,0,10,60,0,0,,en, 1466678884540186626,33521530,swyx,2021-12-03T08:01:10+00:00,"Dear all @TransistorFM users, please for the love of god customize your Transistor websites! They all look the same! Here's how:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 154]",,,,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1430638980169568256,33521530,swyx,2021-08-25T21:11:27+00:00,"Today I made a suggestion for ""DivOps Engineer"" to be an official job title at work, wondering if this term is going to catch on @kylewelch @jcreamer898 :)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 155]",,,,,,,0,2,43,0,0,,en, 1318608931938131968,33521530,swyx,2020-10-20T17:44:02+00:00,"Lastly - I officially left the /r/reactjs mod team today. Here are some reflections on the entire process in case it helps others!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 157]",1318558184836091905,33521530,swyx,,,,0,5,62,0,1,0,en, 1444337534759149574,23275456,Matthew Prince 🌥,2021-10-02T16:24:37+00:00,"One of the smartest decisions we made at @Cloudflare was recognizing that the primary purpose of our blog was attracting employees, not attracting customers.",,,,,,,42c71871a04f799c953e1ef43fde710a2a38c766,Echofon,0,"[0, 157]",,,,,,,0,371,4423,0,0,,en, 1451346691341393922,9550352,R 'Nearest' Nabors 💙,2021-10-22T00:36:30+00:00,"So you know that year we all spent locked inside? Well, this is how I spent it: Full deets and comments here:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 158]",,,,,,,0,482,2369,0,0,0,en, 1433424538025349120,1310763212,Michael Antonelli,2021-09-02T13:40:16+00:00,"If you work on Wall St, or in the investment world, and you can explain complex topics / terms in an easy to understand way, that’s an INSANELY valuable skill.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 159]",,,,,,,0,121,2479,0,0,,en, 1434278725210841095,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T22:14:30+00:00,"Just curious: those of you who are employees — how many more employers do you think you will work for in your career? (traditional fulltime employment setup)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 159]",,,,,,,0,1,23,0,0,,en, 1438217963820109824,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T19:07:38+00:00,"lmao 3 years on, a lot of this initial doc lives on in the gatsby v3 docs!!! i hope it helped someone out there as much as it did me.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 159]",1010699734733000704,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1451587809656152087,1014518078,BaskarRao 💉💉💉,2021-10-22T16:34:37+00:00,"""What many engineers might fail to realize is that they must also communicate and find ways to document what they have done"" via @swyx",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 159]",,,,,,,0,3,7,1,1,0,en, 1466447833154740227,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T16:43:03+00:00,"🏆 Best Business/Crypto Podcast Finds of 2021 - Business Breakdowns by @jspujji @joincolossus - The @BreakdownNLW by @NLW - Not Boring by @packym - @BanklessHQ",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 159]",1466447829149237249,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,11,0,0,0,en, 1445044267508850695,33521530,swyx,2021-10-04T15:12:55+00:00,"🆕 post: Eating the Cloud from Outside In How do you compete with 3 clouds 50x your size? While they play Chess, @Cloudflare plays Go.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 160]",,,,,,,0,35,151,0,1,0,en, 1421683811981488132,33521530,swyx,2021-08-01T04:06:49+00:00,"How To Write Funny: Really enjoying @nevmed's newsletter, quality, entertaining, lighthearted stuff 🔥 Giving me inspo for my own work.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 161]",,,,,,,0,2,31,0,0,0,en, 1431682620836958208,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T18:18:30+00:00,"i guess i should drop the link here: its literally on the front page, we hope to directly anticipate the top 5-6 questions people have.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 161]",1431399776952610820,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,2,0,0,0,en, 1432042759901245443,33521530,swyx,2021-08-29T18:09:34+00:00,"“Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.” — John Kenneth Galbraith",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 161]",,,,,,,0,0,19,0,0,,en, 1460168187530530818,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T08:49:59+00:00,"Reviewing all the #SvelteSummit submissions now. So impressed by all the creativity/talent/passion of @SvelteSociety! Saturday's Summit is going to be amazing 🧡",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 161]",,,,,,,0,1,42,0,0,,en, 1460519255573766147,1040931421022560256,Budibase,2021-11-16T08:05:00+00:00,"Budibase is live on @ProductHunt 🥳 We've also released a new promo video which you can watch on our Product Hunt post 🎉 Check us out:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 161]",,,,,,,0,23,82,0,0,0,en, 1463637716113899523,33521530,swyx,2021-11-24T22:36:39+00:00,"⚛️ I'm going live now streaming my first time @Remix_run experience! DM if you want to join and chat live - will probably go 1-2 hours!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 161]",,,,,,,0,0,35,0,0,0,en, 1442490764341039111,2308474213,Josh W. Comeau,2021-09-27T14:06:13+00:00,"✨🥳🎉✨ WE’RE LIVE! After more than a year of full-time work, CSS for JavaScript Developers is completed, and ready to go. 😄 Learn more: 👉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 162]",,,,,,,0,453,2190,0,1,0,en, 1461763001829179396,33521530,swyx,2021-11-19T18:27:12+00:00,"As an… – iOS user I want… – my apps to reload whenever I so much as glance at them so that… – I completely lose the screen I was on and have to find it again",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 162]",,,,,,,0,3,52,0,0,,en, 1404831547354648577,259819054,Rheese,2021-06-15T16:01:56+00:00,"I'm very excited to introduce you to Utopia, the tool we've been working on to help you design and build React tools, visually and via code",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 163]",,,,,,,0,71,374,0,0,0,en, 1419880024929415173,215488966,Loren 🤓,2021-07-27T04:39:12+00:00,"Is it just me or can the 2nd edition of Designing Data-Intensive Applications be: ""Just use @apollographql Federation for reads and @temporalio for writes"" 😄 1/4",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 163]",,,,,,,0,9,34,0,1,0,en, 1382982104695373825,1351114532408668163,Shit User Story,2021-04-16T09:00:02+00:00,"As a... – Google Docs user I want to... – select my other signed-in account so that... – I can access the shared file I’m being told I don’t have permission to view",,,,,,,d78b4a9b46e06ba0d2837568fe022315819e1c30,HubSpot,0,"[0, 164]",,,,,,,0,179,1690,0,0,0,en, 1431480120447942658,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T04:53:50+00:00,"Nice chart here from @devadvocado showing where people really think DevRel lives (and therefore what it ends up shipping, via Conway’s law)",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 164]",1427353055519920136,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,1,0,0,0,en, 1436689311315890177,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T13:53:18+00:00,"Never thought I would see a frontend eng team celebrate shipping a static marketing site with 847kb of JS. Until I saw what it used to be…",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 164]",,,,,,,0,166,1501,0,0,0,en, 1471203286820655105,33521530,swyx,2021-12-15T19:39:31+00:00,"Lol, every company coming out with their own version of Spotify Wrapped, love this CLI-in-browser experience from @Netlify! very creative.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 164]",,,,,,,0,1,31,0,0,0,en, 1128284234928418816,1065983970616045568,GraphQL Asia,2019-05-14T13:01:38+00:00,"Serverless GraphQL - Shawn Wang @swyx Gatsby and GraphQL: Today and the Future - Sidhartha Chatterjee @chatsidhartha",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 165]",1128284232697016320,1065983970616045568,graphqlasia,,,,0,2,6,0,0,0,en, 1434969999572094983,1903060381,Tomasz is building,2021-09-06T20:01:23+00:00,"I forgot how much I missed all the conversations with fellow speakers at conferences, it's easily half of the joy of attending those events Wish me luck tomorrow! 🎉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 165]",,,,,,,0,4,48,0,0,0,en, 1443265084470427650,380724965,Tyler McGinnis,2021-09-29T17:23:05+00:00,"An interesting change Chrome recently made. You can now redeclare const variables in the console. Avoids the ""Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of const X"" error.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 165]",,,,,,,0,176,1415,0,0,0,en, 1462249320221233152,32330308,Gen Ashley,2021-11-21T02:39:39+00:00,"At the #SvelteSummit After Party, after the After Party, after the New York Watch Party - We know how the party!n 😄 @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #sveltejs",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 165]",,,,,,,0,2,20,1,1,0,en, 1466858328537980936,33521530,swyx,2021-12-03T19:54:13+00:00,"If you learn in public, you can build a network. If you build a network, you can build anything. When you can build anything, you realize: That was the easy part.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 165]",,,,,,,0,5,108,0,0,,en, 1430995711575793667,16930883,Nathan Barry,2021-08-26T20:48:58+00:00,1. The two founders of Streamyard bootstrapped to $12M in ARR without any employees. They reached $30M ARR with 19 employees before selling to Hopin for $250 million.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 166]",1430995707062796289,16930883,nathanbarry,,,,0,2,41,0,0,0,en, 1453477956160868358,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T21:45:23+00:00,"So happy to hear @flybayer and @abadir_ talk about how they are using @Temporalio to build @Flightcontrolhq! (Temporal part starts at 13:50)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 166]",,,,,,,0,3,8,0,0,0,en, 1431829714671476737,877551680451162112,𝚂𝚆𝙸𝙽𝙳𝙻𝙴𝙳,2021-08-29T04:03:00+00:00,"S05E09: The Scheme (Bernie Madoff) // A Wall Street tycoon's money management firm is revealed to be the world's largest Ponzi scheme. Listen:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 167]",,,,,,,0,8,65,0,0,0,en, 1428470276426289161,1351114532408668163,Shit User Story,2021-08-19T21:33:48+00:00,"As a… – remote worker I want to… – give facebook access to four cameras strapped to my head so that… – I can simulate an in-person meeting that could have been an email",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 168]",,,,,,,0,1136,5795,0,1,0,en, 1398108861354057728,33521530,swyx,2021-05-28T02:48:22+00:00,"🆕 post: The Power of Personal Podcasting What kind of egotistical asshole runs a solo podcast?! Celebrating 100 episodes of the Swyx Mixtape 🎉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 169]",,,,,,,0,2,63,0,0,0,en, 1427618325232771076,16190869,Ben Greenberg,2021-08-17T13:08:27+00:00,"This post by @swyx should be mandatory reading for anyone trying to think through how to measure effectively the bit ambiguous field of #devrel",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 169]",,,,,,,0,5,16,0,1,0,en, 1441569415917678592,33521530,swyx,2021-09-25T01:05:06+00:00,"🤘🏽 Today’s mixtape clip covers the 6 year formation story of Adam and the Metal Hawks! Rock on your weekend everyone!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 169]",,,,,,,0,2,6,0,0,0,en, 1448540205401608197,33521530,swyx,2021-10-14T06:44:32+00:00,"🎧 Today's clip: Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz on the 2 kinds of secrets you can know, and the 2 kinds of ideas you can have about the future.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 169]",,,,,,,0,0,10,0,0,0,en, 1009174159690264579,33521530,swyx,2018-06-19T20:40:43+00:00,Learn In Public.,,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 16]",,,,,,,0,528,1748,0,0,0,en, 1030130810588819456,33521530,swyx,2018-08-16T16:34:58+00:00,"Flashing Lights",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 16]",1030109644075687936,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,25,0,0,0,en, 1447435624064106499,22510140,Pablo Stanley,2021-10-11T05:35:19+00:00,probably nothing,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 16]",,,,,,,0,438,4763,0,1,0,en, 1453432595186810886,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T18:45:08+00:00,"Amazing game to pick your favorite coding font by heads up battle: I just discovered my favorite coding font is Azeret Mono! Thanks @typogramco!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 170]",,,,,,,0,2,17,0,0,0,en, 1456689893694976006,90286855,Changelog,2021-11-05T18:28:29+00:00,"🎉 New episode of The Changelog! 🎉 📌 Connecting the dots in public ✨ featuring @swyx 🎤 hosts @adamstac @jerodsanto 🗄️ #culture #learn #frontend 💚",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 170]",,,,,,,0,3,11,1,1,0,en, 1462123847390576648,948563334,JR Beaudoin,2021-11-20T18:21:04+00:00,"Sveltception! @rauchg bragging about hiring @Rich_Harris and how they are changing the internet. Very happy to attend #SvelteSummit Watch live:",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 170]",,,,,,,0,5,93,1,1,0,en, 1466475407826292739,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T18:32:37+00:00,"Our meetup video with our launch and two TS SDK examples from @BDevessier (Temporal + XState) and @abadir_ (Temporal + @FlightControlHQ) is live!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 170]",1463283116030652416,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,6,0,0,0,en, 1151520943963070465,2541004072,Robin Wieruch,2019-07-17T15:56:01+00:00,"If ever wondered about all the ""Rules of Hooks"", make sure to watch @swyx talk about implementing Hooks (and #ReactJs) from scratch in 30 minutes.",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 171]",,,,,,,0,22,79,0,0,0,en, 1423354263686631425,33521530,swyx,2021-08-05T18:44:35+00:00,"Great ""You may not need a dropdown"" reminder from @erikdkennedy: Who ever at @Twitter designed Scheduled Tweets should take note of the last one",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 171]",,,,,,,0,34,282,0,0,0,en, 1437039454967975938,1327740164328878081,Thomas Dhondt,2021-09-12T13:04:39+00:00,"Wrote a quick post why I changed my mind about @tailwindcss. I used to think it was quite messy early on in my dev career, now I actually love it!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 171]",,,,,,,0,31,257,0,0,0,en, 1440513594207059983,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T03:09:38+00:00,"If you started a company right now where the entire pitch deck was “something something devtools” and the 🤷‍♂️ emoji for a logo, you’d probably be able to raise a $5m seed",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 171]",,,,,,,0,7,282,0,0,,en, 1440712894958628874,1425932440388861952,lambdragon,2021-09-22T16:21:35+00:00,"Watch @aldonline + @swyx discuss @thelambdragon, self-provisioning runtimes, and why the future of programming is all about ""pure code"" development",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 172]",,,,,,,0,5,9,0,1,0,en, 1442870467950374912,206918128,Randall,2021-09-28T15:15:01+00:00,I get so many people asking me how they can become a better developer. Many resources will take you from 0-60 but very few resources exist that will take you from 60-100. 🧵,,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 172]",,,,,,,0,84,523,0,0,,en, 1450575707826839554,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T21:32:53+00:00,"Lol - the top pieces of news yesterday according to @newsycombinator: - Apple launching Macbook Pros - Apple launching M1 Pro/M1 Max - my blogpost",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 172]",1450201578330222593,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,14,0,0,0,en, 1460973163823697922,2571501973,Netlify,2021-11-17T14:08:40+00:00,"We’re excited to announce that Netlify has raised $105 million in funding! 🍾 We’re bringing together the #Jamstack ecosystem to build a better web👇",,,,,,,2feaa4497dbf2f5efce3ede84518b1db6517855c,Sprout Social,0,"[0, 172]",,,,,,,0,87,588,1,1,0,en, 1474249859490521089,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T05:25:31+00:00,"Great article by @brandonbyars on when to go declarative/low code, and when to go imperative/general purpose from Shannon on the @temporalio slack",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 172]",,,,,,,0,2,33,0,0,0,en, 1423313808525824000,1338510819743719424,ʙɪᴀ 🎄,2021-08-05T16:03:50+00:00,"Life can be so much wider when you discover a simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made by people who weren't smarter than you.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 173]",,,,,,,0,3,12,0,1,0,en, 1430179632637218821,33521530,swyx,2021-08-24T14:46:10+00:00,"Write Errors that Don’t Make Me Think Error messages and Error pages (see @RozenMD’s are part of the developer experience!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 173]",1340107415434379264,33521530,swyx,,,,0,5,38,0,1,0,en, 1310623801869246472,457747138,Shop Talk Show,2020-09-28T16:53:59+00:00,"Ep432: This week we're joined by @swyx to talk about the process of embarking on a coding career, what is developer experience, and a bunch more. 🙌🙌🙌",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 174]",,,,,,,0,1,10,0,0,0,en, 970106789189636098,33521530,swyx,2018-03-04T01:20:56+00:00,Noticing that a few of the top hunted projects on the 2017 Top Hunts of the Day list from @ProductHunt no longer exist.. the cynic in me wonders how many were pure email grabs,,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 175]",,,,,,,0,0,2,0,0,,en, 1435253892523171843,81091261,🎙 m4dz 🥑🦄,2021-09-07T14:49:28+00:00,"Deep dive in the #JavaScript's History, where it comes from, and where it goes for the next 10 years. I do love those kind of prospective talks 🤩. Thanks @swyx ! #infobipshift",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 175]",,,,,,,0,2,12,0,1,0,en, 1149707504668028928,285019665,CSS-Tricks,2019-07-12T15:50:04+00:00,"Netlify Dev spins up a local server for you, and, among many other things, runs your cloud functions, which is useful for avoiding CORS issues locally.",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 176]",,,,,,,0,25,129,0,0,0,en, 1200507988529860609,992126114,David K. 🎹,2019-11-29T20:13:03+00:00,"can(2020) .beTheYear() .thatWeStop() .making(apis && libraries) .thatLookLike(this)?.please; (or am I the only one who doesn't like overused builder patterns?)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 176]",,,,,,,0,245,2147,0,0,,en, 1447056944951271429,33521530,swyx,2021-10-10T04:30:35+00:00,"Why I stopped being an infovore: I fear not the person who knows everything and is surprised by nothing. I fear the person who just knows one thing that surprises everybody.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 176]",,,,,,,0,3,44,0,0,,en, 1452120199180603393,2498289235,Shriram Balaji,2021-10-24T03:50:09+00:00,"Such a wonderful video by @swyx on ""How to Outlive React?"". If you're into frontend and plan on being invested in it for a while, this is a must watch.",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 176]",,,,,,,0,2,47,1,1,0,en, 1462633946689286144,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T04:08:01+00:00,"Writing up my thoughts on organizing the NYC #SvelteSummit for my next newsletter. Aspiring/Experienced event organizers - Any topics I should cover? What do you want to know?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 176]",,,,,,,0,0,29,0,0,,en, 1421134763314741251,1567529924,Joe Previte,2021-07-30T15:45:05+00:00,"💼 Announcing ""Joe's Jobs"" I'm launching a job board 🚀 The goal is to help you find the best jobs in product, engineering, OSS and more. I'll be adding new roles every Tuesday",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 177]",,,,,,,0,24,170,0,1,0,en, 1451387846053433348,4216361,Dion Almaer,2021-10-22T03:20:02+00:00,This is one of the most impactful things I read when I first saw it at Google: “How orgs are like slime moulds” by the platform thinker that is @komorama,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 177]",,,,,,,0,198,784,1,1,0,en, 1469853240791642113,17050897,John P. Murphy,2021-12-12T02:14:55+00:00,"For the past few weeks I've been seeing ridiculous memory usage warnings, and today I finally found the cause: I'd changed the color of my mouse cursor.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 177]",,,,,,,0,2,11,0,0,0,en, 1239756967423467522,33521530,swyx,2020-03-17T03:34:29+00:00,"✍️Every Web Performance Test Tool Here is every Web Performance Test Tool I know of to help identify issues in your site/get you some key speed metrics.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 178]",,,,,,,0,17,78,0,0,0,en, 1442580918326026240,33521530,swyx,2021-09-27T20:04:27+00:00,"Dear lazy Twitter, anyone have a good ""Take this Slack chat and open an issue in GitHub"" workflow/plugin/app to recommend? need to try new ways of tracking bc am dropping stuff",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 178]",,,,,,,0,1,25,0,0,,en, 1447477307141079040,33521530,swyx,2021-10-11T08:20:57+00:00,"about 20 mins in he says L5s at Google make 1m a year. wtf? I was L6 at Amazon and making 300k. Should I have tried harder for my Google interviews lmao",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 178]",1447467193214529536,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,13,0,0,0,en, 1458068399318253582,40663578,Sebastien Lorber 🇫🇷 🦖 ⚛️ 📨,2021-11-09T13:46:10+00:00,"🧵 🎙️🎥 Podcast with @swyx & @leeerob Lots of interesting subjects! Couldn't listen to it this week 😅 But definitely will, I'll comment next week!",,,,,,,6746f3a6d1b3aa371a4a2dc1c08c7862cd6e911e,,0,"[0, 178]",1458068394197098505,40663578,sebastienlorber,,,,0,1,16,1,1,0,en, 1428431255196995586,33521530,swyx,2021-08-19T18:58:44+00:00,"For those who missed my Twitter Spaces chat on @temporalio with @jadenguitarman, here's a recording for posterity! (audio only) Temporal: Not So Temporary",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 179]",1417227355165102081,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1431884181982695435,33521530,swyx,2021-08-29T07:39:26+00:00,"was browsing through the CAST handbook ( and found this note on ""Root Cause Seduction"". The proposed alternative model to RCAs is something called STAMP.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 179]",1340833140470779906,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,3,0,0,0,en, 1422416105226657792,33521530,swyx,2021-08-03T04:36:41+00:00,"My favorite #MilesMoralesPS4 easter egg - if you wear the right suit and do this enough, Spider-Cat comes out and deals the final blow in your finishing move!!! I love 🕷️🐈 so much",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 180]",1421507359285805061,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,27,0,0,0,en, 1426749508524797952,33521530,swyx,2021-08-15T03:36:05+00:00,"Random idea: “Information Dietician” Studies the difference between what you consume and what you want to produce and gives you a plan for diet change, with weekly group checkins.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 180]",,,,,,,0,3,74,0,0,,en, 1428025214588366848,757480803307753472,Jakub Smetanka 🇸🇰☕,2021-08-18T16:05:17+00:00,"What was the last book you have read, or you are reading ? I have already finnished The @Coding_Career Handbook by Shawn Swyx Wang and I really like it. #books #CodeNewbies #Career",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 180]",,,,,,,0,3,11,0,1,,en, 1445091864244207618,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-10-04T18:22:03+00:00,"Last week we had a great monthly meetup. Special thanks to our friend @rizza from @netflix for a stellar presentation. The full recording is now available.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 180]",,,,,,,0,5,13,0,0,0,en, 1445466345194209290,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T19:10:06+00:00,"Done! Video is already here thanks to @ReactNewYork and related links are in the comments! Slides: Video: Thanks for having me! 🙏",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 180]",1445236122112561157,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,en, 1451622739450552320,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T18:53:25+00:00,"FOMOing about not being at #ReactAdvanced this year 😂 but couldn't go anyway or i'd have to spend 2 weeks in Mexico again shoutout to all my lovely @Reactjs peeps across the pond!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 180]",,,,,,,0,0,31,0,0,,en, 1436362948956639237,1389094644328271872,,2021-09-10T16:16:28+00:00,"What's temporal? What kinds of tasks might you accomplish with it? Hear Shawn Wang talk all about it on today's episode of Out now!",,,,,,,e5057be9f0fb05c9d0d7206d7e0b388a4067eb68,LaterMedia,0,"[0, 181]",,,,,,,0,4,20,0,1,0,en, 1419281153983500290,741285542,Ben (hiring 63/∞ teammates),2021-07-25T12:59:30+00:00,I had a fascinating conversation yesterday with a former roommate who's now a postdoc in number theory. I learned a lot about how math research works! Some stuff I found interesting:,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 182]",,,,,,,0,542,3063,0,1,,en, 1425853831775129601,4710974593,honeycomb,2021-08-12T16:16:59+00:00,"Alex Vondrak unpacks distributed column stores, what they are, how they work, and why they're an absolutely essential requirement for enabling observability.",,,,,,,d78b4a9b46e06ba0d2837568fe022315819e1c30,HubSpot,0,"[0, 182]",,,,,,,0,39,245,0,0,0,en, 1420423346727051268,400286802,Cassidy,2021-07-28T16:38:10+00:00,"This might be fairly unpopular: I personally don't count stock options in total compensation. Stock units (RSUs) that are given to you, yes. But options that you have to buy, I don't.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 183]",,,,,,,0,103,2033,0,0,,en, 1420987461799317504,33521530,swyx,2021-07-30T05:59:46+00:00,"Part 2 of my 1984 vs Brave New World debate clips from @IQ2US: A masterful pacing-and-leading of the Orwellites, in favor of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 183]",1420635902032846852,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,1,0,0,0,en, 1421507359285805061,33521530,swyx,2021-07-31T16:25:39+00:00,"Just finished #SpiderManPS5: Miles Morales. This game is still a work of art. Stealth elements from Batman, Parkour from Assassin’s Creed, and the exaggerated swagger of a black teen.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 183]",,,,,,,0,0,55,0,0,0,en, 1447785276395253765,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T04:44:43+00:00,"Twitter be like “You are unable to view this tweet because this person is either very private or hates your guts but we’re going to tease you anyway because curiosity = time on site”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 183]",,,,,,,0,2,121,0,0,,en, 1457466032365445120,38199764,Zev Averbach,2021-11-07T21:52:35+00:00,"gratitude to @swyx for his excellent, usually bite-sized podcast: always amazed by his prolificity, but the value he crams into these 10-minute episodes is 🔥",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 183]",,,,,,,0,2,13,1,1,0,en, 1360316059987808256,33521530,swyx,2021-02-12T19:53:16+00:00,"🆕 quick post: The Simple Magic of Prefixed URLs It's amazing that you can enhance the open web by just accepting URLs and doing something interesting with it!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 184]",,,,,,,0,6,45,0,0,0,en, 1435801442145554443,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T03:05:14+00:00,"5/ If you like the work I do, I’d appreciate a retweet of this thread. Again, here is the invite link to register: Looking forward to seeing you in my chapter!",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 185]",1435801440929427456,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,4,0,0,0,en, 1443129037854019589,1253031308957290497,Tella,2021-09-29T08:22:29+00:00,"✨TELLAVISION✨ episode 5 has arrived. Featuring... 💜 Fullscreen purple gradients ✂️ Our new trim mode 🔘 The backstory of buttons ✍️ Recapping our latest writing",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 185]",,,,,,,0,1,9,0,0,0,en, 1449897168316387329,1001820818219782144,Patricia,2021-10-18T00:36:37+00:00,"🤯 the best thing I found on the internet today are @jeremywaite's hand-illustrated 1-pagers on storytelling methods from: - Harry Potter - Pixar Studios - Studio Ghibli - Greek Orators",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 185]",,,,,,,0,44,309,0,1,0,en, 1453522590941597697,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T00:42:45+00:00,"It's only been ~1.5 years since I wrote the @coding_career book. When I first put up the page, ""From Junior to Senior"" was just a tagline. Now it's a reality!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 185]",1453522590094413825,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,17,0,0,0,en, 1447627786491875329,33521530,swyx,2021-10-11T18:18:54+00:00,"🌆 @ LA based folks - am in town until Friday for KubeCon (@temporalio has a booth! come by!) Thinking of doing a small group dinner tonight, hit me up if you're near the South Park area",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 186]",,,,,,,0,0,1,0,0,,en, 1471522091044200448,27965538,Lynn Fisher,2021-12-16T16:46:20+00:00,"December is for shipping! ✨ My annual portfolio refresh A bit more fun with a browser you can resize. Firefox and Edge seem to handle this best, but you do you.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 186]",,,,,,,0,112,618,1,1,0,en, 1420053240717086721,2730347034,John Ousterhout,2021-07-27T16:07:30+00:00,"I'm excited to announced that I've just released the 2nd Edition of ""A Philosophy of Software Design"". See for more info (including free download of new chapters).",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 187]",,,,,,,0,179,670,0,0,0,en, 1444851185668673541,33521530,swyx,2021-10-04T02:25:41+00:00,"Sending out newsletter soon! Including preview of my latest piece: ""Eating the Cloud from Outside In"" TL;DR - AWS is playing Chess, but @Cloudflare is playing Go",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 187]",,,,,,,0,0,29,0,0,0,en, 1458682064908161027,33521530,swyx,2021-11-11T06:24:39+00:00,"It's remarkably different writing docs for a company than writing for myself. If my blogpost is great, I hear about it from my dear readers. If my docs are great, I don't hear anything.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 187]",,,,,,,0,3,132,0,0,,en, 1459010407939538948,33521530,swyx,2021-11-12T04:09:23+00:00,"I'll be presenting @React_India in ~15mins! There's live Q&A on Airmeet: and Livestream on YouTube: Lets go 🚀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 188]",,,,,,,0,0,20,0,0,0,en, 1459249053586255873,33521530,swyx,2021-11-12T19:57:40+00:00,"It's been a fun few years, but today was my last day of the week. Excited to announce that I'm staying put eating my feelings watching everyone switch jobs for ridiculous amounts of money!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 188]",,,,,,,0,6,409,0,0,,en, 1462970544379162627,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-11-23T02:25:33+00:00,"Our next meetup is happening tomorrow 9am PST. Exciting lineup, that you don't want to miss. TypeScript updates, temporalite presentation from @datadoghq and more.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 188]",,,,,,,0,3,11,0,0,0,en, 1474787579585511429,33521530,swyx,2021-12-25T17:02:13+00:00,"🎄 Discovered that @googlearts's Blob Opera project has a Christmas easter egg!! Enjoy 4 webgl blobs synthesizing carols and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate🎅",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 188]",,,,,,,0,1,24,0,0,0,en, 1376720619400650752,33521530,swyx,2021-03-30T02:19:08+00:00,"🆕 post: Blogpost Annealing My site is a digital garden, not a magazine. Posts get better *after* publication: More exposure => more ""heat"" => better quality!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 189]",,,,,,,0,0,15,0,0,0,en, 1428016338371452930,1167502098898018305,Tina,2021-08-18T15:30:00+00:00,"We just launched our public beta: - Brand new dashboard - Media Manager with @cloudinary - Command line quickstart - And much more! Visual editing has arrived!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 189]",,,,,,,0,52,247,0,1,0,en, 1457760823074451458,9980812,Ilya Grigorik,2021-11-08T17:23:58+00:00,"Meet Hydrogen: A React Framework For Dynamic, Contextual, and Personalized E-Commerce But really, why did Shopify build a React framework? 🧐 Allow me a quick rant…",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 189]",,,,,,,0,71,312,0,0,0,en, 1459357949671915525,36686876,Brittney Postma,2021-11-13T03:10:23+00:00,"It's official, I am attending the Svelte Summit NYC Party with @swyx and @Rich_Harris. Can't wait to meet and see everyone! If you are in the NYC area, come join us.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 189]",,,,,,,0,3,60,1,1,0,en, 1458453691493597184,33521530,swyx,2021-11-10T15:17:11+00:00,Calendar Morghulis,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 18]",1458156097622007809,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,9,0,0,,in, 1425889455643119616,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T18:38:32+00:00,"No Apple, I don't have any music on iTunes. No Apple, I don't run my email on Apple Mail. No Apple, I don't need to look up the meaning of a word I accidentally selected and force clicked.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 190]",,,,,,,0,6,87,0,0,,en, 1459765327047315460,3246815913,Hassan El Mghari,2021-11-14T06:09:09+00:00,"Been getting a lot of questions on what developer advocates do. Here's a useful framework for thinking about it (h/t @swyx). DevRel can be broken down into: • Content • Community • Product",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 190]",,,,,,,0,26,167,1,1,0,en, 1422043347011600386,33521530,swyx,2021-08-02T03:55:28+00:00,"some updates on HN infra — pretty much the same details - still one production server & one failover, in same DC - no longer using Cloudflare - 6m requests a day",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 191]",1377394233225572355,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,8,0,0,0,en, 1441059558454136834,1478433775,Preethi Kasireddy,2021-09-23T15:19:06+00:00,"This one is for aspiring Web 3.0 developers Many people spend months figuring out the tech stack for a Web 3.0 application... I hope this post saves you some time :)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 191]",,,,,,,0,111,485,0,0,0,en, 1457501358102249474,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T00:12:57+00:00,"Sending out next newsletter soon! Something I've been thinking about for a while - why getting good at events is so important for devrel/marketing/community/whatever",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 191]",,,,,,,0,1,11,0,0,0,en, 1427616423824797698,4918589052,Apollo,2021-08-17T13:00:53+00:00,"Today, we're happy to announce our $130 million Series D, valuing Apollo at over $1.5 billion. Many thanks to the Apollo community and team for helping us achieve this incredible milestone! 🚀",,,,,,,2feaa4497dbf2f5efce3ede84518b1db6517855c,Sprout Social,0,"[0, 192]",,,,,,,0,130,795,0,0,0,en, 1442683658951802882,1033145421395181568,Programming has been a disaster for the Human Race,2021-09-28T02:52:42+00:00,I moderate /r/kafka and people often mistake for a subreddit about the programming language. Our users have almost spontaneously developed their own way for dealing with this confusion. 😭😭😭😭😭😭,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 192]",,,,,,,0,1412,6228,0,1,0,en, 1443026395832127496,256053691,𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛,2021-09-29T01:34:37+00:00,"6 months of @darkstardao. 12 essays on Web3. In order-- March 1, 2021: A New Media Structure: The Ownership Economy by @jarroddicker @Flynnjamm @patrickxrivera /1",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 192]",,,,,,,0,23,122,0,1,0,en, 1465117279339696136,886958568427077632,Geoff Rich,2021-11-29T00:35:54+00:00,.@swyx's tips on precording talks were also very helpful! As was the speaker prep session he hosted for Svelte Summit speakers that went over these in more detail. (6/),,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 192]",1465117277032910854,886958568427077632,geoffrich_,,,,0,1,12,1,1,0,en, 1240642567827406849,813333008,Sarah Drasner,2020-03-19T14:13:32+00:00,"My friend @rafahari made this great Mac app that lets you check yourself ""in the mirror"" (your computer camera) before entering a zoom meeting, right from the menu bar:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,25,92,0,0,0,en, 1383516418205835264,33521530,swyx,2021-04-17T20:23:13+00:00,"⚛️ 7 Lessons to Outlive @Reactjs If you missed my @ReactSummit talk this week, I'm sending out the full (27 min) recording with slides and notes on my newsletter soon!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,16,183,0,0,0,en, 1431454421553123329,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T03:11:43+00:00,"Most people know the 4 key metrics of Dev Ops: - Delivery lead time - Deployment frequency - Mean time to restore service - Change fail rate What would the 4 key metrics of Dev Experience be?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,13,116,0,0,,en, 1441441101626306566,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T16:35:13+00:00,"Just signed up for @CascadiaJS! Hybrid conf (both online and in Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver) happening Nov 3-4. Looking forward to see all these amazing speakers!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,0,14,0,0,0,en, 1470775386611011590,96383,Zach Leatherman,2021-12-14T15:19:12+00:00,"Has anyone wrote a blog post detailing the history of using Utility Classes when authoring CSS? Interested in reading more about the origin story (*looks in @jay_hoffmann’s general direction*)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,2,49,0,0,,en, 1472101199725871105,33521530,swyx,2021-12-18T07:07:30+00:00,"In-flight Wifi costs 2% of the plane ticket but makes the experience 200% better. You could probably start a successful regional airline with ""we have damn good free wifi"" as a differentiator.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 193]",,,,,,,0,4,178,0,0,,en, 1443621707999232000,13334762,GitHub,2021-09-30T17:00:11+00:00,Footnotes are a great way to reference notes and relevant information without disrupting the flow of your content. Now you can use footnotes in Markdown fields on GitHub!,,,,,,,2feaa4497dbf2f5efce3ede84518b1db6517855c,Sprout Social,0,"[0, 194]",,,,,,,0,142,649,0,1,0,en, 1420772267772968960,33521530,swyx,2021-07-29T15:44:39+00:00,"If you're using VS @Code, you should probably be making custom snippets to speed up your workflow and save your keystrokes. Shoutout to @stolinski for pointing me to the Easy Snippets extension!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 195]",,,,,,,0,105,812,0,0,0,en, 1431889441447022593,33521530,swyx,2021-08-29T08:00:20+00:00,"nice breakdown of Packy so far here from @jakesing_ incidentally this is inspiring me toward taking editorial newsletters far, far more seriously than I have been doing.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 195]",1431486611296964611,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1435528913560682499,33521530,swyx,2021-09-08T09:02:18+00:00,"Still the best tech talk I've ever seen. “The most dangerous thought that you can have as a creative person is to think that you know what you’re doing."" — @worrydream",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 195]",,,,,,,0,95,507,0,0,0,en, 1433446615776313348,1264520152508481537,Anan Batra,2021-09-02T15:08:00+00:00,"📍Today - Listnr, Inc. is 1 year and 1 day old 🥳 Here's a quick read on how we scaled Listnr, Inc. from 0 to $150k in revenue without any external funding in under 1 year!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 196]",,,,,,,0,7,92,0,0,0,en, 1443381760935534592,1066151600,emily freeman,2021-09-30T01:06:43+00:00,"I’m pretty proud of this. It represents roughly six months of my work and I’m hopeful that it will get the conversation started on what’s next for DevOps. More to come!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 196]",,,,,,,0,196,1575,0,0,0,en, 1452772699512524800,33521530,swyx,2021-10-25T23:02:57+00:00,"Looking forward to host the 7th @temporalio meetup tomorrow at 9am PT! Presenting: 💰 Temporal at @Stripe 🗺️ Temporal Feature Map 🎉 2 Year Anniversary Q&A Signup at!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 196]",,,,,,,0,5,15,0,0,0,en, 1467947006911864832,312750384,Jason Laster,2021-12-06T20:00:14+00:00," just shipped a new Outline View that can easily show ~50k functions in a file 🚀 If you’re looking to add a print statement in a file, the Outline View is your friend! 1/3",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 196]",,,,,,,0,5,73,1,1,0,en, 1312603851581652994,33521530,swyx,2020-10-04T04:01:59+00:00,"🆕 Why Tailwind CSS Some thoughts on why I have recently adopted @tailwindcss, and why it is still worth using even if your framework has scoped styling like Vue or Svelte.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 197]",,,,,,,0,130,704,0,0,0,en, 1465395388970590213,1176969867733479424,Svelte Society 🧡,2021-11-29T19:01:01+00:00,You know you want to. Yes. Exactly! Ditch React and use Svelte instead 😎At #SvelteSummit @stolinski showed us the process they went through at @LevelUpTuts doing just that!,,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 197]",,,,,,,0,13,38,1,1,0,en, 1463394455617097730,33521530,swyx,2021-11-24T06:30:01+00:00,"Incredible @liveoverflow video that starts out about XSS, but really is a deeper lesson about how clickbait gets more attention than insightful content, and how to spot it:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 198]",,,,,,,0,2,10,0,0,0,en, 1444725115766415364,4323721815,Thunder Nerds ⚡️,2021-10-03T18:04:43+00:00,"⚠️ NEW EPISODE 🧠 Learning in Public with @swyx Watch 👉👉👉 🎙️ Hosts: @FrederickWeiss, & @AritDeveloper 🔗 #DX #DeveloperExperience @Coding_Career #javascript #LearnInPublic",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 199]",,,,,,,0,11,11,0,1,0,en, 1455612998265884678,33521530,swyx,2021-11-02T19:09:17+00:00,"Finally published our most recent @temporalio meetup video featuring: 💰 How @StripeDev uses Temporal 🗺️ How we clarified our DX with Feature Maps 🎉 Our 2nd Year Anniversary!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 199]",,,,,,,0,1,16,0,0,0,en, 1470831554406408195,33521530,swyx,2021-12-14T19:02:23+00:00,"Basic building blocks of software development - Repo - Proxy - Cache - Queue - Bucket - Gateway - Function - Scheduler - Transaction - Container/Pod - UI Component - @Temporalio Workflow What else?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 199]",,,,,,,0,4,30,0,0,,en, 1460036477061005314,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T00:06:36+00:00,we are not the same,,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 19]",,,,,,,0,4,292,0,0,0,en, 1434388834087800832,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T05:32:02+00:00,"Always bet on text: “The breadth, scale and depth of ways people use text is unmatched by anything. There is no equivalent in any other technology… Nothing else comes close.”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 200]",,,,,,,0,1,17,0,0,0,en, 1435801439331241987,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T03:05:13+00:00,"3/ I’ve handpicked 4 weeks of content, and you can expect about 90 mins/week in total. The interactions are asynchronous, which allows me to answer more of your questions. I’d love for you to join me!",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 200]",1435801433253695491,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,0,en, 1450333133300064259,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T05:28:59+00:00,"Just realized that I'm at my THIRD startup where we are discussing how to do reusable button components... all this advancement in frontend development, how tf have we not solved reusable buttons yet",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 200]",,,,,,,0,89,1453,0,0,,en, 1462481486733623302,1469796096,⚡ Dylan is Teaching Marketing to Creators 🚢,2021-11-21T18:02:12+00:00,"Some interesting thoughts on... → More Than Just Money → #PartTimeCreator → Making Part Time Work → Making Part Time Cool → A Creator Middle Path for the Creator Middle Class",,,,,,,22fbdb1440c40f2ec53256ed88f9d60ddd2889fc,Hypefury,0,"[0, 200]",1462481483512356864,1469796096,growthcurrency,,,,0,4,23,1,1,0,en, 1462790152489558028,14927721,Anurag Goel,2021-11-22T14:28:44+00:00,"Announcing Render's $20 million Series A and new free plans 🚀 Building Render with amazing people continues to be an immense source of joy and fulfillment. Back to work 🧑‍💻",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 200]",,,,,,,0,33,471,1,1,0,en, 1440741221236764674,174750936,Lucas Bernalte,2021-09-22T18:14:09+00:00,I just read about the Four Gears of Learning in Public by @swyx and it clicked. I have only been trying to use the Connector gear and skipped the “previous” two. The Coding Career Handbook is so good 👏,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 201]",,,,,,,0,1,10,0,1,,en, 1326558340541939712,33521530,swyx,2020-11-11T16:12:09+00:00,"🆕 The Light and Dark side of the API Economy Software is eating the world. It is both a great opportunity for builders - and a threat to people who cannot stay ""Above the API"".",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,16,113,0,0,0,en, 1352701338833072135,975210510,Alex Danco,2021-01-22T19:35:05+00:00,"New post: The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class. A new rule, which states: The higher you ascend the ladder of the Educated Gentry class, the more you become Michael Scott.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,337,1978,0,0,0,en, 1437407435241689102,33521530,swyx,2021-09-13T13:26:52+00:00,"There’s a lot of advocacy of going all in on one cloud on Twitter, but this is the best collection of arguments for multi-cloud I’ve seen in a single talk — from @AdrienneTacke",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,3,14,0,0,0,en, 1443032123649241091,876448351268380672,Taylor Poindexter,2021-09-29T01:57:23+00:00,I told my friend I was both scared and excited to officially join Spotify next month and she pointed me to this excerpt. It was just the reminder I needed & this may be my new favorite rallying cry.,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,16,135,0,0,0,en, 1448361227306946561,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-10-13T18:53:20+00:00,"We are having a #kubecon2021 happy hour sponsored by Temporal. Our founders @mfateev and @samarabbas77 will be there along with some members of our awesome team. Invite details:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,6,9,0,0,0,en, 1474082755550257152,33521530,swyx,2021-12-23T18:21:30+00:00,"Updating @KentBeck's law of Software Development: Make it work Make it right Make it fast Make it low-code* *configurable, extensible, and programmable by end users, whether or not they are developers",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 202]",,,,,,,0,8,76,1,1,,en, 1394274447612317697,937000244650192897,Sarah Dayan,2021-05-17T12:51:47+00:00,"Old clichés die hard, so time for a refresher. Anyone is welcome to dislike utility classes, but comparing them to inline styles is a fallacy. Let's go deeper to understand why.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 203]",,,,,,,0,268,1183,0,0,0,en, 1419726229456900109,1567529924,Joe Previte,2021-07-26T18:28:04+00:00,"Underrated Tool: Better Twitter (Search) I use this multiple times per week (sometimes every day) to search for old tweets H/T to @swyx for making it and @netlify for hosting 🎉",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 203]",,,,,,,0,19,118,0,1,0,en, 1434409635444887554,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T06:54:41+00:00,"@patrickjwoods argues here that Community is not Marketing: and elaborates the many ways in which community can do more than product — starting with why people should even show up",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 204]",1367520242415542273,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,10,0,0,0,en, 1435995667516821505,12036572,Dan Ciupuliga,2021-09-09T15:57:01+00:00,"Highly recommend this course by @swyx (@eggheadio) on building a CLI with the Open CLI framework. I was able to POC a quick cli for our design system just while taking the course.",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 204]",,,,,,,0,2,10,0,1,0,en, 1441945464794845191,33521530,swyx,2021-09-26T01:59:23+00:00,"When writing instructors teach you to write, they talk about Grammar and Punctuation and Active Voice. When bloggers get together they mouthblog the long list of great ideas they haven't written up yet.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 204]",,,,,,,0,2,18,0,0,,en, 1449472712720601088,33521530,swyx,2021-10-16T20:29:59+00:00,"100 bytes of CSS to look great everywhere: html { max-width: 38rem; padding: 2rem; margin: auto; line-height: 1.5rem; font-size: 24px; } Here is before/after on @danluu's site, with @stylebot:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 204]",,,,,,,0,158,1514,0,0,0,en, 1469034183297486849,33521530,swyx,2021-12-09T20:00:17+00:00,"One of my fave moments in adult life is after you leave a job and find out that you really are still friends with an ex-colleague! You still talk even without *having* to talk! yay for adult friendships!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 204]",,,,,,,0,1,86,0,0,,en, 1316808667925082112,15540222,Guillermo Rauch,2020-10-15T18:30:26+00:00,"Temporal's engine is quite complex, much like React's, but the surface exposed to the developer is a beautiful ""render()"" function to organize your backend workflows. Check it out:",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 205]",1316808667304390657,15540222,rauchg,,,,0,1,28,0,0,0,en, 1456007668196274177,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T21:17:34+00:00,My absolute favorite thing about sign language interpreters is how they universally emote with their full face and body even though they could get by with just hands 👏 whoever is doing this at @cascadiajs,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 205]",,,,,,,0,0,10,0,0,0,en, 1436104144801067033,1012721484412801024,Couch Nish,2021-09-09T23:08:04+00:00,A person called OwlKitty changed the Business Card scene from “American Psycho” to the guys showing each other pictures of their cats on their phones… and it could possibly be the greatest masterpiece ever 😂,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 207]",,,,,,,0,49409,153007,0,1,0,en, 1466447823801491458,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T16:43:01+00:00,"🆕 For my third year in a row, I've compiled my list of favorite new podcasts to feature up-and-comers and my favorite episodes of each. Presenting: Favorite New Podcasts of 2021!",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 207]",,,,,,,0,4,24,1,1,0,en, 1466447829149237249,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T16:43:02+00:00,"🏆 Best Tech Podcast Finds of 2021 - @CoRecursive by @adamgordonbell - @Sourcegraph by @beyang - Stevey's Tech Talk by @Steve_Yegge - @Podrocketpod by @LogRocket - @DevToolsFM by @Zephraph @hipstersmoothie",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 207]",1466447823801491458,33521530,swyx,,,,0,7,42,0,0,0,en, 1468656111225999360,33521530,swyx,2021-12-08T18:57:57+00:00,"Love this: GitHub launches improved Code Search, encroaching on @SourceGraph's territory. @sqs' response: ""You wouldn't use Bing if your boss made you..."" 1000% they had that analogy lined up ready to go😹",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 207]",,,,,,,0,7,82,0,0,0,en, 1431477455362007049,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T04:43:15+00:00,"Narrative shift: @Discord fumbling bot developers. This is one individual’s report but documents some troubling behavior. To be seen if this high profile departure is taken seriously.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 208]",1420050980310183936,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1466447837193854979,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T16:43:04+00:00,"🏆 Best Creator Podcast Finds of 2021 - Creator Lab by @bzaidi - Masters of Community by @DavidSpinks - Talking Too Loud by @csavage - Brains by @csallen @julian - Not Overthinking by @AliAbdaal @taimurabdaal",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 208]",1466447833154740227,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,11,0,0,0,en, 1425825714788503552,14615235,James Long,2021-08-12T14:25:15+00:00,"🎉 It's finally ready! I've been hacking on something for the past couple months and it's absurdly great. It's time for more powerful web apps. Announcing ""A future for SQL on the web"":",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 209]",,,,,,,0,566,2316,0,1,0,en, 1443289480606015490,1567529924,Joe Previte,2021-09-29T19:00:01+00:00,"Indie Hacking Resources 📚 If you're new to indie hacking, these are a couple resources I'd start with: - - - -",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 209]",,,,,,,0,6,13,0,0,0,en, 1426318522242588675,12745092,Chanta Clause 🧑‍🎄,2021-08-13T23:03:30+00:00,i’m on sveltejs hype,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 20]",,,,,,,0,8,189,0,0,,da, 1439935763966214144,21306324,"Packy McCormick (📜,📜)",2021-09-20T12:53:33+00:00,"What kind of company would 30-year-old Jeff Bezos build if he were starting out today? Let's search for clues in four 90's interviews that you need to watch. Drop your answers below.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 210]",,,,,,,0,63,470,0,1,0,en, 1238321393374298112,33521530,swyx,2020-03-13T04:30:01+00:00,"✍️The Power of Lampshading! *Ignorance* can be Power. 😎 - When you're very senior - When you're very junior - A personal Story! - The Stupid Question Safe Harbor - Advanced Lampshading",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 211]",,,,,,,0,9,81,0,0,0,en, 1424198548720029698,33521530,swyx,2021-08-08T02:39:29+00:00,"useful taxonomy of approaches to naming things: - Functional / Descriptive (BMW) - Invented (eg Agilent) - Experiential (eg Infoseek) - Evocative (eg Uber) With the same note on Apple",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 211]",1418034673150685185,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1435801440929427456,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T03:05:14+00:00,4/ I've enjoyed working with Chapter to set this up. @KyleLadewig and @stflory have an admirable mission to make learning more accessible...chapters are 99% cheaper than other premium online cohort based courses.,,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 212]",1435801439331241987,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,,en, 1445414979310661634,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T15:46:00+00:00,"If you can look up the answer to anything in seconds, the 80/20 move is to aggressively pursue knowing what you don't know, and then *stopping*. Just-in-Case mental models, with Just-in-Time practical knowledge.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 212]",,,,,,,0,4,52,0,0,,en, 1463906446052003843,1257543813012189185,Estee Tey 🌻🐧,2021-11-25T16:24:29+00:00,"New article is out!🌻 Learn in a fun visual & hands-on way about: 🔸The parts that make up the scrollbar 🔸CSS Pseudo-elements for styling a scrollbar #UI #FrontEndDevelopment #CSS",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 212]",,,,,,,0,9,41,1,1,0,en, 1142176302008623104,22217773,Leslie Cohn-Wein,2019-06-21T21:03:45+00:00,"It's official: I am so used to writing JSX now that I default to typing `className` instead of `class` now. 😠 There's got to be a VS @code extension that will auto-correct this based on workspace by now, right??",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 213]",,,,,,,0,4,70,0,0,,en, 1165416075028246528,33521530,swyx,2019-08-25T00:10:19+00:00,"Who are your favorite developer @Instagram follows? just found @thecodercoder via the @IndieHackers podcast. and ofc @lydiahallie is a superstar everywhere she goes. Who else? I feel so out of touch on insta 😂",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 213]",,,,,,,0,1,28,0,0,,en, 1443269476464664584,227724772,"Gleb Posobin in NYC, let's meet!",2021-09-29T17:40:32+00:00,"(3/6) @ampie_app surfaces the connections to you as you browse. It's a powerful sidebar for the browser: go to any page, and if there are connections for it, the sidebar will peek out on the right side. Like this:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 213]",1443269466486362113,227724772,posobin,,,,0,7,34,0,1,0,en, 1432909493805981699,16520821,Beyang Liu,2021-09-01T03:33:40+00:00,"It’s time to speak the truth plainly: @github code search is terrible and the dev world deserves so much better. If you believe this is true, then I invite you to try @sourcegraph. You’ll never look back—I promise.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 214]",,,,,,,0,30,241,0,1,,en, 1443242219650142209,5746452,Walt Mossberg,2021-09-29T15:52:13+00:00,Here’s another great episode of ⁦@Recode⁩’s podcast series about @Apple. ⁦@pkafka⁩ does a great job documenting “How Apple Got Its Groove Back” starting in 1997. A really worthwhile listen.,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 214]",,,,,,,0,15,93,0,0,0,en, 1444342415788232709,2915357299,React Newsletter,2021-10-02T16:44:01+00:00,"In this 80-minute video, @swyx has a fascinating conversation with @threepointone where they discuss the future of React, the Third Age of JavaScript, the Meta of online discourse, and more",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 214]",,,,,,,0,7,62,0,1,0,en, 1450233802056519682,57854378,Tihomir Surdilovic,2021-10-18T22:54:17+00:00,"Want to get started developing fault-tolerant, distributed applications with @temporalio and its @java SDK? Join our intro #workshop this Friday at 9am PT! And yes, its free :) Signup link:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 215]",,,,,,,0,4,7,0,1,0,en, 1465689502060535808,22386062,steveklabnik,2021-11-30T14:29:43+00:00,"If you've been wondering what I've been up to at @oxidecomputer, wonder no more: Super glad that this is finally open source, so I can sing my co-workers' praises in public and not private 😀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 215]",,,,,,,0,210,1128,1,1,0,en, 1432365846438027276,1281457267582177280,"Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA",2021-08-30T15:33:24+00:00,"Today is Warren Buffett's 91st birthday. With a net worth of over $100 billion dollars, he is undoubtedly the greatest investor of all time. To celebrate, here's a thread of 91 life lessons from the investing genius:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 216]",,,,,,,0,1918,7942,0,0,0,en, 1433807042590875654,84490044,Peter Yang,2021-09-03T15:00:12+00:00,"You look more into this space and realize it's the opposite of your job. There are no OKRs, no metrics, no career ladders, not even that many PMs. People are just building stuff because they're passionate about it.",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 216]",1433807041403916296,84490044,petergyang,,,,0,27,431,0,0,,en, 1457493259647782912,33521530,swyx,2021-11-07T23:40:46+00:00,"sidenote: the ""science educators"" community must have a ""Real Book"" of these fun quick demos because i see them all the time, i think the dev advocate community should take a leaf from the science (and jazz) community",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 217]",1457445123462090759,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,20,0,0,,en, 1462223074946863110,19242083,Marc Anthony Card,2021-11-21T00:55:22+00:00,"Glad I was able to stumble upon @swyx’s tweet for the #SvelteSummit NYC watch party. My first tech meetup but surely not my last. Met so many interesting people with a variety of backgrounds in software development.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 217]",,,,,,,0,2,38,1,1,0,en, 1432785586817953795,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T19:21:18+00:00,"Tale of two startups: Orchestration engine that distils centuries of distributed systems experience at AWS/Microsoft/Uber • 1,877 Followers over 2 years App that only says ""good morning"" • 6,000 Followers over 4 days",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 218]",,,,,,,0,16,214,0,0,,en, 1453082675581886467,33521530,swyx,2021-10-26T19:34:41+00:00,"My god look at the absolute mountain of code examples that the @vercel team put together for their Edge Functions launch: This is how to launch: Don't make me think! Well done @leeerob and co",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 218]",,,,,,,0,81,863,0,0,0,en, 1430678607014162435,55662470,Danielle Baskin,2021-08-25T23:48:55+00:00,"I made a game called Cofounder Quest to find a new collaborator! I'm hiding the game on floppy disks all over the city in places where a software engineer is likely to stumble into it. ⚡️ Enjoy,",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 219]",,,,,,,0,287,2387,0,1,0,en, 1438163663249186822,57854378,Tihomir Surdilovic,2021-09-15T15:31:51+00:00,"Happy to be presenting at the @BrightTALK : The 360 Cloud Landscape on September 21st. Topic: How to deal with failures in polyglot #microservices architectures using @temporalio. Sign up link:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 219]",,,,,,,0,7,9,0,1,0,en, 1443367814505525251,33521530,swyx,2021-09-30T00:11:18+00:00,"""In 2021, @Awkwafina was in two Disney movies featuring blue water dragons that are the world’s last line of defense against soul-entrapping Purple monsters."" ""Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 219]",,,,,,,0,0,12,0,0,,en, 1461248759942184966,33521530,swyx,2021-11-18T08:23:47+00:00,"I was introduced to @rickygervais’ The Invention of Lying via one of those movie recap channels. It’s ALSO free on YouTube!!! its incredibly brutal and hilarious, with tons of incredible cameos.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 219]",1386035530182266884,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,3,0,0,0,en, 1438173489479958536,18727585,Scott Tolinski - - Level Up Tutorials,2021-09-15T16:10:54+00:00,Found this on reddit.,,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 21]",,,,,,,0,841,6877,0,1,0,en, 1437459469261279232,104286459,Redpoint,2021-09-13T16:53:38+00:00,"Join us for our next Redpoint Office Hours on September 22; investor @SaiVC_ will host special guest @swyx, Head of Developer Experience at @temporalio, for a discussion on scaling #DevRel orgs!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 220]",,,,,,,0,3,10,0,1,0,en, 1465599554913550340,1198293183697952769,Raycast,2021-11-30T08:32:18+00:00,"We're excited to announce some big news… 📣 $15m Series A, led by @Accel and Coatue 🏪 Public launch of the Store and API 🐱 Support our launch on Product Hunt – Read more 👉",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 220]",,,,,,,0,65,423,0,0,0,en, 1469011539302694914,895273477711769600,Tailwind CSS,2021-12-09T18:30:18+00:00,"Tailwind CSS v3.0 is here — bringing incredible performance gains, huge workflow improvements, and a seriously ridiculous number of new features. Read the announcement post for all the details 👉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 220]",1469011535569821702,895273477711769600,tailwindcss,,,,0,394,1203,1,1,0,en, 1440196339405508609,33521530,swyx,2021-09-21T06:08:59+00:00,"🆕 Today's clip is on Podcast Economics: The Math to $14,000 a month: 10,000 fans * 4 ads a week * 25 CPM each ad = $1,000 a week, $4k a month 50,000 fans => $20k a month Sales cut - 15-30%",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 221]",,,,,,,0,2,15,0,0,0,en, 1450199092701892613,1176969867733479424,Svelte Society 🧡,2021-10-18T20:36:21+00:00,"It’s time to announce our next Svelte Summit sponsor! It’s everyone’s favourite @Cloudflare 🥳 If you haven’t checked out Workers or Pages, do it now! SvelteKit and CF workers are a perfect match. Fast + Fast = Superfast 😎",,,,,,,2d56427825d31a620d10acb51615805f894c90f6,Tweetbot for Mac,0,"[0, 221]",,,,,,,0,12,150,0,0,,en, 1435801433253695491,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T03:05:12+00:00,"2/ I’ll be guiding you through all the best ideas I’ve found from the #LearnInPublic movement. My goal is to make this a community experience and inspire you to start your own blog, newsletter, meetup, YouTube, Twitch, etc.",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 223]",1435801431978635267,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,6,0,0,,en, 1357105644810063873,33521530,swyx,2021-02-03T23:16:14+00:00,"👋 Who's angel investing in devtools companies? I noticed @mxstbr and @grinich make announcements today, so I put together a little index: Feel free to PR yourself in/reach out to folks on the list!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 224]",,,,,,,0,7,60,0,0,0,en, 1010922550912802816,33521530,swyx,2018-06-24T16:28:12+00:00,"🚴🏼‍♂️🏠New Bikesheddy Opinion: Frameworks should **enforce** vertical separation of code (organize by feature), rather than horizontal (organize by type). Make separation the default and interactions explicit. Change My View.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 225]",,,,,,,0,15,102,0,0,0,en, 1447291658739978243,14756283,Elizabeth Yin,2021-10-10T20:03:15+00:00,"I'm a big fan of the @AcquiredFM podcast (you should follow it!) But, I was floored by the TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) episode. Wow, what a fascinating company and story! Some learnings here >>",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 225]",,,,,,,0,30,228,0,0,,en, 1448313005331005443,4318505893,Serverless,2021-10-13T15:41:43+00:00,"Introducing Serverless Cloud Public Preview! 🚀 Our hyper-productive #serverless app platform with single second deployments is now open to everyone! Claim your profile name and start developing now!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 225]",,,,,,,0,66,288,0,0,0,en, 1460294601747550210,389681470,Kent C. Dodds 💿🔴,2021-11-15T17:12:18+00:00,"I'm thrilled to announce that I'm moving into the next phase of my goal of making the world better by helping you create quality software: I am now the Director of Developer Experience at @remix_run!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 225]",,,,,,,0,145,3054,0,0,0,en, 1462132521139937286,32330308,Gen Ashley,2021-11-20T18:55:32+00:00,"Great to see people IRL here at #SvelteSummit Watch Party in Brooklyn - @AdamRackis @swyx @BrittneyPostma @SvelteSociety @SvelteSirens @sveltejs #javascript #typescript #webdev #webdevelopment #sveltejs #svelte #womenintech",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 225]",,,,,,,0,14,45,1,1,0,en, 1375835640919642122,788501893878312961,Michelle Lim,2021-03-27T15:42:33+00:00,"I wrote a new essay! Speaking Chinese can feel like speaking in tales. Many of its everyday phrases refer to specific details of historical stories. I share my favorites and their epic stories here 👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 226]",,,,,,,0,3,53,0,0,0,en, 1428061205902630916,2832427459,Lauren Tan,2021-08-18T18:28:18+00:00,"I'm sorta back from a long twitter break! I've been spending my free time slowly getting through @thorstenball's excellent ""Writing A Compiler In Go"" in Rust (, and also started playing FFXIV again lol.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 226]",,,,,,,0,4,97,0,1,0,en, 1436643604085235714,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T10:51:41+00:00,"@smc90 tries to get @BillCarr89 to defend ""Are Right A Lot"" in this podcast/blogpost on Future dot com and i'm sorry but blaming your direct reports for letting you ignore them is pretty damn toxic wtf",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 226]",1390439828571922432,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,11,0,0,0,en, 1443843044386619394,33521530,swyx,2021-10-01T07:39:41+00:00,"Wasn’t planning on it but just binged all of #SquidGame in one night. Holy crap it is so well written, directed, and acted! Also I guess I am a sucker for sudden death games (i loved Circle). Favorite memes without context:",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 226]",,,,,,,0,12,186,0,0,0,en, 1448027264289959938,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T20:46:17+00:00,"They didn't ask permission to do that. We didn't anticipate them doing that. But they did it anyway. Every month our users teach us something new about the platform we built – because Open Source.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 226]",1448027262121496578,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,24,0,0,0,en, 1430880791316373512,3239330680,Forrest Brazeal,2021-08-26T13:12:19+00:00,"The Cloud Resume Challenge Book has officially LAUNCHED! 🚀First 100 sales are 15% off with this link - move fast. But I haven't even told you the best part yet. Here is Cool Announcement #2 of the week:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 227]",,,,,,,0,14,93,0,1,0,en, 1433117669591433216,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T17:20:53+00:00,"This is why I also dislike the term “self taught” - it diminishes the hard work of docs writers, bloggers, YouTubers, and community volunteers who pave the way for you without expecting anything in return. No dev is an island.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 227]",1433117668156928004,33521530,swyx,,,,0,5,45,0,0,,en, 1427108654029758468,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T03:23:12+00:00,"@kspaans on our @dev_invest_feed Discord shares this digraph reverse engineering technique so you can pretty much tell at a glance what kind of file it is without any other knowledge (warning... big PDF)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 228]",1427092639250149378,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,0,en, 1433823619671633923,1372248310904455178,podrocketpod,2021-09-03T16:06:04+00:00,"In this episode, @RyanCarniato tells us all about @solid_js, a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Listen here #podcast #javascript #webdevelopment #tech",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 228]",,,,,,,0,16,44,0,0,0,en, 1436130456324526081,25663453,Don Syme,2021-09-10T00:52:37+00:00,"A farewell to Simon Peyton Jones as he leaves Microsoft Research Subject: RE: New horizon   I would like to add a few words to what Chris has written.  I know I am also speaking for Mads, the current lead designer of C# (cc’d)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 228]",,,,,,,0,312,888,0,1,,en, 1471993625231773700,633360612,Jeff Morhous 🎄🎁🍪,2021-12-18T00:00:03+00:00,"So I just finished reading “The Coding Career Handbook” by @swyx - it was a really great read and I can’t wait to re-reference it over the years. Some tips really stuck out to me, especially as someone pretty early in my career",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 228]",,,,,,,0,2,39,1,1,,en, 1420471522703986688,15692193,Feross,2021-07-28T19:49:36+00:00,"""Apple's web engine consistently trails others in both compatibility and features, resulting in a large and persistent gap with Apple's native platform."" Progress Delayed Is Progress Denied @slightlylate",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 229]",,,,,,,0,6,26,0,1,0,en, 1463666344147120132,35109534,Eugene Yan,2021-11-25T00:30:24+00:00,"I'm excited to share something I've been working on for a while—! It collects the tacit, tribal, ghost knowledge on how to apply machine learning from papers, guides, and interviews with ML practitioners.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 229]",,,,,,,0,288,1626,1,1,0,en, 1473889021718073347,33521530,swyx,2021-12-23T05:31:40+00:00,"The best minds of my generation are throwing themselves into virtual currencies, virtual realities, and virtual machines. Are future historians going to look back on this time and wonder who was left building for the real world?",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 229]",,,,,,,0,35,451,1,0,,en, 1466918579287179264,33521530,swyx,2021-12-03T23:53:37+00:00,"it gets better, old me",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 22]",1069644031515213825,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,,en, 1262696057609187330,33521530,swyx,2020-05-19T10:46:14+00:00,"i'm currently at ~2k visitors/day according to @Netlify Analytics. April data looks suspicious. People really like me in Germany! lol and TIL that Chris Coyier linked me in @Css!!!!!!!!! *success kid ✊*",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 230]",1220372896448700418,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,en, 1360757289032933378,33521530,swyx,2021-02-14T01:06:34+00:00,"🚨 Descript's 2 Killer Features for Podcast Editing A quick demo of how @DescriptApp lets you easily remove pauses and filler words. I immediately upgraded to the Pro plan after I saw this. cc @jbrancha",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 230]",1360739396236943360,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,15,0,0,0,en, 1367303433015808004,33521530,swyx,2021-03-04T02:38:36+00:00,"🆕 Short post: Workshopping Not everything should be public. Sometimes it's better to iterate semi-privately. An idea inspired by Broadway tradition, which helps solve the Consistency vs Quality tradeoff.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 230]",,,,,,,0,3,15,0,0,0,en, 1441000583641673733,1074605328694722560,React New York,2021-09-23T11:24:46+00:00,"So, who’s gonna be talking at #ReactDayNewYork 2021? Well, we’ll have @swyx, @anna_carey, @AtilaFassina, @millicode_, @ianand, @bonniedotdev, @colbyfayock, @deekshasharma25 and Emily Thomas. #SaveTheDate Tuesday 5th, October 2021",,,,,,,fbceb240777efd04e705e7d9e72d864f60964124,Twitter for Advertisers,0,"[0, 230]",,,,,,,0,3,15,0,1,,en,"{""followers"": false}" 1449977842004074500,30192824,Gergely Orosz,2021-10-18T05:57:11+00:00,"The sensible approach is not to delete one or the other. To maximize your ""luck surface area"" so opportunities find you, use both. They are very different networks. And one more on creating luck from @swyx:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 231]",1449976861967147011,30192824,GergelyOrosz,,,,0,10,71,0,1,0,en, 1457844600236699648,1176969867733479424,Svelte Society 🧡,2021-11-08T22:56:52+00:00,"🗽 NYC/East Coast Svelte Fans! You are invited to the NYC #SvelteSummit party IRL with @Rich_Harris and @swyx! 20 Nov 12-4pm in Brooklyn, doors open at 11am BYO refreshments, boardgames, and hack projects!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 231]",,,,,,,0,18,55,1,1,0,en, 1471158826288226306,6603532,🔎Julia Evans🔍,2021-12-15T16:42:51+00:00,"I built a new tool where you can experiment with DNS called Mess With DNS! It's at I made this with @omarieclaire, and there's a blog post about how we built it here: Here's a gif:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 231]",,,,,,,0,732,2853,1,1,0,en, 1294689838872981506,33521530,swyx,2020-08-15T17:38:06+00:00,"🆕 Developer Exception Engineering: The Importance of Developer Experience off the Happy Path It's time we look beyond the easy questions in developer experience, and start addressing the uncomfortable ones.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 232]",,,,,,,0,12,85,0,0,0,en, 1441154688418783233,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T21:37:07+00:00,"If you enjoyed this thread, I'll be teaching a 4 week class with @chapter_HQ (90 min reading each week) all about career growth and Learning in Public, starting Sep 27. Open to all. Sign up at link below",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 232]",1369347682465091587,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,42,0,0,0,en, 1457445123462090759,33521530,swyx,2021-11-07T20:29:30+00:00,"Sometimes you learn a concept like ""center of gravity"" and you think ""thats a cute mental model that helps humans simplify things, Nature isn't really like that but it's close enough"" then Nature says: No, it really do be like that",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 232]",,,,,,,0,108,478,0,0,0,en, 1458878468150620181,5502392,Tom Preston-Werner,2021-11-11T19:25:06+00:00,"When I was interviewed on Live TV by Fox News after the big GitHub Series A, they got the investor wrong, spelled ""repository"" wrong, did abominal things to em dashes, mis-capitalized GitHub, and called pull requests ""e-notes"". QED.",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 232]",1458878458319171592,5502392,mojombo,,,,0,6,131,1,1,0,en, 1458878573532651527,81712767,Lee Robinson,2021-11-11T19:25:31+00:00,"New post: Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure 🦀 Why is Rust being used to replace parts of the JavaScript web ecosystem like minification, transpilation, formatting, bundling, linting, and more?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 232]",,,,,,,0,305,1523,0,0,0,en, 1465793834739068932,33521530,swyx,2021-11-30T21:24:17+00:00,"✅ Achievement unlocked: led a 2 hour @temporalio live code workshop for 80 people and did not crash and burn 😹 If you're interested in our @typescript SDK, slides here and I'll post up video later this week",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 232]",,,,,,,0,4,50,0,0,0,en, 1262062882050596864,33521530,swyx,2020-05-17T16:50:13+00:00,"✍️New Post: Slack is Fumbling Developers Reflecting on the implications of the sudden switch away from @SlackHQ for Developer communities, the rise of Developer @Discord s, and the Great Unbundling of Slack.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 233]",,,,,,,0,22,191,0,0,0,en, 1435324306238619649,676363,Brian LeRoux,2021-09-07T19:29:16+00:00,"I've been thinking about @swyx's 'self provisioning runtime' thought experiment a bunch. while I do think 'self provisioning' is a nice concept but believe we would want this to be explicit, not implicit. 1/?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 233]",,,,,,,0,2,13,0,1,0,en, 1432659604618551296,992126114,David K. 🎹,2021-08-31T11:00:41+00:00,"🚀 The new @statelyai visualizer is now live on @ProductHunt! You can now visualize, simulate, and inspect your XState machines in one place, and so many more features coming soon. 🔗 🐱",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 234]",,,,,,,0,102,513,0,1,0,en, 1444098448874086400,33521530,swyx,2021-10-02T00:34:34+00:00,"I would be remiss to share the canonical research on this from @danluu: But this is very focused on *engineering* blogs and sometimes I wanna talk product, event marketing or op-ed's/industry trends as well...",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 234]",1444094726567653377,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,25,0,0,0,en, 1445777136992735246,1020639606,Jane Portman,2021-10-06T15:45:05+00:00,"New episode 🎙 How to Market Yourself with @swyx You’ll learn several components of defining your brand, tips on expressing that brand in public, collateral and strategies that will help you at work, and more.",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 234]",,,,,,,0,2,8,0,1,0,en, 1463153008380887042,148398537,Randy Au 🙃,2021-11-23T14:30:35+00:00,"This week on Counting Stuff, I flail around looking at the original papers that inspired the plane-with-measles picture. Which wasn't part of the original research and seems a fairly recent (~5 yr) invention =O",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 234]",,,,,,,0,13,98,1,1,0,en, 1422811409683914752,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T06:47:29+00:00,"an AMAZING answer to this from someone in our @Coding_Career Circle - @jeanqasaur's epic breakdown of why developers don't buy ""luxury goods"": This is REQUIRED READING for anyone working in dev tools. Hot damn.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 235]",1418696471113658371,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,42,0,0,0,en, 1326786181447766019,33521530,swyx,2020-11-12T07:17:30+00:00,"Java has been consistently falling in adoption from the most popular language in the world in the 2000s to falling under Python for the first time this year. Wondering if by 2030 it might someday fall below C#.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 236]",,,,,,,0,5,57,0,0,0,en, 1434344630619975681,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T02:36:23+00:00,"I’m super excited to be speaking at the upcoming #WebUnleashed conference presented by @FITC from October 20-22, and I hope to see you there. Early bird pricing ends Sept 5 so grab a ticket now! h/t @Pucknell",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 236]",,,,,,,0,3,10,0,0,0,en, 1444542756647419909,1249002899897647105,Coding Career Community,2021-10-03T06:00:06+00:00,"""This career feels like a few key hours every year with a few near mandatory year-long cool-down periods in between where what you do barely matters."" 😬 Who else has felt like this and what did you do about it?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 236]",,,,,,,0,6,36,0,0,0,en, 1466091140868886536,1346129485024911360,Turborepo,2021-12-01T17:05:41+00:00,"We think these kinds of packages are only getting more and more popular as we continue toward the next generation of JS build tools. So that's why we want them to be first class citizens.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 236]",1466091140013346817,1346129485024911360,turborepo,,,,0,1,4,1,1,0,en, 1451156477587116040,1116441589012934657,Jannik Wempe,2021-10-21T12:00:40+00:00,"You have a lot of influence on how much luck you have. Maybe you can't change the odds themselves, but you can change the ""Luck Surface Area"". This article by @swyx made me think quite a lot the last few days 🤔",,,,,,,6746f3a6d1b3aa371a4a2dc1c08c7862cd6e911e,,0,"[0, 237]",,,,,,,0,3,16,1,1,0,en, 1457799479076134917,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T19:57:35+00:00,"As much as I love studying past failures and successes, I definitely think that more people suffer from curse of knowledge/analysis paralysis than are helped by it. Those who don't bother learning history are 10x more likely to make it?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 237]",,,,,,,0,0,37,0,0,,en, 1172313947174776833,129940111,Adam Argyle,2019-09-13T01:00:00+00:00,"CSS 'n' JS Lesson 3 we recreate these 4 CSS pseudo selectors! :not() :first-of-type, :last-of-type :last-child To JS with! flapMat() <- joke map() filter() A ~1 liner in CSS was ~10 lines in JS wooooooot!",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 238]",,,,,,,0,34,167,0,0,0,en, 1450255227945242628,13418072,Steven Sinofsky,2021-10-19T00:19:25+00:00,Apple’s M1 Pro/Max is the second step in a major change in computing. What might be seen as an evolution from iPhone/ARM is really part of an Apple story that began in 1991 with PowerPC. And what a story of innovation 💡 1/ [Quick thoughts],,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 239]",,,,,,,0,802,3332,0,1,0,en, 1451584443534102533,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T16:21:15+00:00,"Me before we ship: ""this is great! we worked so hard on it and it shows!"" Me after even a little bit of user feedback: ""wow this is terrible we have so much more work to do 😅"" if you think you're done, you haven't talked to users enough.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 239]",,,,,,,0,4,124,1,0,,en, 1464157681346748418,33521530,swyx,2021-11-26T09:02:48+00:00,"Coworker got me hooked on @PokemonUnite recently. always struggled with the learning curve on MOBA games like LoL and HoTS but this is just perfect esp for busy parents (~10mins per game, low learning curve). add me @iamtanker if you play!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 239]",,,,,,,0,3,16,0,0,0,en, 1447763660982546437,64015831,Dalton,2021-10-12T03:18:49+00:00,,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 23]",,,,,,,0,876,8306,0,0,0,und, 1472731566732414979,15054324,Brian Sowards,2021-12-20T00:52:22+00:00,,,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 23]",,,,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,und, 1417165270641045505,33521530,swyx,2021-07-19T16:51:44+00:00,"I'm excited to finally share why I've joined @temporalio as Head of Developer Experience! Here's my explainer on 3 core opinions of Temporal, why they're hard to do well, and the business opportunities it presents:",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 240]",,,,,,,0,30,396,0,0,0,en, 1421069160973434880,1511333035,Andrew Gazdecki,2021-07-30T11:24:24+00:00,"July update for @microacquire! - $700,000 in ARR - 16% MoM growth - $400m combined revenue - $82m combined revenue in July - 34% company size increase YTD - 4x'ed registered buyers in 2021 - 250+ startups listed More micro-details below 👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 240]",,,,,,,0,36,569,0,0,0,en, 1427351643985629212,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T19:28:45+00:00,"💡 Product focused DevRel is the most ill-defined path. Most devrels spend most of their time advocating TO developers than FOR them. But DevRel can provide tremendous value for product launches and building integrations, tooling, and MVPs.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 240]",1427351641095753755,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,17,0,0,0,en, 1454261201207054339,33521530,swyx,2021-10-30T01:37:43+00:00,"Soft shipped the new Many thanks to @thisismahmoud_, @flossypurse, @taillogs and others, and built with @docusaurus and now @tailwindcss Shipped fearlessly on Friday afternoon thanks to @Netlify immutable deploys 💪",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 240]",,,,,,,0,7,79,0,0,0,en, 1460974396382736391,47547933,Den Delimarsky,2021-11-17T14:13:34+00:00,"Today we're taking the first step in making integrating web services in your web applications easier - API Authentication on @Netlify ✨ No more writing auth code from scratch for every API you use. 👉 How it works:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 240]",,,,,,,0,16,147,1,1,0,en, 1245551305881317378,795885295,Aella,2020-04-02T03:19:07+00:00,"Here's all of my twitter polls, in a google spreadsheet: It's not fully updated, missing a few months. I'm getting tired of manually inputting polls; is anybody bored and/or skilled and feels like updating the sheet?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 242]",,,,,,,0,0,17,0,0,0,en, 1428149223850012673,33521530,swyx,2021-08-19T00:18:03+00:00,"⚛️ Using MDX to progressively upgrade Docs Links with @reactjs Perhaps a fun @docusaurus hack - you can swizzle MDX components and write your own custom HTML elements that enhance user experience. #extendThePlatform?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 242]",,,,,,,0,2,24,0,0,0,en, 1440666213382717453,23583938,Sean C Davis,2021-09-22T13:16:06+00:00,"I really this article from @swyx because it reframes the GraphQL vs REST debate. There's much more nuance to the conversation on how data is passed between the client and the server, and this essay summarizes it well.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 242]",,,,,,,0,2,13,0,1,0,en, 1461748429764239361,11467732,Andrew Culver,2021-11-19T17:29:18+00:00,"Ooh, I had already forgotten: One of my favorite parts of this article is that it gave me an opportunity to highlight @swyx's recent post which I think is one of the most important things written in software development in the last ten years.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 242]",1461746021306830852,11467732,andrewculver,,,,0,2,10,1,1,0,en, 1263123032328925186,33521530,swyx,2020-05-20T15:02:53+00:00,"🆕 The Third Age of JavaScript Every 10 years there is a changing of the guard in JavaScript. I think we have just started a period of accelerated change that could in future be regarded as the Third Age of JavaScript.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,358,1434,0,0,0,en, 1395172543565344770,33521530,swyx,2021-05-20T00:20:30+00:00,"🆕 How to Optimize for Change My first post on the @freeCodeCamp blog in a while! 2 years ago, @dan_abramov told us *why* to optimize for change. Ever since then, I've been exploring the obvious next question: How?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,5,64,0,0,0,en, 1435801431978635267,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T03:05:11+00:00,"1/ I'm excited to announce a new learning experience I’m launching today with @chapter_HQ. My 4 week long “chapter” includes curated content, in-depth discussion and private Q&A for your own #LearnInPublic journey!",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,12,72,0,0,0,en, 1466875921818861577,1441943134112403460,Relay,2021-12-03T21:04:07+00:00,"Hey all, We've just published the first release candidate of the upcoming Relay v13 to NPM. This is very exciting for us, as it has the new version of the Relay Compiler that we've been working on for a few years now!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,43,216,0,0,0,en, 1471493259046252548,6228302,Sheel Mohnot,2021-12-16T14:51:46+00:00,"The last year of downloads for hot consumer social startups Poparazzi, Clubhouse, Dispo. for context, it was reported that Instagram had 30M MAUs when it was acquired by FB for $1B DAU/MAU numbers from the last month; all data from @Apptopia",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,34,305,0,0,0,en, 1424586713490358275,33521530,swyx,2021-08-09T04:21:54+00:00,"Just got a sneak peek at @supabase's monthly update. This is what they shipped IN JULY. It's absolutely mental that this tiny team of 19 is going toe to toe with teams >10x their size and funding at Amazon and Google. JUST. F*CKING. SHIP.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 245]",,,,,,,0,16,283,0,0,0,en, 1433175067563855872,1175119837653159936,Kasra,2021-09-01T21:08:57+00:00,"I'm super excited to announce that our work on interactive Program Synthesis with control structures (with @shraddha_96, @HilaCodes, Sorin Lerner, and @polikarn) has been accepted to OOPSLA 2021! More details to come, but here's a sneak preview:",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 245]",,,,,,,0,69,384,0,1,0,en, 1421968022814658561,1567529924,Joe Previte,2021-08-01T22:56:10+00:00,"🎙️ jsjoeio's mixtape Alright, trying out this podcast/mixtape thing as a hobby and an excuse to meet cool people. First segment focus -> ""How'd you solve it?"" Interviews with indie hackers & devs about how they solved specific problems.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 246]",,,,,,,0,1,21,0,1,0,en, 1429725966335713281,1055736485830451200,Nebojsa (Cookie Duster),2021-08-23T08:43:28+00:00,"Another awesome read from @swyx Best bit: Traditional marketing advice says people have to hear about you at least 7 times before they decide to buy; for developer tools, Matt Biilmann from Netlify says it's more like 14.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 246]",,,,,,,0,1,9,0,1,0,en, 1432341565028978694,65827039,"𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚔.𝚎𝚝𝚑 (🐶,🐶)",2021-08-30T13:56:55+00:00,"Concurrent React from Scratch by @swyx (lesson on @eggheadio) Watch 1/20 Maybe. Will probably need to rewatch it again and again. Haven't come across any material which got me close to the internals as this one. Amazing🎉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 246]",,,,,,,0,2,19,0,1,1,en, 1432402740655788032,14356745,Andy Ray,2021-08-30T18:00:00+00:00,"Awesome talk by @swyx on building #react's concurrent and suspense mode from scratch to help teach it. It's really cool to see the ""fiber"" processing loop and suspense ""throwing a promise"" implementation explained in code.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 246]",,,,,,,0,3,29,0,1,0,en, 1451459461109846020,33521530,swyx,2021-10-22T08:04:36+00:00,"i think ive taken like 9. when i was an options trader in London we had TWENTY EIGHT days vacation, including mandatory 2 week block vacation. i think that was my peak work life balance. i have so many things i would go back and do differently.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 246]",1451412869065547777,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,11,0,0,,en, 1408103654863814657,774642558853009408,Li Jin,2021-06-24T16:44:07+00:00,"Let's stop celebrating creator funds, incremental creator features, and shallow rhetoric about creator empowerment. All of these will fail to solve creators' economic precarity, so long as we fail to fix the fundamental issue, which is OWNERSHIP.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 247]",,,,,,,0,315,1768,0,1,,en, 1438035707704995840,312750384,Jason Laster,2021-09-15T07:03:24+00:00,"🚀 @replayio is live on @ProductHunt! You can now record, replay, pause, and inspect web applications with familiar developer tools. Share replays with friends and add replays to bug reports. 🔗 🐱",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 247]",,,,,,,0,154,539,0,0,0,en, 1448819207689310220,33521530,swyx,2021-10-15T01:13:11+00:00,"Invest in your network. People you actually know and talk to, not blindly chasing raw follower count. Absolutely amazing the kind of news, opportunities, support (and dirt! 👀) that you get from building relationships and giving more than you get.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 248]",,,,,,,0,4,78,0,0,,en, 1452745670071250944,33521530,swyx,2021-10-25T21:15:33+00:00,"Advice that changed my writing forever: It’s not about sitting down every week and coming up with an idea each time. It’s about working on 50 different potential ideas at once, and publishing the most-ready one each week.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 248]",,,,,,,0,16,148,0,0,0,en, 1457730231301705730,23232640,Katie Sylor-Miller,2021-11-08T15:22:25+00:00,Another great Frontend-focused @Etsy @codeascraft blog post for y'all about how we migrated to Typescript by the amazing @technoheads - this was a massive undertaking to roll out and provide training timelines for engineers.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 248]",,,,,,,0,11,47,0,0,0,en, 1461028261664722947,24203304,Matt Biilmann,2021-11-17T17:47:36+00:00,"Jamstack has forever changed the direction of the web. Today @Netlify is doubling down on Jamstack in a big way. We’ve raised our Series D round. We acquired OneGraph. And we’re launching a Jamstack Innovation Fund. 🚀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 248]",,,,,,,0,55,403,1,1,0,en, 1454092772177235972,300637864,Cloudflare Developers,2021-10-29T14:28:27+00:00,me in 2020 vs me in 2021,,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 24]",,,,,,,0,58,583,0,0,0,en, 1381324888216981504,33521530,swyx,2021-04-11T19:14:51+00:00,"Doing my taxes in Singapore this year: The tax system fits on ~1 page 🤯 If you have a standard employment situation, @IRAS_SG already has your income from employers and you just click a few buttons. Forgot how nice this was! Not financial advice.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,7,89,0,1,0,en, 1442926717635477504,3246815913,Hassan El Mghari,2021-09-28T18:58:32+00:00,"Incredibly excited to announce I've joined @vercel as a Developer Advocate! 🎉 I've been so impressed with Vercel as a company and their focus on great developer experience. Can't wait to contribute and help grow the Next.js and Vercel communities!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,11,489,0,0,,en, 1446485504468398085,3656836876,Geoffrey Miller 🔍,2021-10-08T14:39:53+00:00,"Any school system that doesn't allow separate classes for very smart ('gifted & talented') kids either doesn't understand very smart kids at all, or it sadistically wants them to be suffer through boredom, frustration, alienation, & bullying.",,,,,,,f0976f342215a984184a13a54b26877ece8cebba,Twitter for Android,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,1039,7594,0,0,,en, 1447988170293923841,857629786650357761,Domitrius,2021-10-12T18:10:56+00:00,"I’m so proud to announce I’ve accepted a role with the absolutely mind blowing team that is @Netlify 😭 I’ve received the honor to take over the Jamstack ecosystem as the new Jamstack Community Engineer 🎉 As of Monday expect to see much more of me 👀",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,10,620,0,0,,en, 1463194116515196942,33521530,swyx,2021-11-23T17:13:56+00:00,"🎉 We are live with the @temporalio TypeScript SDK!! Write highly scalable and reliable long-running workflows without being a distributed systems expert! Also live on your favorite orange website if you feel so generous :)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,34,169,1,1,0,en, 1466447838531833859,33521530,swyx,2021-12-02T16:43:04+00:00,"🧡 The Still Good Awards Given to 2020's picks that are: - Still alive - Still good! Here goes: 🧡 @tiesto's Clublife 🧡 @ConanOBrien's pod 🧡 @SoftwareSocPod by @mjwhansen and @leenyburger 🧡 @WritingExcuses! See full list:",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 250]",1466447837193854979,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,3,0,0,0,en, 1472746901711855617,33521530,swyx,2021-12-20T01:53:18+00:00,"""Good open standards, both for software interfaces and for data formats, are more important than for software itself to be open source."" *profound* insight from Peter Deutsch, on @jeffdoolittle's @seradio episode (44-46 mins)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 250]",,,,,,,0,5,31,0,0,0,en, 1417165280522821632,33521530,swyx,2021-07-19T16:51:47+00:00,"Why Orchestration: Every time you cross service boundaries, the probability of network or system failure increases. Instead of having every team write their own retries and timeouts and provisioning infrastructure, give them ""reliability on rails"".",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 251]",1417165272008433682,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,28,0,0,0,en, 1460040350685224971,33521530,swyx,2021-11-15T00:22:00+00:00,"proof of non photoshop apparently one website can lock up a screen for an entire week without me noticing, plus daylight savings. but Screentime also looks buggy as hell, it thinks i opened YouTube 600 times last week! that’s crazy… right? right?",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 252]",1460036477061005314,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,33,0,0,0,en, 1281842370602889216,3315647862,Ethan,2020-07-11T06:46:51+00:00,"The Coding Career Handbook by @swyx has been such a great resource for coders at the beginning of their journey such as myself. I highly recommend the book to all software engineers especially those early in their careers. Things I like about the book-",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 253]",,,,,,,0,8,35,0,1,,en, 1436247216893607940,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T08:36:35+00:00,"just signed up for @moretothat's new storytelling course: ($460) i often get compliments on my writing and speaking, for which I am grateful. but i also know i could do so much better if i injected more storytelling into my work.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 254]",1424953927426928646,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,7,0,0,0,en, 1445886812279300101,33521530,swyx,2021-10-06T23:00:53+00:00,"This is the closest thing to a Director’s commentary I’ve found and it’s fantastic. they put so much thought into the games, the set and costume design. the show’s Art Director is incredible, I hope she wins an award or something",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 254]",1443997105790459905,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,8,0,0,0,en, 1450992549141704704,33521530,swyx,2021-10-21T01:09:16+00:00,"Devtools space is absolutely on fire. If you have a dream, and a credible plan, someone somewhere will pay you to do it full time, make you a paper millionaire, and you get a roll of the dice to make it reality. Can't imagine a better gig on Earth tbh.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 254]",,,,,,,0,8,275,0,0,,en, 1460851683542515713,24179991,Daniel Vassallo,2021-11-17T06:05:57+00:00,"When I was an employee, I had daily/weekly/monthly/yearly goals. I would have plans on how to meet them, and anything unexpected was almost always undesirable. Nowadays, it’s the opposite. Almost everything important comes from random unexpected events.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 254]",,,,,,,0,26,457,1,1,,en, 1467978846150430724,33521530,swyx,2021-12-06T22:06:45+00:00,"My @MongoDB podcast episode is live! Ever since I heard the epic @mlynn and @marklovestech episode I've been really enjoying the podcast so it was an honor to join and talk about #LearnInPublic, @Coding_Career, and @temporalio!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 254]",,,,,,,0,7,17,0,0,0,en, 1433595892557225984,15809138,jonwu.eth,2021-09-03T01:01:10+00:00,"I was stunned. 1st reaction: ""Me?? A newly minted business school graduate? To functionally be CFO?"" 2nd reaction: ""But...why not me? I can save this company."" 3rd reaction: ""Holy fuck this person is a sociopath."" 4th reaction: ""...I want her powers.""",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 255]",1433595891256991745,15809138,jonwu_,,,,0,72,1614,0,1,,en, 1443976506858823683,716869094,CascadiaJS 🇺🇸 🇨🇦,2021-10-01T16:30:01+00:00,"Announcing the second of 3 lightning ⚡️ talks for the official #CascadiaJS pre-conference meetup on Oct 14! Temporal: React Suspense for the Backend by @swyx This event is FREE and we have *one more* surprise speaker to come 👀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 255]",,,,,,,0,1,5,0,1,0,en, 1455535930660564995,1012355031549513728,Orbit 💜,2021-11-02T14:03:03+00:00,"We are excited to release the first-ever Constellation Report: State of Community Tools 2021 📡 We surveyed community builders & #cmgr about the tools they use daily to gain insights on how teams are making community happen 💪🏽",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 255]",,,,,,,0,34,72,0,0,0,en, 1039903000511143936,33521530,swyx,2018-09-12T15:46:10+00:00,"⚛️Next of my op-eddy pieces on the @Netlify blog: Looking at @mweststrate's Immer, one of the most successful open source launches of 2018, and speculating on why it has taken the @reactjs community by storm this year! ⚡ 👇👇👇 👆👆👆",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,45,159,0,0,0,en, 1424175453376376834,1249002899897647105,Coding Career Community,2021-08-08T01:07:42+00:00,"""‘God’ objects are often caused by ‘God’ programmers. People who hoard responsibility for parts of the code and amass them into a lump. Others... ensure that their code worships at its feet."" — Culture Dictates Code, by @tef_ebooks",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1436016314158616581,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T17:19:03+00:00,"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by FOMO shallow, excitable, distracted feverishly refreshing at dawn looking for the next hotness angel-investing hipsters swapping universe for metaverse creation for metacreation social for parasocial",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,5,110,0,0,,en, 1436973708304863238,33521530,swyx,2021-09-12T08:43:24+00:00,"Lifechanging travel tip I am only learning too late in life: You can travel in shorts! Nothing in the flight rules that say you have to be in tight jeans or nice shoes. And most airports require waaay too much walking. (yes, looking at you, @Airport_FRA!)",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,4,80,0,0,0,en, 1440843960776228865,369735258,Ryan Breslow 🕺,2021-09-23T01:02:24+00:00,"The biggest lesson I’ve learned in building a $4B company: It’s all about the people. I’m thrilled to announce today that Bolt is the first tech unicorn to officially shift to a 4 day work week. Here’s why we did it and how we came to the decision 👇👇👇",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,2013,11293,0,1,,en, 1454234168800415755,26895943,Cristina Cordova,2021-10-29T23:50:18+00:00,"In joining a startup, you are choosing how to invest your most valuable asset—your time. ⏰ I had a few career chats this afternoon and was asked how I’ve chosen startups to work for. Here’s my answer in hopes it might be helpful to more of you out there🧵",,,,,5a110d312052166f,San Francisco,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 256]",,,,,,,0,78,570,1,1,,en, 1056594421079261185,1593171,"sunil pai, inc.",2018-10-28T17:11:55+00:00,"ok so - I took dan's classes/hooks code from react conf, blacked out the 'unnecessary' bits, then colour coded bits by 'concern'. so much nicer. the effect is amplified in more complex components, where concerns are split and mixed across lifecycle methods.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 257]",,,,,,,0,432,1754,0,0,0,en, 1264836620831711232,33521530,swyx,2020-05-25T08:32:04+00:00,"👍 @igrigorik's @perfnowconf 2019 talk An instant classic I just referenced for @Sveltejs Radio today. There is a huge difference between the head (us) and torso/tail (everyone else). If you care about impact, you *have* to simplify.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,0,15,0,0,0,en, 1424724444048658436,1149142678715527169,SnorkelAI,2021-08-09T13:29:12+00:00,"We are delighted to announce our $85 million Series C at a $1 billion valuation to accelerate #DataCentricAI, with funding by @blackrock, Addition Capital, @lightspeedvp, @greylockvc, @googleventures, and more. Read more in @Fortune ↓",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,42,290,0,0,0,en, 1427442268064030730,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T01:28:51+00:00,"The @Official_GDC breakdowns of how they made the game are a must watch btw. So, so much work went into the traversal algorithm, simulation, and polish of making Spider-man swing across New York, trading off physics with user intent.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 258]",1422416105226657792,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1433910190466736134,33521530,swyx,2021-09-03T21:50:04+00:00,"I gotta hand it to Aldo Bucchi (not on Twitter) for leaving the best blogpost comment I've had all year 🙇‍♂️ Even if its an exaggeration (it probably is?) it captured my attention and left me no choice but to check out his product 👏",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,2,24,0,0,0,en, 1434206574055022592,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T17:27:48+00:00,"The Strategy: 1. Start a Swipe File 2. Collect examples 3. Offer newsletter signup 4. Offer login + faving 5. Build a Community 6. Hit the Media Circuit 7. Make Generators 8: Monetize - Ads - Workshop - Book - Course",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",1434206572608049156,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,9,0,0,0,en, 1441469889315622912,15698507,scott belsky,2021-09-24T18:29:37+00:00,"That a prototype is worth a hundred meetings, and almost all product meetings that aren’t grounded with a prototype are a waste of time (or worse). A prototype immediately surfaces gaps in logic or business concerns. It is the fastest way to drive alignment.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",1441469888246259715,15698507,scottbelsky,,,,0,50,426,0,0,,en, 1445439018359996417,1074605328694722560,React New York,2021-10-05T17:21:31+00:00,"2 more to go! @deekshasharma25 will talk about headless architecture and we finish React Day New York with @swyx You can watch the event over at or on YouTube Be sure to join the live chat and ask questions.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,4,6,0,1,0,en, 1445795629049864197,19130153,devon ko ☻,2021-10-06T16:58:34+00:00,"I'm in desperate search of a kidney donor who meets the following requirements: ∙ Blood type: O+/- ∙ Age: 18-55 ∙ Location: Based in US ∙ No history of kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure Could this be you? Let me know at",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",1445795616785723395,19130153,devonko_,,,,0,2233,2057,0,1,0,en, 1449069225704714246,33521530,swyx,2021-10-15T17:46:40+00:00,"Temporal: React for the Backend (🌩️ talk) Just posted last night's @cascadiajs lightning talk on my channel! • Explaining @temporalio in <10mins • First public demo of our @TypeScript SDK! • Lots of docs updates merged this week",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,8,110,0,1,0,en, 1459979460397068295,33521530,swyx,2021-11-14T20:20:03+00:00,"Super underrated way to level up: 1. Find an industry leader who has more ideas than bandwidth (read: all of them) 2. Do something small for them 3. Do something bigger with them 4. Start something with them 5. Realize you now have more ideas than bandwidth",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 258]",,,,,,,0,36,306,0,0,,en, 1434281732833005570,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T22:26:27+00:00,"for what its worth: I ask because I'm on my 2nd or 3rd ""last job"". I'm enjoying it, paycheck is addictive as heroin, but also working for/with others diffuses responsibility and there's some strange psychological block to my creativity when anyone can veto me",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 259]",1434278725210841095,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,28,0,0,,en, 1470199514732527618,33521530,swyx,2021-12-13T01:10:53+00:00,High EQ home-schooled people are some of the most effective first-principles thinkers I know. They ask questions where nobody thinks to ask and aren't afraid to dive into something new just because they lack a piece of paper that says they have what it takes.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 259]",,,,,,,0,4,90,0,0,,en, 1425514852999745547,921398240,,2021-08-11T17:50:00+00:00,"Go deep with @supabase In this new course from @signalnerve you'll: 📀 Create a Postgres database 🔐 Authorize users with GitHub 🔌 Set up real-time data 🌩 Deploy to Cloudlflare Pages Build a real-time chat app with Next and Supabase",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 260]",,,,,,,0,28,128,0,1,0,en, 1470487534132154378,312750384,Jason Laster,2021-12-13T20:15:23+00:00,"This week is bug report week at DM or reply directly if you’re part of the support loop. It doesn't matter if you're technically support, success, product, qa, leadership, or dev, if you care about quality, we want to talk to you! 🐛👋",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 260]",,,,,,,0,2,4,1,1,0,en, 1425185575645024256,107186366,Sharif Shameem,2021-08-10T20:01:34+00:00,"Here I am generating ~20 versions of a web app by describing what I want in just 1 sentence to @DebuildHQ. Debuild uses GPT-3 + Codex to: - Generate a product spec - Generate the data model - Write the SQL queries - Generate the React UI - Deploy it in 1 click",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 261]",,,,,,,0,119,670,0,0,0,en, 1469092201376354305,33521530,swyx,2021-12-09T23:50:49+00:00,"Hardest part of having a dual “bottom-up” + “top-down” pricing strategy is minding the sharp edges. Just spent an hour today patiently explaining to a vendor why it doesnt make sense for my monthly bill to go from $150 for a team of 6 to $3000 for a team of 7.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 261]",,,,,,,0,13,211,1,0,,en, 1423683811104198661,1219566488325017602,Supabase,2021-08-06T16:34:05+00:00,"Remember to get your submissions in by 23.59 PDT TODAY for the @supabase #hackathon ⚡ 🚀 We have incredible judges lined up including @swyx @themarcusbattle and @cassidoo plus extremely limited Supa-Swag 🤯 Submission link is below 👇",,,,,,,2e73a3957e015e43fed0cf0e8d8d9f8d0a61af7e,Planable,0,"[0, 262]",,,,,,,0,3,26,0,1,0,en, 1440797518749601803,33521530,swyx,2021-09-22T21:57:51+00:00,"Quite a few questions on Smart Servers so far. Coincidentally @chris_mccord just published about their path to Phoenix Liveview, which is worth a look for what the Smart Server paradigm can do amazing scoop for @flydotio in hiring him!!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 262]",1439966955570618376,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,14,0,0,0,en, 1441486732516544513,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T19:36:33+00:00,"@Rometools will be written in @Rustlang: ""Being able to build off of high quality dependencies without making tradeoffs makes us more productive and will lead to a better, faster Rome."" also a nice intro to Concrete Syntax Trees in here",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",1429569769150185473,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,10,0,0,0,en, 1444094726567653377,33521530,swyx,2021-10-02T00:19:47+00:00,"doing some research: what *company* blogs do you actually enjoy browsing? Not talking the single-serving posts that announce big launches or get to the top of HN; more looking for what makes you go ""you know what? take my email, i want more of whatever this is""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",,,,,,,0,7,130,0,0,,en, 1458510625332600836,33521530,swyx,2021-11-10T19:03:25+00:00,"Thrilled for @temporalio to make @theinformation's Most Promising Startups list! As an open source devtools company is near impossible to get mainstream media interest in us compared to consumer, crypto, fintech, and AI startups wagmi",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",,,,,,,0,4,18,0,0,0,en, 1459679612242259981,33521530,swyx,2021-11-14T00:28:33+00:00,"Tried to fly @JetBlue because I always liked their marketing and experience, plus JFK is near Brooklyn. But I couldn't. You ever experience a website so extremely bad that you just up and go to their competitor? Hope this is temporary, otherwise, short $JBLU",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",1459667585272713218,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1462860065212231682,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T19:06:32+00:00,"Question for @tailwindcss Typography users - is there an easy way to override settings for every breakpoint? customizing DEFAULT just does the default... i then have to repeat it for literally every breakpoint? resorting to using !important... doesnt feel great",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",,,,,,,0,0,16,0,0,0,en, 1465625407890280452,1300773350533459968,patak,2021-11-30T10:15:01+00:00,"📜 New blog post! ⚡️ The Vite Ecosystem, an exploration of the projects, teams, and individuals collaborating to push the DX of our frontend tooling forward I hope it helps to showcase how much the ecosystem has grown in this past year 💚",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 262]",,,,,,,0,88,300,1,1,0,en, 1361712610593316866,33521530,swyx,2021-02-16T16:22:40+00:00,"My copy of @ddprrt’s TypeScript in 50 Lessons just arrived! can I just say @smashingmag did a SMASHING job making the book match up to the content?!? This thing is a work of art. Belongs on every @TypeScript-er’s bookshelf. P.S. check out the acknowledgments 😉",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,18,167,0,0,0,en, 1373425786351284228,33521530,swyx,2021-03-21T00:06:39+00:00,"Since I work on Infra devtools, I made notes on this week's @a16zLIVE infra discussion with @martin_casado, @davidu and @bhorowitz: Most 🔥 take in the hour was Martin noting that Open Source is becoming irrelevant - it's mostly marketing:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,12,113,0,0,0,en, 1424751510995406850,30192824,Gergely Orosz,2021-08-09T15:16:45+00:00,"While EU companies are pondering if €80K/year for a senior engineer is too much or not, more (US) VC-funded ones are starting to offer €120K ($140-150K) and up *plus* equity for seniors in Europe. Here’s an example with @RevenueCat, who pay location independent.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,75,588,0,0,0,en, 1432467587095359489,26895943,Cristina Cordova,2021-08-30T22:17:41+00:00,"I love speaking with folks early on in their careers, but I know that not everyone feels comfortable reaching out for advice. ☕ I've set aside time every Friday afternoon to connect with folks who may be at an inflection point. Book here",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,12,242,0,0,0,en, 1437109166334783494,33521530,swyx,2021-09-12T17:41:40+00:00,"👀 Working on next post: ""Why do webdevs keep trying to kill REST?"" This one's been baking for a while - ever since I saw the innovation in @Reactjs Server Components and Rails Hotwire. Subscribe if you'd like to read a draft tonight! 🙏🏽",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,6,186,0,0,0,en, 1438992207344635904,14558882,procrastinator,2021-09-17T22:24:12+00:00,"As lists and threads are all the rage here, this by @swyx is one of the best I read during the year...or ever 👏 Where do these people learn to write this stuff? Is there a cohort-based course for ""Lessons learned in XYZ years of life""? 😕",,,,,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,Typefully,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,2,15,0,1,0,en, 1441096838216491009,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T17:47:15+00:00,"Free startup idea: selectively rewrite some sentences of a text when distributing it, keeping original meaning but subtly tweaking words. Can use GPT-3, or synonym/grammar bank. This allows painless watermarking of secret documents, eg internal memos and scripts",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,3,46,0,0,,en, 1443024483170729989,33521530,swyx,2021-09-29T01:27:01+00:00,"Just saw a demo of @Serverless Cloud from @jeremy_daly on @mavi888uy's channel: - API routing + serverless - @DynamoDB storage + querying (incl/ GSIs) - scheduled functions - data streams no YAML, no CDK, no IaC.... JUST BUSINESS LOGIC.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",1435471481266388993,33521530,swyx,,,,0,9,42,0,0,0,en, 1447694312007880704,346579562,Reza Fazeli,2021-10-11T22:43:15+00:00,"I recently learned about the idea of learning in public through this brilliant article by @swyx, and I want to commit to using Twitter (mostly) as a space to learn in public and start being an active producer instead of a passive consumer.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,3,23,0,1,0,en, 1448858023724609541,33521530,swyx,2021-10-15T03:47:25+00:00,"America’s digital divide is never more apparent than today. On the one hand, GitLab, an open source, massively distributed company just IPOed at 2x the valuation of GitHub. On the other, the governor of Missouri just ruled that viewing HTML is criminal hacking.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,358,2516,0,0,,en, 1458129030029316100,33521530,swyx,2021-11-09T17:47:06+00:00,"Finally tried out @gitpod after having problems with Docker Desktop for the umpteenth time. I can get @temporalio’s docker files and samples up and running in one click 🤯 This is the year of Docker in the browser.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,9,79,0,0,0,en, 1466473939543199756,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-12-02T18:26:47+00:00,"Our monthly meetup recording is up! Featuring: - Temporalite @Datadog - Temporal @TypeScript SDK - Temporal + XState @BDevessier @StatelyAI - Building @FlightControlHQ with Temporal! @abadir_ A packed hour of fun and distributed systems!",,,,,,,86e9766d5e36b5847fe04f82904117b15d8fde9c,Agorapulse app,0,"[0, 263]",,,,,,,0,5,26,1,1,0,en, 1197199873331757056,33521530,swyx,2019-11-20T17:07:47+00:00,"I think one of the best non-invasive (aka no surveying needed) metrics of company morale is employee referrals. If referrals are consistent and/or going up, you're doing great. If they're going down or nonexistent, look out. Even applies on a per employee basis.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 264]",,,,,,,0,4,50,0,0,,en, 1427353055519920136,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T19:34:22+00:00,"Ultimately I hope for more intellectual honesty in this industry between merely ""justifying your existence"" and enabling creative risktaking and building multi-year relationships that don't fit in OKR review cycles. You can read more here:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 264]",1427351643985629212,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,11,0,0,0,en, 1453585223594041351,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T04:51:38+00:00,"just found out Garry blocked me :( this was our last interaction…which he retweeted so i think he was ok with it? people can block or mute however they want, and i try not to care. but it hurts a little when its someone i look up to and i dont know what i did :(",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 264]",1394440978199506947,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,17,0,0,,en, 1455955781317132295,1215752268160499712,Lucas Minter,2021-11-03T17:51:23+00:00,"@swyx has inspired me to make a public commitment: Next Friday, I'm going to kick off a book club with friends. We are going to read the @Coding_Career Handbook. We will meet once a week over zoom to discuss our takeaways. If anyone wants to join, send me a dm.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 264]",,33521530,swyx,,,,0,5,25,1,1,,en, 1456668099739111424,49150150,Aliza Aufrichtig,2021-11-05T17:01:53+00:00,"Tune in today at 2pm ET / 11am PT to hear @Rich_Harris and me talk with my dear old pal @jeanqasaur on #PLTalk about the journey from JavaScript to TypeScript on the NYT coronavirus tracker, amongst other fun topics. Just one hour away!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 264]",,,,,,,0,6,38,1,1,0,en, 1460973352613388290,881672363779149824,OneGraph,2021-11-17T14:09:25+00:00,"Some exciting news for us and our customers - OneGraph is joining @Netlify! We'll make building on and connecting APIs in the modern web delightful for millions of devs. And we're also launching our first integration, API Authentication!",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 264]",,,,,,,0,35,228,1,1,0,en, 1464265965546483722,22199970,Lea Verou,2021-11-26T16:13:05+00:00,"New blog post! On Yak Shaving and , a new HTML element for Markdown It talks about how my multi-levels deep yak shaving this week led me to create and release a new web component for Markdown, as well as Stretchy v2. Enjoy!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 264]",,,,,,,0,14,62,1,1,0,en, 1348027297912082433,33521530,swyx,2021-01-09T22:02:07+00:00,"🆕 Blog: What Drives Optimal Overhead? We're often advised to ""Slow down to speed up"". But *how much* slowdown is too much? 5%? 50%? How does it differ between human and machine systems? An exploration of optimal and tolerable overhead.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 265]",,,,,,,0,9,51,0,0,0,en, 1445765439993171972,1321124881182851072,FlutterFlow,2021-10-06T14:58:36+00:00,"FlutterFlow 2.0 is live on ProductHunt! We showcase what's now possible to build with FlutterFlow as we approach our 1 year birthday 🎂. Check it out! Thank you to our users for all the support and constant feedback which helps us improve💜",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 265]",,,,,,,0,17,98,0,0,0,en, 1455340970053013508,33521530,swyx,2021-11-02T01:08:20+00:00,"There’s nothing more wince inducing than listening to podcasters honestly review a product you worked on 3 years after launch and having them call out obviously bad ideas that should’ve never seen the light of day 😬☠️ my defense is i didnt know better!! now i do!!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 265]",,,,,,,0,0,36,0,0,,en, 1462534363535626244,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T21:32:19+00:00,"Building a new Twitter client continues to be one of my worst ideas that I cannot let go of. Just noticed that a hyped YC-backed startup building atop the Twitter API quietly pivoted away :( heres my list of feature requests, pls steal thx",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 265]",,,,,,,0,1,98,0,0,0,en, 1420215212699840519,33521530,swyx,2021-07-28T02:51:07+00:00,"Running communities is an incredible advantage for hiring. When both sides are playing infinite games and share values, it can be such an accelerant to the process. Makes you realize how much of the hiring process is just super lossy derisking of total strangers.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",,,,,,,0,4,81,0,0,,en, 1420663531653926912,1331060842494758913,Savio Martin ⚡️,2021-07-29T08:32:35+00:00,"The wait is over!! 🎉🎉 Introducing Slickr. The most powerful cover image generator for your @hashnode blog ✨️ Enjoy creating cover image for your hashnode blog like never before, get started in seconds. #DEVCommunity #CodeNewbie #sidehustle",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",,,,,,,0,45,268,0,1,0,en, 1422946955630612483,1219566488325017602,Supabase,2021-08-04T15:46:05+00:00,"You still have until 23.59 PDT Friday 6th August to make a submission for the @supabase #hackathon We have incredible judges lined up including @swyx @themarcusbattle and @cassidoo plus limited edition Supa-Swag 🤯 More info in our blog👇",,,,,,,2e73a3957e015e43fed0cf0e8d8d9f8d0a61af7e,Planable,0,"[0, 266]",,,,,,,0,3,19,0,1,0,en, 1424172141289689090,33521530,swyx,2021-08-08T00:54:32+00:00,"""How do you cut a monolith in half?"" LOTS of gold in @tef_ebooks's exploration of why msg brokers don't replace load balancers or databases. The long-lived section is very relevant to @temporalio (lock manager + db + scheduler + protocol).",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",1417315435892985856,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,10,0,0,0,en, 1425529550377684996,33521530,swyx,2021-08-11T18:48:24+00:00,"This move by @GitHub is bold and inspiring. With GitHub aggressively dogfooding Codespaces, cloud dev environments just went from ""haha cute toy"" to ""OK this has serious enterprise investment"". You're also now using Azure without knowing it.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",,,,,,,0,62,368,0,0,0,en, 1438164876975751178,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T15:36:41+00:00,"It's a live demo too, not some aspirational animation. Go here and hit play: Switch to devtools, *RETROACTIVELY ADD LOGGING* and drill down to the exact state of any variable at any point in time. These folks killed console.log debugging.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",1438161819927859210,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,23,0,0,0,en, 1448027262121496578,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T20:46:16+00:00,"To put Temporal inside of Netflix's ""paved road"", they needed every part of the stack to adapt to their needs, from Fast Properties (config store) to Chaos Monkey (fault injection) to Metatron (certs) to Wall-E (authn) to Gandalf (authz) to their own flavor of gRPC.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",1448024109389008896,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1453165564445163520,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T01:04:03+00:00,"Possibly unpopular opinion: blanket bans on metasyntactic variables (""foo, bar, baz"") are unwarranted. When you are designing APIs and documenting them for truly general usecases, using descriptive variable names gets in the way, and can even limit the imagination.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 266]",,,,,,,0,1,41,0,0,,en, 1346842506722308099,813333008,Sarah Drasner,2021-01-06T15:34:11+00:00,"I get a ton of questions about how my org is set up because Developer Experience (DX) as a concept and at Netlify is fairly unique. First up: it’s a hybrid advocacy and engineering role, and some groups in the department are 100% engineering.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 267]",,,,,,,0,162,914,0,0,0,en, 1423972793910243330,36686876,Brittney Postma,2021-08-07T11:42:24+00:00,"The new @SvelteSociety site is live in all it's new SvelteKit awesomeness. I got to make some small contributions to this site by colorizing the original icons, creating an all new @svelteradio icon for the home page, and a few other tweaks.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 267]",,,,,,,0,16,84,0,1,0,en, 1427794159520256002,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T00:47:09+00:00,"I’ve been wearing fitness trackers for years. First night of wearing it, my $229 @fitbit Versa 3 did this to my hand. also music controls were just buggy (pause, cant restart). watchface doesnt activate when i raise my hand. headed back in for the $329 Apple Watch.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 267]",1427792224859746305,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,24,0,0,0,en, 1433117668156928004,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T17:20:52+00:00,"This is not to say that if you can’t figure it out, it’s not your fault: we are tremendously bad at documenting our code, and documenting our journeys. Seek out your dev community for help, and remember how this feels when its your turn to see newer devs struggling.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 267]",1432977957388120064,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,8,0,0,,en, 1363110323268374530,33521530,swyx,2021-02-20T12:56:41+00:00,"🆕 Prerecording Conference Talks: I presented this for this year's @gdcfpday to help more people get into conference speaking - thanks to @hj_chen for inviting me and I hope this helps someone get their start with the online conference format!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 268]",,,,,,,0,4,16,0,0,0,en, 1374387504174927878,1258072773957566464,Molly Mielke,2021-03-23T15:48:10+00:00,"My thesis is out! ""Computers and Creativity"" asks: How can we utilize the full potential of creative thought and computational actualization to enable human innovation? In fewer words: How can we make 💻s better 🚴‍♂️s of the creative 🧠? 1/5",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 268]",,,,,,,0,213,1810,0,1,0,en, 1438972757862191106,397782926,Hillel,2021-09-17T21:06:54+00:00,"Audiences also have different *purposes*. The docs for a software package change if the reader's purpose is to: * Use it on a new project * Understand its use in an existing project * Write plugins for it * Teach others how to use it * Port it to a different language",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 268]",1438972755848880133,397782926,hillelogram,,,,0,1,11,0,0,,en, 1039165996676739072,813333008,Sarah Drasner,2018-09-10T14:57:35+00:00,"🎋The CLI tool I was making is finished! It’s called the project explorer! You can feed it the directory of any repo/project you’re working on and it will give you - a visualization of the tree structure - an ability to annotate files with notes",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,305,1743,0,0,0,en, 1261851180881174529,240049622,David Perell,2020-05-17T02:49:00+00:00,"Here are the skills you need to run an online course. They fall into four buckets: (1) business, (2) marketing, (3) entertainment, and (4) education. Traditional teachers are at a disadvantage in online education because they over-estimate the importance of teaching.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",1261849798031798272,240049622,david_perell,,,,0,56,355,0,0,0,en, 1311191397085491200,33521530,swyx,2020-09-30T06:29:24+00:00,"Ancient Chinese had a saying: 修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下. Fix yourself, your family, your country, then go for world peace. In that order. Shit's fucked up. You're allowed to be upset. But calibrate to your circle of influence. If it's too small, grow it. Doing > Yelling.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,123,729,0,1,,en, 1427363684037369866,840115172,Will Lawrence ⭕️,2021-08-16T20:16:36+00:00,"Still in love with this piece by @swyx. I feel like creating + working is a good mix for me. My work informs my writing and my writing helps me be better in my job. The challenge is managing scope creep when creating. Timeboxing helps here ☺️",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,2,25,0,1,0,en, 1429608015057981446,40273,Ben Thompson,2021-08-23T00:54:46+00:00,"If I could convince everyone in the world to read and understand one article about COVID it would be this one. FWIW it very closely tracks the understanding I’ve developed over many months now, and explains all of the twists and turns to date.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,295,1430,0,1,0,en, 1434206569881694210,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T17:27:47+00:00,"New: The Swipe Files Strategy for Part Time Creators What if I told you there was a simple strategy that can help you slow-cook a $300,000 a year side project and kickstart your @IndieHackers career, on a few hours a week? Build a Swipe File.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,2,62,0,0,0,en, 1435387866079694849,33521530,swyx,2021-09-07T23:41:50+00:00,"Today's clip: How React got traction, according to @floydophone! I think everyone in devtools/devrel needs to deeply study successful projects, so here are 3 lessons from @reactjs: - Nerd Snipe people - Support Everybody - Handle Table Stakes",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,2,34,0,0,0,en, 1441794957543608324,2932738834,Angie Jones,2021-09-25T16:01:19+00:00,"The problem with learning from experts is that they are so far removed from square one. Their material assumes some foundational knowledge. Newbies, don't be afraid to share what you're learning. From the beginning. We - even the experts - need your fresh perspective!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,470,2330,0,0,,en, 1446268135078699012,1331053779341348864,Common Room,2021-10-08T00:16:08+00:00,"It's @swyx! Head of Developer Experience at @temporalio and tech meetup connoisseur. We asked Shawn everything from his favorite part of working in community (it's an ""infinite game"") to advice he'd give now, and none of the answers disappoint.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,5,18,0,1,0,en, 1470462000001994754,33521530,swyx,2021-12-13T18:33:55+00:00,"Free startup idea / Request for startup: Eco-friendly cable disposal 1. Let anyone mail their “big box of cables” to you. 2. You keep them for 1 year and ship back equivalent cables on demand. 3. Sell/responsibly recycle the rest. 4. Donate 20% proceeds to #TeamTrees",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,2,44,0,0,,en, 1470489155725578262,2477624389,Arthur Wu 🍊,2021-12-13T20:21:49+00:00,"What makes Gmail performant is different than what makes Instagram performant. In ""Application Holotypes"", @_developit made a starting taxonomy of web app types and good architecture traits for each one. Many cite it as an impt read, and I've made it more visual 🧵:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 269]",,,,,,,0,15,69,1,1,0,en, 1193817952593707008,33521530,swyx,2019-11-11T09:09:14+00:00,"👍Enjoyed this 2017 interview of @tomocchino, @sebmarkbage, and @cpojer on MooTools and it’s influence on @reactjs. Thanks for making it happen @iam_preethi! Lots of hard-learned lessons in there shaping how React is managed today #MootoolsMafia",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,3,24,0,0,0,en, 1427457113463300106,33521530,swyx,2021-08-17T02:27:51+00:00,"Are we stuck with 5 star rating systems forever? A single irate customer can total someone’s livelihood with a 1 and there’s no meaningful difference between a 4.6 and a 4.7. Is anyone working on a viable alternative to the tyranny of Black Mirror style rating systems?",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,6,130,0,0,,en, 1440052933555417092,1347260005460934657,Arnold Ho,2021-09-20T20:39:08+00:00,"Just finished 'the coding career handbook' written by @swyx cover to cover, it has some really solid advices in there and I really recommend anyone at any stage of their career to read it! I already know I'll be referring to it again and again in the future! #CodeNewbie",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,4,17,0,1,,en, 1440773063079981057,6981492,Paul Ford,2021-09-22T20:20:41+00:00," is a climate change initiative and their website is one of the finest pieces of digital work @Postlight has produced (w/many collaborators). This org has changed the way I work and think. Kindly give it an hour of your time (yes, an actual hour).",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,66,255,0,1,0,en, 1455632170312089601,33521530,swyx,2021-11-02T20:25:28+00:00,"Talent is not the scarcest resource for startups. Anyone can throw money at a superstar who ends up becoming a dud — because they don't *care*. The scarcest resource is ownership mentality. And it is a raw material: still needs to be nurtured, shaped, mined, supported.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,70,659,0,0,,en, 1455992698242953219,3349531,Kyle Vogt,2021-11-03T20:18:04+00:00,"1) Monday night was a night I’ll never forget. I’m still speechless. I got to take the first ride, by anyone, ever, in a *driverless* robotaxi on the streets of San Francisco. This was officially ride #1 for @Cruise. Full story and vids below.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,902,4163,1,1,0,en, 1459274455583281160,112849341,Jakub Neander (Zaiste),2021-11-12T21:38:36+00:00,"Tomorrow (Nov 13) at 11am PT / 8pm CET together with @swyx we will be discussing React Server Components in Next.js 12 (a feature currently in alpha) along with a coding session ➝ re-doing the official notes demo from the React.js team See you!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,1,11,1,1,0,en, 1463367392612913153,33521530,swyx,2021-11-24T04:42:29+00:00,"🎧 Today's clip is this excellent Twitter strategy from @mkobach: It's caused me switch terminology, from ""being a Schelling point"" to being a ""lighthouse"". I do still like the idea that influencers switch from Schelling to Shilling as they grow.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,0,1,0,0,0,en, 1466544085041233922,312750384,Jason Laster,2021-12-02T23:05:31+00:00,"Would you like to help scale the craziest backend I’ve ever seen?'s tech stack is TS, EC2, K8S, and Pulumi, but what makes it fun is that one debugging session can be anywhere from one to one hundred browsers co-located across several instances.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,21,49,1,1,0,en, 1469447948475850752,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T23:24:26+00:00,"Some of my fav parts of working at @temporalio is doing architecture calls with developers who are seriously evaluating us to replace janky ad hoc systems of cronjobs and scripts. real quote from a call today: “This is going to solve every backend problem I ever had” 😍",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 270]",,,,,,,0,1,41,0,0,,en, 995896831165919232,14253068,Michael Feathers,2018-05-14T05:21:22+00:00,"Maxwell's Equations may not exist for software but what we do have is: 1. Parnas' information hiding - what pieces are 2. Postel's Law - how pieces compose 3. Armstrong - how software can respond to the physical world 4. Conway's Law - how software interacts with people",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,175,462,0,0,,en, 1278665379544350720,33521530,swyx,2020-07-02T12:22:37+00:00,"Something I didn't appreciate until I was a tool maker for while: - Scalability is a feature AND a cost - Tools designed to make small things should work very differently from tools designed to make big things - But you can design for graceful & *reversible* ""eject""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,6,53,0,0,,en, 1420584976576286722,1319269656264409088,kennethcassel.eth 🍊,2021-07-29T03:20:26+00:00,"I'm building a new course on @SlipApp! If you've ever wanted to go the extra mile and delight your users, If you've ever wanted someone to share your website because the experience made them happy, This is the course for you. I'm calling it ""Animated Applications""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,23,159,0,1,0,en, 1420758051049459725,38167592,Bob Nystrom,2021-07-29T14:48:10+00:00,"Today is the day! Crafting Interpreters is available for purchase in print, Kindle, ebook, and PDF! Behold: It took a lot longer than I expected, but it's all done now. So long that I wrote a blog post about it: 🎉📖🎉📖🎉📖🎉📖🎉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,492,2018,0,1,0,en, 1432583994441297924,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T06:00:15+00:00,"Added a new question to my @savvycal_ - Can I record our conversation? Stealing a page from @sytses, I want to share as many of my conversations as possible and it's awkward to ask ""can I record this"" at the start of the convo. This way, open-minded people can opt in.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,1,19,0,0,0,en, 1455007382577115142,33521530,swyx,2021-11-01T03:02:47+00:00,"nothing makes me feel dumber than when i need to do some quick text replacement in my project and decide that THIS is the day i learn sed/awk/grep… and 30 mins later i’m still digging through stackoverflow answers that are like “duh just read the man page are you dense”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,3,230,0,0,,en, 1461043514641305600,33521530,swyx,2021-11-17T18:48:13+00:00,"🦄 @Netlify was the first unicorn I ever worked at in more ways than one: It remains the only company I've been at that has an active Alumni slack. I can ping old coworkers and it's like I never left. If you can build a strong culture, you can do anything. :netlilove:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,8,354,0,0,,en, 1463151477174714373,37845634,Kevin A. K.,2021-11-23T14:24:30+00:00,"Today I'm announcing that going forward I'll be working as the Technical Community Builder at @SvelteSociety. What's it mean?👇 - In-person Svelte Summit conferences🥳 - Regular hangouts on Discord📻 - A refreshed website with up-to-date content📚 - Faster community growth📈",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 271]",,,,,,,0,23,352,1,1,,en, 1240747430141988864,33521530,swyx,2020-03-19T21:10:13+00:00,"✍️What You Can Do with Netlify Build Plugins I've spent some time dabbling with @netlify Build Plugins. Here's some ideas! - Notifiers - Cache/Asset Optimization - Deploy Blockers - Generate Source Files - Generate Build Artefacts - Weird Combos",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,5,41,0,0,0,en, 1252699745883062272,33521530,swyx,2020-04-21T20:44:28+00:00,"✍️Cloud Distros (and the Deployment Age of the Cloud) Reflecting on @Vercel's fundraising, and speculating on what all these next-generation cloud startups are doing differently than the Big 3 clouds they are built on, and the PaaSes of the Past.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,20,130,0,0,0,en, 1436520685778530307,1436382868591165445,AWS Weweases Made Howwibwe,2021-09-11T02:43:15+00:00,"AWS PawawwewCwustew nyow suppowts cwustew manyagement thwough Amazon API Gateway Amazon PawawwewCwustew is a fuwwy suppowted and maintainyed open souwce cwustew manyagement toow that makes it easiew fow scientists, weseawchews, and IT adminyist...",,,,,,,7a22e1ca18d57e07b81ea13350e2b9f2cade0008,AWS Cwoud Weweases,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,1,5,0,0,0,en, 1440341298582523904,795570324532326400,Matt Perry,2021-09-21T15:45:00+00:00,"🚀 Introducing Motion One. The smallest fully-featured animation library for the web. Built on the Web Animations API, it offers hardware accelerated animations, timelines and more, all for less than a fifth of the size of Greensock. Check it out:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,677,3798,0,1,0,en, 1443510896676859906,33521530,swyx,2021-09-30T09:39:51+00:00,"So @spenserskates' AMA (on the occasion of @Amplitude_HQ's IPO) is just an all-timer HN fairytale: - disrupting competitor @Mixpanel - Mixpanel founder @suhail congratulating them - @patio11 ""Charge more"" taken to heart - @bgurley style IPO rant",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,29,253,0,0,0,en, 1448024109389008896,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T20:33:45+00:00,"Open sourcing has a cost - at @temporalio it impacts decisionmaking in engineering, product, docs, devrel. Tradeoffs we wouldn't have if we just had a free tier. But look at how extensively @NetflixEng has been able to adapt our SDKs and devtools:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",1448024107618947072,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,22,0,0,0,en, 1450107147321180161,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T14:31:00+00:00,"Rough developer funnel we're using @temporalio: Hear about us (WoM, Confs, Blog) 🔽Browse Docs/YouTube 🔽Follow @temporalio / Join Slack 🔽Attend Workshop/Meetup 🔽Build POC 🔽Move to production 🔽Write/Speak about us 🔽Temporal on Job desc ♻️back to top",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,1,13,0,0,0,en, 1453508738241814533,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T23:47:42+00:00,"For Developer Experience peeps: I met @Silassao at KubeCon recently and he was thinking thru a lot of the same problems at @DataStax. We had a recorded conversation today about how we're using feature mapping to harmonize the DX for @Temporalio!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,2,11,1,0,0,en, 1469677279315959810,1939826354,Rahul Padalkar,2021-12-11T14:35:43+00:00,"Was searching for videos that explain React Hooks. Came across @swyx 's ""Getting Closure on React Hooks"", from @jsconfasia 2019. Such an awesome talk. Highly recommended! Tried it myself and here's the repl link 👇 Talk 👉",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 272]",,,,,,,0,1,14,1,1,0,en, 1010677126897504256,33521530,swyx,2018-06-24T00:12:59+00:00,"Ever wondered what the @gatsbyjs bootstrap output means every time you type `gatsby develop`? I went code spelunking today and wrote them up in this gist: 👉🏼 👈🏼 there's a lifecycle chart to be made somewhere here but this is the primary sequence.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,11,72,0,0,0,en, 1172690454363672577,33521530,swyx,2019-09-14T01:56:06+00:00,"✍️ Static Svelte: JavaScript Blogging with 93% less JavaScript I moved my personal site to @Rich_Harris's incredible new framework, @sveltejs. JS bundle went from 138kb down to 9kb. I discuss the pros and cons here 👇🏼 don't do this move lightly!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,152,772,0,0,0,en, 1410103013885108229,33521530,swyx,2021-06-30T05:08:51+00:00,"wow - so cool to see how @Shopify is using React Server Components (and @tailwindcss!) to build fast, fully customizable storefronts 👀 ""We're going to go all in on it."" - @tobi thanks to @leeerob for sharing this in our devtools-angels discord!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",1341787152238039041,33521530,swyx,,,,0,7,48,0,0,0,en, 1418435083237687311,33521530,swyx,2021-07-23T04:57:31+00:00,"Listening to @yishan talk about Terraformation on @jjacobs2’s @mcjpod has me more techno-optimistic than I’ve been in a long time. This man is out here literally taking the VC exponential growth playbook to planting trees to solve climate change.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,2,12,0,0,0,en, 1423763549315158017,33521530,swyx,2021-08-06T21:50:57+00:00,"Every now and then I get upset about the slow adoption of self driving cars so I decided to look up numbers. Deaths per BILLION passenger-miles per year: Airlines: 0.02 Human Driving Cars: 15 Human Driving Motorcycles: 400 Total self driving miles last year: ~3 million 🙃",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,2,35,0,0,,en, 1429607755770331140,33521530,swyx,2021-08-23T00:53:44+00:00,"of course it was from @benthompson: (thanks to @jtao_) he identifies a few other points: - the Jobs school is older - platforms skew Jobsian, aggregators skew Zuckerist - the business model follows (paid vs ads) - they aren’t at odds; we need both",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 273]",1429536652196651012,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,15,0,0,0,en, 1432501072300593162,896059763129298953,Jai Bhagat,2021-08-31T00:30:44+00:00,"Today, I was selected to speak at one of the most important conferences for Ember. I just learned Ember 3 months ago. And I still need someone to pair program with me regularly to get unblocked. @swyx taught me 3 tips for submitting a CFP in @Coding_Career. #ship30for30",,,,,,,ad5adbf4b257d939c1b6993f34e2b8463adbbc6c,Typeshare,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,3,34,0,1,0,en, 1434404727664558080,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T06:35:11+00:00,"Another rarity in this category: the sober retrospective where people close to the matter discuss mistakes made in dev marketing. excellent post by @ahmetb kNative’s initial marketing definitely spoke to too niche a usecase and it suffered for it.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 273]",1416543395976151040,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,6,0,0,0,en, 1440684812885315597,389681470,Kent C. Dodds 💿🔴,2021-09-22T14:30:00+00:00,"I spent most of yesterday on my @RideOnewheel and listening to @swyx's audio reading of The @Coding_Career Handbook ( It's phenomenal. On my short-list of recommendations. Practical, actionable, and (based on my own experience) terrific advise. 👏👏👏",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,10,82,0,1,0,en, 1443712206558871558,312681953,Sahil Bloom,2021-09-30T22:59:47+00:00,"I was in the airport today in LA and overheard a TSA agent talking to his colleagues about Evergrande. Then he said he had read about it from some guy on Twitter named “Saheel” Bloom. I just smiled, grabbed my bag, and walked away. The internet is absolutely incredible.",,,,,,,e6528b505bcfd811fdd40ff2d46665dbccba2024,Twitter for Mac,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,127,4939,0,0,,en, 1460274803139510278,50136899,Tanner Linsley,2021-11-15T15:53:38+00:00,"🎉🥳 Announcing #ReactLocation, a brand new router for React! ⏳ Async Loaders & Elements 🔀 Parallelized ⏲️ Prefetching 🗄 Caching 🔎 1st-class Integrated Search Params API 🗂 Code-Splitting ⚠️ Error/Pending/Timing States 🪆 Nested Layouts #TanStack",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,336,1711,1,1,0,en, 1466106700583243779,604296890,James,2021-12-01T18:07:31+00:00,"Introducing Floating UI — a new, low-level JavaScript positioning library for floating elements like tooltips, popovers, and dropdowns ✅ Tiny 0.6 kB core ✅ Functional, pure, extensible ✅ Platform-agnostic (React Native support) ⌛ Future components",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,287,1713,1,1,0,en, 1468292823443070983,33521530,swyx,2021-12-07T18:54:23+00:00,"The nature of UX bugs is that they are low priority in the short term (minor inconvenience), and high priority in the long term (evidence of lack of polish; persistent friction). If your issue prioritization doesn't include issue age you are almost certainly missing this.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 273]",,,,,,,0,21,130,1,0,,en, 1227424568270368768,33521530,swyx,2020-02-12T02:49:56+00:00,"✍️Clientside Webmentions: Joining the IndieWeb with @Sveltejs Finally got around to an initial implementation of @aaronpk's wonderful service. I found @mxstbr's clientside implementation a great balance of build risk and UX!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,7,30,0,0,0,en, 1422957383387688968,82564066,Robin Moffatt 🍻🏃🥓,2021-08-04T16:27:32+00:00,"🎉 If you're interested in @apachekafka then your life just got easier :) 📣 Today we launched with over ten hours of FREE video 🎥 courses with hands-on exercises, 50+ event streaming patterns, deep-dive articles on Kafka's internals, and a ton more 🤩",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,174,611,0,0,0,en, 1425487171172044815,3023155108,"React Summit 🗓 June 17 & 21, 2022",2021-08-11T16:00:00+00:00,"There was a time before #ReactJS, and there will be life after. If you tie yourself too closely to any tech, you might trap yourself. @swyx zooms out from the state management library du jour to see what timeless lessons we can learn from #ReactJS:",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,6,11,0,1,0,en, 1425716946977185793,33521530,swyx,2021-08-12T07:13:03+00:00,"Every few months I marvel at the perfect timing of the releases of AWS Lambda (max lock in) and Kubernetes (min lock in) and how they make total sense given each cloud’s position. Behind the scenes tech strategists are playing a giant game of 4D chess and we are the pawns.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,0,15,0,0,,en, 1430949616371961862,33521530,swyx,2021-08-26T17:45:48+00:00,"i often hear that indie hackers have little to learn from working at bigco or venture track startups. The resource limitations, interpersonal management, product timeline, and transparency lessons are at minimum irrelevant, at worst totally inverse! this is the norm, but",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,0,14,0,0,,en, 1432864040624091138,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:03+00:00,"To paraphrase: DX advances by extending the number of important problems our code handles without thinking of them. If we can isolate these chores, we can design them into the language, or build it into the platform. The holy grail: Language-AS-platform, Infra-FROM-code.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",1432864036241088513,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,12,0,0,0,en, 1440470398152454144,35109534,Eugene Yan,2021-09-22T00:18:00+00:00,"When given a problem, solve it without machine learning first. In this opinionated piece, I'll share: • Similar views from other ML practitioners • Simple and faster alternatives • Examples of non-ML successes • When to start using machine learning",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,73,266,0,1,0,en, 1449856639331340289,14485678,Ali Partovi,2021-10-17T21:55:34+00:00,"I once killed a $125 million deal by being “too honest.” There are many ways to lose deals, lest you think last week’s story was my only painful blunder. This one hinged on a fateful encounter with Jerry Yang and involved Paul Graham (@paulg). Here’s what happened.... (1/n)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,857,4451,0,1,,en, 1450406508559101959,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T10:20:33+00:00,"ditto goes for 3 years of the same damn debate whether hooks were a good idea or not 🤮 stuff like this is why I walked away from being a pure frontend/React person, the debates are so inane and solutions like @Sveltejs and Vue are truly viable now!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 274]",1450333133300064259,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,119,0,0,0,en, 1451287571481325569,12819682,Mitchell Hashimoto,2021-10-21T20:41:35+00:00,"I love this “Willingness to look stupid” post. For me, I’d also flip this and say that people who go out of their way to be the smartest person in the room are a huge red flag. I’ve had an almost universally bad experience with those types of people.",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,56,451,1,1,0,en, 1457803089230974983,90286855,Changelog,2021-11-08T20:11:55+00:00,"📢 We had @swyx on The Changelog! 1️⃣ Why learn in public 2️⃣ The dark side of the #API economy 3️⃣ @Cloudflare's Go game vs @awscloud's Chess 4️⃣ The #frontend pay ceiling & his move to the back 5️⃣ What @temporalio is about This is a good one!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,2,7,1,1,0,en, 1461394883160145922,33521530,swyx,2021-11-18T18:04:26+00:00,"🎨 My article on ""Measuring Developer Relations"" was illustrated by @arthurwuhoo! DevRels these days are asked to do all sorts of things - a clean way to break it out is with the Content-Community-Product trio, which nicely aligns to useful metrics!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,4,53,0,0,0,en, 1465230968143237124,33521530,swyx,2021-11-29T08:07:40+00:00,"Every so often I realize someone hasn't tweeted in a while, check their profile and realize they've become disillusioned with social media and just peaced out. On one hand, I'm happy for them. On the other, I miss them. On my third hand, I wonder when it will be my turn.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 274]",,,,,,,0,6,133,0,0,,en, 1317635707838496768,33521530,swyx,2020-10-18T01:16:47+00:00,"🆕 Svelte for Sites, React for Apps. At @chriscoyier's behest, I finally wrote down the ""hot"" take that has been cooking in my head all year. Today we celebrate @SvelteSociety's first birthday with #SvelteSummit 🏔️ and it feels like a coming of age.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,64,442,0,0,0,en, 1348001394758799361,293815131,Julian Shapiro,2021-01-09T20:19:11+00:00,"People don't have short attention spans: • They finish 3 hour Joe Rogan episodes. • They binge 14 hour shows. They have short *consideration spans:* they must be hooked quickly. Point: Don't fear making great, in-depth content. But, ensure your first minute is incredible.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",1348001394104537089,293815131,Julian,,,,0,1640,11712,0,0,,en, 1415436174685089793,14822853,Misko Hevery,2021-07-14T22:20:56+00:00,"Qwik does something heretical! It stores its state in DOM, which is what makes it HTML-first. This goes against all other frameworks, but there are surprising benefits to it. Things that are next to impossible in other frameworks, are trivial in Qwik.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,31,112,0,0,0,en, 1420442392637939712,36686876,Brittney Postma,2021-07-28T17:53:51+00:00,"So, I just had this idea today inspired by @swyx's Mixtapes. I'm thinking of starting a short, digestible solo podcast that I can get all my thoughts for the week out on. I blogged for awhile and put up, but I just don't have time to write up anymore.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,0,12,0,0,0,en, 1424769790107820032,714203117663948802,,2021-08-09T16:29:23+00:00,"Very excited to finally share what @richardfreling, @vinayyala, and I are working on @CommandBar adds a magical ""command k"" widget to any web app - Let users search to discover any feature - Blazingly fast CLI for your power users - De-bloat your UI",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,34,191,0,0,0,en, 1427351638872772633,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T19:28:44+00:00,"🆕 Measuring Developer Relations How you measure DevRel = what you think effective DevRel *is* + your philosophy on lagging vs leading metrics for a creative, unattributable, human endeavor. Here are some thoughts for friends entering the industry:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,24,93,0,1,0,en, 1427792224859746305,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T00:39:28+00:00,"There’s a significant “it just works” premium built into everything from Apple. Every time I try to leave the Apple ecosystem in some way the thesis is invariably some version of “you get the same for less”. Every time I crawl back to Apple because the extra $ is worth it.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,7,155,0,0,,en, 1432508202050994177,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T00:59:04+00:00,"Heard some ugly workplace stories today. Lots of things that people can't say out loud, but there's no stronger signal than employees voting with their feet. Departure of any one person isn't concerning, it's the trendline - and whether or not management takes it seriously.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,1,51,0,0,,en, 1432760330883514369,1221344704811241472,Magic,2021-08-31T17:40:56+00:00,"🍿 Awesome ppl to follow to learn about @sveltejs: 🔸 @lihautan, Svelte maintainer & youtuber. 🔸 @swyx, speaks & write about Svelte. 🔸 @steph_dietz_, new Svelte fan & youtuber. 🔸 @spences10, writes about Svelte. 🔸 @Wattenberger, uses Svelte for data visualization.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,13,42,0,1,,en, 1435258964242059268,153524496,Ives van Hoorne,2021-09-07T15:09:37+00:00,"It's still pretty crazy that for a normal devenv you have the linter, typechecker, editor and bundler all generating the same ASTs for the same code. That's a LOT of double work, a very good point from @swyx in his talk. I can't wait for tools like Rome to consolidate this.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,8,147,0,1,0,en, 1436890184449236994,23795212,Ben Lesh 👈😎👈,2021-09-12T03:11:30+00:00,"Okay, I've taken the time to articulate all of my thoughts in a single space about the current pipeline proposal. I've also included as much information as I can about functional piping, and the two most popular pipelines. (It's opinionated, sorry)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,143,555,0,0,0,en, 1437944201841418242,33521530,swyx,2021-09-15T00:59:48+00:00,"My “either everyone is crazy or I am” cultural phenomenon that I don’t get is the Apple Watch. Why pay $300 for a new source of daily battery anxiety, incomprehensible complications, and 30 apps you never use? Been giving it a shot from series 1 to 6 but it’s still subpar.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,20,686,0,0,,en, 1441463194459906058,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T18:03:01+00:00,"🆕 I'm releasing my chat with @RedpointVC answering all things Developer Relations! I can echo @Nutlope that DevRel is in superhot demand, bc I don't consider myself an expert yet 400 people signed up to hear me riff on DevRel with @SaiVC_ about it 😅",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,0,11,0,0,0,en, 1446525397508657155,2330381,Will Larson,2021-10-08T17:18:24+00:00,"Systems thinking is my fav thinking tool, but many of my largest reasoning errors stemmed from surface use (""here's an intuitive mental model"") while skipping the details (""comparing outputs of an explicit model against real behavior""). Some lessons!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,17,99,0,1,0,en, 1446601175197880325,19487837,Rich Harris,2021-10-08T22:19:31+00:00,"i recorded a talk for — — about whether you should build multi-page apps (MPAs) or single-page apps (SPAs). spoiler: the answer is 'neither'. or 'both', depending on your definitions. here's the condensed tweet thread version:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,199,853,0,0,0,en, 1449540634218352641,33521530,swyx,2021-10-17T00:59:53+00:00,"Finishing up my next podcast drop 👀 I chatted with @wardpeet @AbhiAiyer about: - @Gatsbyjs 4 DSG and PQR - TMA: Too Many Acronyms - Dropping Redux for LMDB - Gatsby vs Netlify - Gatsby vs Next.js - The End of Jamstack?? - @Reactjs 18 Subscribe: 🙏🏽",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,4,38,0,0,0,en, 1449945890500669441,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T03:50:13+00:00,"preparing my @Coding_Career talk for @FITC's conf this wwek and ended up reminding myself how often performance review systems start out trying to be fair and end up fair-washing systems of oppression. Can't give career advice without acknowledging the elephant in the room.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,0,10,0,0,0,en, 1451229925395030021,1319269656264409088,kennethcassel.eth 🍊,2021-10-21T16:52:31+00:00,"We're launching an Instructor Cohort at Slip! Looking for 10 devs to join our inaugural 4-week cohort Over 4 weeks, you'll learn how to build and sell an effective, engaging, and profitable programming course! When you launch, you'll get $1000 from us :) RT appreciated",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,66,206,1,1,0,en, 1452762935210622976,16602665,Michael Grinich,2021-10-25T22:24:09+00:00,"🚀 We're launching a podcast!🎙 Focused 20-minute interviews that distill advice and tactics from top SaaS founders on how to build (and sell) to enterprise. Including @Vercel, @Webflow, @TrustVanta, and more every week! Listen (and subscribe) here 👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,3,31,1,1,0,en, 1453522590094413825,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T00:42:45+00:00,"😍 Just heard back from someone in the @Coding_Career community that they got promoted to Senior! I think that's my 3rd this year. Yeah sex is great, but, have you tried mentoring complete strangers looking for help?? and have them actually follow through your advice?? 👩‍🍳😘",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,3,50,0,0,,en, 1454871289643032580,33521530,swyx,2021-10-31T18:02:00+00:00,"Surprising consensus from the smartest devtools people I talk to: San Francisco is still the place to be. You’d think that this group is the most inclined to remote life and distributed companies. None of them have offices anymore. But enough is IRL they have no hesitation.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",,,,,,,0,0,36,0,0,,en, 1460615911132463107,18333169,Ron Au 🦆,2021-11-16T14:29:04+00:00,"We have 10 wonderful speakers lined up and our first talk is by Lucas Smith, Staff Design Technologist at Reddit! @volanStudio will be sharing how to make your productivity survive context-switching 🙏 Check out all the talks, speakers and times here:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",1460615909211447306,18333169,ronvoluted,,,,0,0,3,0,0,0,en, 1462569053420244992,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T23:50:10+00:00,"Twitter Tips are an example of a nice idea ruined by ideology. Jack believes so much in Bitcoin he relegates Venmo to the back pages. People are far more likely to do things for tips *to a selected nonprofit* than for their own account. so much potential. so little courage.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 275]",1462534363535626244,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,13,0,0,0,en, 1469163411531513857,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T04:33:47+00:00,"And Todolists. We're much better at making Todolists than doing Todos on our Todolists 😂 @huxpro delivering the surprise announcement of #ReactConf in this talk - the sufficiently smart compiler is real — and maybe not so impossible! React Forget 👀",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 275]",1469145149162676224,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,18,0,0,0,en, 1474271524110491649,33521530,swyx,2021-12-24T06:51:36+00:00,"Strong Opinions on heading tags in HTML (h1, h2, h3, etc): - should all have id’s set - should all have discoverable anchor links (see: github markdown, or my blogposts) - (when appropriate) highlight link target, eg when one item in a multiple column layout (using :target)",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 275]",1474267015334752257,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,25,1,0,,en, 1221129594146840577,33521530,swyx,2020-01-25T17:55:57+00:00,"Looking for: ""the best"" - obsessing over benchmarks - caring what influencers think - keeping up with new releases ""good enough"" - what YOU need done - what YOU know well - what YOU enjoy The more reversible the decision, the faster you should move.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1221125270989692928,33521530,swyx,,,,0,12,79,0,0,0,en, 1346652236378566657,16520821,Beyang Liu,2021-01-06T02:58:07+00:00,"Sourcegraph raised a lot of money in 2020 and in 2021, we're putting that to work by investing in features for open-source authors, maintainers, and users. I'd love to hear from folks who have thoughts on how we can better serve open source through our product. Current ideas👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,11,36,0,0,,en, 1397379577710743552,33521530,swyx,2021-05-26T02:30:28+00:00,"💰 Stripe Goes No-Code! My 3 minute explainer of @Stripe's new Payment Links, which let you generate a convenient URL for any product in *seconds*. URL's are the firstborn APIs of the web. Accepted everywhere, as all great payment methods should be.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,65,526,0,0,0,en, 1421095739195756549,115513801,Tj,2021-07-30T13:10:01+00:00,"This talk on Growing a Meta-Language by @swyx is just amazing! He goes in depth into talking about the how the trifecta of language+flavour+tools help each other. Playing around with @rails, I see the same kind of magic that makes it charming to use!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,2,9,0,1,0,en, 1422553148099645451,17459118,Kenton Varda,2021-08-03T13:41:14+00:00,"A very wonky blog post. We noticed many Durable Objects apps had classic storage bugs (race conditions, unconfirmed writes, long waits, etc.). Instead of telling people to fix their code, we fixed the system, so intuitively-written code is now correct.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,30,141,0,0,0,en, 1424145861651558405,33521530,swyx,2021-08-07T23:10:07+00:00,"Not everything is an infinite game. I think people are too easy on themselves when they learn this concept. The more that infinite game mentality diffuses into popular consciousness, the more valuable it becomes to play lots of finite games. Life, after all, is one of them.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,1,30,0,0,,en, 1424476999569985538,33521530,swyx,2021-08-08T21:05:56+00:00,"I'm back working on my newsletter! Sending out top 3 reads with my takes on each: - Why aren't there more Programming Languages startups?? - Maximizing Your Slut Impact: An Overly Analytical Guide To Camgirling - Agile at 20: The Failed Rebellion",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,2,11,0,0,0,en, 1427862892976611333,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T05:20:16+00:00,"When you visit @stephsmithio's Doing Content Right, you'll notice the unusual book pricing: raising prices every 30 copies. This is a stroke of *GENIUS*, and on today's mixtape I analyze it via @RobertCialdini's advice on Social Proof and Scarcity: 🔥",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,2,47,0,0,0,en, 1428580204088373252,4023142698,React India 🇮🇳,2021-08-20T04:50:37+00:00,"🚨Nominate Speakers 🚨 If you know someone who has something great to talk about, nominate them. Join @GantLaborde @swyx @mxstbr our very first confirmed speakers on the virtual stage. This Call for Presentation closes soon Apply to our CFP today.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1428580201294876679,4023142698,react_india,,,,0,3,12,0,1,0,en, 1428933561835421696,33521530,swyx,2021-08-21T04:14:44+00:00,"Connected with a clinical psychologist over our mutual suspicion of Enneagrams today TIL that there are more developed alternatives to the Big 5 OCEAN Personality traits: MMPI: ~500 questions MCMI: ~200 questions fascinating!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1430587772889223175,4216361,Dion Almaer,2021-08-25T17:47:58+00:00,"★ New Job! Arming Developers @ Shopify I am excited to share the news that, after a lovely summer post-Google, I have taken a new job at Shopify. My mission focuses on helping developers succeed at delivering amazing, diverse commerce experiences. 🧵",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,13,404,0,1,0,en, 1431454422886924293,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T03:11:44+00:00,"my picks: 🌏 Time to World Tour Anyone can do ""Hello World"" with `git clone` and not teach a thing. More impt to give the developer a useful mental model of what they should know in short time. You can't visit all 192 countries, but you can show that there are 7 continents.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1431454421553123329,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,10,0,0,,en, 1432455099939385344,33521530,swyx,2021-08-30T21:28:04+00:00,"Had my ass saved by @ksylor's OhShitGit again today. She has excellent taste in software documentation (and books and hosting platforms) - every project docs should have an ""Oh Shit"" section with code to copy and paste to get yourself out of trouble",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1425169044227850244,33521530,swyx,,,,0,9,39,0,0,0,en, 1434206572608049156,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T17:27:47+00:00,"A ""swipe file"" is a collection of examples for inspiration. These screenshots are all real life examples of how Part Time Creators can build a newsletter, build a brand, and get good at their craft, without reputation, expertise, or large upfront expenditure in time or money.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1434206569881694210,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,7,0,0,0,en, 1434322252334571524,33521530,swyx,2021-09-05T01:07:28+00:00,"New angel investing milestone: First bullet dodged In May I was approached about a startup close to my interests. Beautiful app design, large university customers (incl my alma mater), B-list Angel forming a syndicate hyping it up on Twitter. Launched in June Dead by August",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,0,83,0,0,,en, 1442885004284026893,1428836868129439752,Sr. Alexandre,2021-09-28T16:12:47+00:00,"Currently reading @swyx's 'The Coding Career Handbook' (which is a great resource - helps very much with programmer's anxiety) - and I just loved this graph. Of course, there's part of me that wants ~ needs! ~ to be as bottom as possible; but for no good reason at all. 🤷‍♂️",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,4,34,0,1,0,en, 1448147304171462663,33521530,swyx,2021-10-13T04:43:17+00:00,"Outliers and Range are confirmation bias honeypots. You pick the book that you want to believe. Outliers for the #hustleporn crew, Range for the ADD. Epstein and Gladwell are friends and professional writers. They don't give a shit about being right, they want to sell books.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,0,38,0,0,,en, 1450174724672311305,1219566488325017602,Supabase,2021-10-18T18:59:31+00:00,"🏆 Presenting our #Hacktoberfest Hackathon winners in more detail, starting with the runner up for ""Best Project"": 🥈 @jnnksbrt's og:supa, a snazzy site allowing you to generate og:images for your posts to make empty link previews a thing of the past ✨",,,,,,,2e73a3957e015e43fed0cf0e8d8d9f8d0a61af7e,Planable,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,2,19,0,1,0,en, 1452658640809197569,918426768,Vincent Woo,2021-10-25T15:29:43+00:00,"After some time, I'm pleased to release an update on Lambda School. Leaked internal documents show that the school has been performing even worse than I had previously written. Lambda has managed to place less than 30% of its *graduates* in 2020. 🧵🧵🧵",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,125,860,0,0,0,en, 1454103068841156609,1219566488325017602,Supabase,2021-10-29T15:09:22+00:00,"We're excited to announce that we just raised $30m Series A funding 🙂 Led by Coatue, with participation from some of the best operators in the game 👁️⚡️👁️ Check out our blog post - breaking down the numbers behind the round and whats next for us 👇👇👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,61,695,1,1,0,en, 1456915351241990145,1290693397,Lou ☁️ 👨‍💻🏋️‍♂️🎸🚴🏻‍♂️🏍,2021-11-06T09:24:22+00:00,"In some senses, I do think he's right ✅ @swyx did a good job of outlining the problem. When we're new to content and/or tech it feels natural to write ""beginner content"" or sometimes meta-content (content about content—wait, that's *this thread* 😱 😆)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",1456915349639680008,1290693397,loujaybee,,,,0,2,6,1,1,0,en, 1457535874837749765,727704217012604928,Mark Erikson,2021-11-08T02:30:06+00:00,"The ""workflow support"" comes from adding a new `condition` option that's `(predicate) => Promise`. It's based off of's API. You can now wait for actions, state diffs, etc. Thanks to @swyx for suggesting this!",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 276]",1457535446674718725,727704217012604928,acemarke,,,,0,1,7,1,1,0,en, 1460608858959847425,14931736,Rob Hope 🇿🇦,2021-11-16T14:01:03+00:00,"Trying a lil something different for #BlackFriday this year... 🔥📖The Landing Page Hot Tips Ebook📖🔥 only $20 (save 60%).. but YOU CHOOSE which of my top affiliates to give 50% to: A small way to support a creator you might know with a tenner❤️",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,20,124,1,1,0,en, 1474697989713059841,33521530,swyx,2021-12-25T11:06:13+00:00,"Sometimes wonder what would’ve happened to software if GitHub didn’t exist: - Pull requests would not exist - Most code would not be open source by default - Harder to learn ~everything without search - No ⭐️ system to skew tech choices - Git may not have won version control",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 276]",,,,,,,0,49,701,1,0,,en, 1013626221601738754,3408272428,Ryan Caldbeck,2018-07-02T03:31:38+00:00,"1/ I recently learned a way of framing trust – I don’t know who originally created this equation but I learned separately from @jorgestubbs and LifeLabs. Trust = Credibility x Reliability x Vulnerability Let’s talk about components of equation and I’ll explain why I love it.",,,,,,,887710c0899816dfe9fb0176eb05d760cbe15732,Twitter Web Client,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,146,520,0,0,,en, 1201528574236217345,33521530,swyx,2019-12-02T15:48:30+00:00,"One thing I wish I learned way earlier in my JS journey is Node Streams and child processes. We use them *all the time* in our tools but because this isn't in introductory material it seems ""advanced"". Two helpful articles: - -",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,75,311,0,1,0,en, 1287798586651049985,30192824,Gergely Orosz,2020-07-27T17:14:43+00:00,"Mind blown on how well-read @swyx is in the Coding Career Handbook ( He mentions almost all sources I would - like @Lethain on systems thinking or @mipsytipsy on tech risk profiles. I'm also learning tons of new dev stories (e.g. the ""MooTools mafia"").",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,10,111,0,0,0,en, 1341122002866749440,33521530,swyx,2020-12-21T20:42:56+00:00,"Ok I'm probably going to livestream playing around with React Server Components in an hour (as a non-expert non-FB non-Google non-millionaire). Have read thru the 2 RFCs, now watching @sugarpirate_'s demo (, here are my timestamps annotated in thread:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,27,190,0,0,0,en, 1387487111964626945,33521530,swyx,2021-04-28T19:21:20+00:00,"🆕 80/20 is the new Half-Ass Don't spend your life exerting 20% effort... hoping for 80% results... only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything. a response to @ShaanVP and @stephsmithio who are my inspirations (really, I mean it)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,5,71,0,0,0,en, 1419128271799656449,33521530,swyx,2021-07-25T02:52:00+00:00,"Has anyone commented on how @LokiOfficial shares so many elements with George Orwell’s 1984? - omniscient central power - free will is a crime - government authority tending… - …a sacred timeline - lead character caught and tortured in special room it’s just missing jet-skis",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,0,30,0,0,,en, 1420043000344768517,1219566488325017602,Supabase,2021-07-27T15:26:49+00:00,"#supalaunchweek Day 2: 🔥 Supabase Storage is now in Beta 🔥 - Streaming Media - Public Buckets - NodeJS support - Storage supported in Local Emulator - Upload folders - Updated Policy editor - Performance improvements to handle recursive cat uploads 😹",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,32,204,0,1,0,en, 1421686377670856704,2351378232,4 9 s,2021-08-01T04:17:00+00:00,"“It is always going to be a truth that the more you know, the more you also learn about that stuff that you didn’t know that you didn’t know. So if you are doing it right at all you are going to feel like you are terrible at what you are doing…” — @swyx",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,1,15,0,1,0,en, 1426027634270654467,28369153,Jim OShaughnessy,2021-08-13T03:47:36+00:00,"1/ Why You Should Write Letters to Your Kids as They Grow--A thread I've noticed a lot of FinTwiters having babies. Congratulations! I'd like to recommend you get into a habit early, and start writing letters to them that you can give them at some milestone, like turning 21.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,251,1860,0,1,,en, 1427019802430754819,33521530,swyx,2021-08-15T21:30:08+00:00,"This week's newsletter will have a preview of my next post: ""Measuring Developer Relations"" I started out writing an ""Advice for New Devrels"" article for @willjohnsonio, @jkup, @kevmodrome, @Nutlope and others but it just blew up into a whole series 😅",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,3,27,0,0,0,en, 1427577933074505728,65615053,James Ellis-Jones,2021-08-17T10:27:57+00:00,"Brilliant talk brought to me by @swyx: What we know about coding based on evidence. TDD is no better than any other testing, Code Review is more effective at removing defects than any kind of testing, many other things we get told to do have no effect.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,2,6,0,1,0,en, 1431454426175352837,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T03:11:44+00:00,"👀 Time to Preview Change Anyone can do a 15 min redeploy to see results of a change. Great DX reduces that 1-3 orders of magnitude: - Fast local preview of changes (eg HMR or good tests) - Cached rerun of results (eg @Observablehq) - Instantly deployable changes (eg @Replit)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1431454424153604098,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,9,0,0,,en, 1432864028842356736,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:00+00:00,"My latest piece: Advancements in two fields — programming languages and cloud infrastructure — will converge in a single paradigm: where all resources used by a program will be automatically provisioned by the environment that runs it. TLDR in thread:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,24,109,0,0,0,en, 1432864036241088513,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:02+00:00,"At the same time, infrastructure engineers increasingly embracing higher and higher abstractions to solve their problems. The DevOps movement is not so much ""Devs doing Ops"" as it is Ops doing Dev. As platforms develop, we are learning the chores that can be cleanly delegated.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1432864032235540480,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,7,0,0,0,en, 1436712591292829697,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T15:25:49+00:00,"Since @QwikDev serializes all its state onto HTML, the question arises what to do with unserializable state. Chanced upon Dan’s comment today: “This is what doomed ASP .NET WebForms, and we'd like to learn from their mistakes rather than repeat them.”",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 277]",1435223333398843397,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,4,0,0,0,en, 1436776365823598595,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T19:39:14+00:00,"Lighthouse is great but the fact that you can get such wildly different results on the exact same site is just actively counterproductive. The default experience has you “holding it wrong” and none of the impt info is in the screenshot. Dear @ChromeDevTools, you CAN fix this.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 277]",1436733804174008321,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,38,0,0,0,en, 1439966955570618376,33521530,swyx,2021-09-20T14:57:30+00:00,"🆕 post: Why do Webdevs keep trying to kill REST? My unifying mental model for - REST vs @GraphQL - Apollo, React Query, Firebase, Amplify Appsync vs... - Phoenix Liveview, Rails Hotwire, React Server Components - shoutouts to @remix_run and @supabase",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,85,435,0,1,0,en, 1450148471718043652,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T17:15:12+00:00,"Look ma my @Cloudflare post finally made it on HN! #NothingButNET whoooah the traffic spike 🧡 maybe my biggest single traffic day in the last 2 years... and it comes 2 weeks after I thought the post ran out of steam. Thanks for submitting @pimterry!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,2,92,0,0,0,en, 1455648587459612674,33521530,swyx,2021-11-02T21:30:42+00:00,"*and REWARDED. Reward aligned ownership please! can't believe i left that out 🤦‍♂️ also i am somewhat making fun of myself because my weakness really *is* that I care too much i guess what i'm saying is @paparoach has a standing offer to work with us",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1455632170312089601,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,33,0,0,0,en, 1456032869135093760,1423817598618292225,"Doug Colkitt (🐊,🐊)",2021-11-03T22:57:42+00:00,"10/ Behind every order is a thinking, breathing shark. A shark with mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay. A shark who's likely smarter than you. Definitely more ruthless. You're swimming in shark-infested waters, treating apex predators like specks of geometric Brownian dust",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1456032867469963265,1423817598618292225,0xdoug,,,,0,63,595,1,1,,en, 1457535446674718725,727704217012604928,Mark Erikson,2021-11-08T02:28:24+00:00,"I spent the afternoon hacking on the experimental RTK ""action listener middleware"" API. After applying multiple suggestions, I'm excited to report that: **it now has support for long-running async workflows!** Changelog, discussion, and ""docs"" here:",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,2,32,1,1,0,en, 1457831229819027460,33521530,swyx,2021-11-08T22:03:45+00:00,"Got schooled in #a11y today by @JoshuaKGoldberg! Could not be happier to merge an external PR: If you're interested in common accessibility mistakes, have a look at mine. Definitely makes it realer when it's mistakes *I* made vs a hypothetical one...",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,3,41,0,0,0,en, 1458822051263823875,19487837,Rich Harris,2021-11-11T15:40:55+00:00,"today is a big day for @sveltejs: i've joined @vercel to work on it full time! so happy about what this means for svelte's future. it'll be the same independent, pluralistic project as before, but with Vercel's backing we can get ✨ a m b i t i o u s ✨",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,1088,9259,1,1,0,en, 1463282463333965826,33521530,swyx,2021-11-23T23:05:00+00:00,"Building community is so underrated. The ""product"" is the friends we made along the way! But when it gets ugly it can get really ugly. Higher highs, lower lows. People are messy. 3 main tools to manage this: - Code of Conduct - Mission, Vision, Values - Accountability/Checks",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,4,64,0,0,,en, 1464423478950457344,33521530,swyx,2021-11-27T02:38:59+00:00,"AWS responds: Each month: - First TB: Free - First 10m requests: Free - First 2m functions: Free - Applies to Year 2+ ""All AWS customers will benefit from these pricing changes, and millions of customers will see no data transfer charges as a result.""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1454251874849202185,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,38,0,0,0,en, 1464738098806358020,33521530,swyx,2021-11-27T23:29:10+00:00,"I can't decide if @goEnjoy is overrated or a stroke of genius. Their whole thing is that ""the store comes to you."" When I ordered my new iPhone, I could either wait 2-3 weeks, or it could be hand-delivered - with setup - for free, **the next day**. Guess which button I hit.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,0,13,0,0,0,en, 1465442383294652420,1331053779341348864,Common Room,2021-11-29T22:07:45+00:00,"It's time! Welcome to the 13 Days of Community, a two-week adventure celebrating our favorite content covering growth, engagement, and all the good bits in between. Up first? DevRel expert @swyx, of course, talking ""Why You Should Get Good at Events"" 🔥",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1465069236188024847,1331053779341348864,CommonRoomHQ,,,,0,1,2,1,1,0,en, 1466428912087576587,878680180050579457,CodeSandbox,2021-12-02T15:27:52+00:00,"We're thrilled to announce and open source Sandpack! 🎉 Sandpack is a toolkit for building live coding experiences that run fully in the browser. 👩‍💻 Full-featured editor experience ⚡️ Lightning-fast browser bundler 📦 Direct CodeSandbox integration",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,271,1230,1,1,0,en, 1469145149162676224,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T03:21:13+00:00,"When you need to do API design, call a frontend developer. The upside of the competitiveness in frontend tooling and bikeshedding on frameworks and libraries is you get a fine sense for good DX. Loving @_jstejada's explanation of React in this light:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,1,61,0,0,0,en, 1469166647562756099,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T04:46:39+00:00,"omg this is the first talk I've ever seen by @delba_oliveira and my mind is blown 🤯 So much packed into this 9 minute overview of the State of the Art in Interactive Playgrounds - @worrydream would be proud! and... The examples The backdrop THE BABY",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1469163411531513857,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,33,0,0,0,en, 1469212999713845249,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T07:50:50+00:00,"Imma let you finish but @simonswiss’ new Tailwind 3.0 walkthru is one of the best CSS tutorial + major version launches of all time. OF ALL TIME!! If you only have 3 minutes skip ahead to the 20:50 mark and check out the arbitrary properties feature 🤯",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,23,147,0,0,0,en, 1469466996848824322,33521530,swyx,2021-12-11T00:40:08+00:00,"(The sheer ambition/pace of the @vite_js ecosystem just put this thought in my head, i havent really thought it through, and ofc i hugely respect both teams) The competition is heating up, ultimately users will win. Frankly this is the most exciting time to be in JS devtools!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1469466620812619776,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,41,0,0,,en, 1472273864340115456,33521530,swyx,2021-12-18T18:33:37+00:00,"Oh man, @tailwindcss is making Christmas come early this year! first Tailwind 3.0, then this new Typography update that fixed *every issue I’ve ever whined about* in a single update: - Dark mode - Local Undo - Inline customization thanks @simonswiss!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,9,146,0,0,0,en, 1475138273899323393,33521530,swyx,2021-12-26T16:15:45+00:00,"For those who like economics: High luck industries have a huge amount of deadweight loss from all the people trying their luck (call it search/friction cost). Who's working on better models of industrial organization that more quickly identifies talent and incentivizes work?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 277]",1475112373283598346,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,,en, 1093670844495089664,33521530,swyx,2019-02-08T00:40:23+00:00,"So so good to have @AirbnbEng open sourcing all their tools and lessons from converting to @typescriptlang! 38% of AirBnb code errors couldve been avoided @reactjs proptypes to typescript utility: JScodeshift codemod to convert to TS to be released!!",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,76,241,0,0,0,en, 1212439325104726018,33521530,swyx,2020-01-01T18:23:55+00:00,"✍️ The Ultimate Hack for #LearningInPublic: Pick Up What They Put Down This one goes out to the New Year's Resolutioners who want some concrete advice - you CAN do this! 💪🏾 I'll be writing a lot more this year - join the mailing list to get updates 🙏🏾",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,27,163,0,0,0,en, 1381242204379701252,33521530,swyx,2021-04-11T13:46:18+00:00,"I’ve tried: Spreaker, Audacy, Player FM, Acast, Airr, Amazon Music, Soundcloud, Podomatic, Apple Podcast, Castbox, Spotify, The Podcast App, Stitcher, Anchor, iHeartRadio, Podbean, Pandora So far @pocketcasts is the least worst of the bunch. listen history isnt searchable :(",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",1381242202525855745,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,,en, 1422424339589189633,33521530,swyx,2021-08-03T05:09:24+00:00,"My answer to ""Has anyone fully embraced an event-driven architecture?"" - interpreted through the lens of @temporalio: Temporal doesn't identify as EDA, but certainly some concerns and difficulties are elegantly solved by it instead of hand-writing EDA.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,2,9,0,0,0,en, 1427085098986315779,33521530,swyx,2021-08-16T01:49:36+00:00,"Everyone uses @Discord for community now, but not enough talking about Discord as Second Brain: - World class xplatform app - Unlimited history search - People can discuss realtime - Mature bot automation Amazing platform for @andy_matuschak ""working with the garage door up"".",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,4,46,0,0,,en, 1431061845947805706,33521530,swyx,2021-08-27T01:11:46+00:00,"Underrated form of wealth: the Bad Idea Budget. You can afford to make bad decisions if: - you admit them fast - you use this information to improve future decisions - you’ve invested in making them cheaply reversible Small & cheap mistakes > Research & high stakes",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,11,105,0,0,,en, 1432602694758273025,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T07:14:33+00:00,"I have the best readers. just got a super thoughtful, 750 word email response to my 1500 word blogpost. and that is one of 3-4 deeply engaged responses that emerged in just the first day. I know I'm on the right track because I'm feeling uncomfortable, yet people are agreeing.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,0,67,0,0,,en, 1432864045133008899,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:04+00:00,"""Are you ignoring Heroku?"" Heroku was so right so early - and then stagnated. We can do a lot more at build time, and at runtime. Among the platforms innovating on this: @begin, @vercel, @netlify, @PulumiCorp, @goserverless, @WaspLang! There's a tangible movement building.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",1432864042343813120,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,9,0,0,0,en, 1432977956259778565,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T08:05:42+00:00,"Met a guy who wanted to switch careers like me, wanted to know about the hard parts of learning to code. Told him: Learning to code is just running into walls repeatedly and not giving up bc you have faith you will figure it out. Every wall is a breakthrough waiting to happen.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,93,633,0,0,,en, 1436377307086835726,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T17:13:31+00:00,"The ratio of “internal tooling” or “developer productivity” engineers to others is too low in most companies. If you have 50 devs and have room to improve productivity at least 1% a quarter, you have budget for 1-2 dedicated DX engineers. Not even counting intangible benefits.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,50,400,0,0,,en, 1438683203875733507,33521530,swyx,2021-09-17T01:56:19+00:00,"Some of you noticed that I was locked out of Twitter today — I'm back thanks to @KyleLadewig moving some mountains!! We are collaborating on a 4 week long exploration of Learning in Public - do check it out! If you like the blog you'll like this :) 🙏🏽",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,4,25,0,0,0,en, 1440389897336938502,33521530,swyx,2021-09-21T18:58:07+00:00,"🚨 **HIRING FRONT END ENGINEER** 🚨 Come build UI for the most mission critical platform on Earth at @Temporalio Work with @stevekinney, other amazing engineers... and me It's a @Sveltejs + @Tailwindcss app, but we want great devs regardless of stack",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,21,86,0,0,0,en, 1441436063923195905,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T16:15:12+00:00,"A lot of startups pursue barbell sales, aka going for self serve and enterprise at same time. But by IPO, the truth shakes out in the # of customers and avg revenue: Confluent: 2.5k, $160k ACV Datadog: 8k, $37k ACV Atlassian: 51k, $5k ACV wildly diff product/sales/marketing!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,3,49,0,0,,en, 1443311835629895686,169791252,Kevin Kwok,2021-09-29T20:28:51+00:00,"New essay up. Narrative Distillation - modern IPO env is about owning marketing, not pricing - increasing impt of narrative leverage as accounting too backwards facing - product market fit as one facet of narrative distillation - founder led narratives",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,57,394,0,1,0,en, 1443591472645873670,33521530,swyx,2021-09-30T15:00:02+00:00,"B2B software advances by extending the number of jobs we can perform without formal training. - @Webflow lets non-coders code websites - @Canva lets non-designers do graphic design - @Netlify lets front-end devs do devops - @Temporalio lets back-end devs do distributed systems",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,9,106,0,0,,en, 1443962459723755533,15534471,Malte Ubl,2021-10-01T15:34:12+00:00,As a web developer this is one of the happiest announcements in a while: Google Search ended support for IE11 in its main product 🎉 (you can still search but will get a fallback experience). I'm mostly posting this so you can send it to your boss 😛. We did the Math. It is time.,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,1061,4802,0,0,,en, 1444208430454034433,30192824,Gergely Orosz,2021-10-02T07:51:36+00:00,"There is so little information written about equity for tech employees, and even less by software engineers who benefitted from it. Uber and Square engineer @mcdickenson wrote the book Equity Compensation for Tech Employees, which fills this gap. Here's the table of contents:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,31,244,0,0,0,en, 1445508579549540362,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T21:57:56+00:00,"Found footage from 1980 talking about Apple's name. Jobs is 25 years old here, but don't be fooled - Apple was already 4 years old, 500 employees, and about to IPO for $1.8 billion, making Jobs worth $200m. ""Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.""",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",1424198548720029698,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,16,0,0,0,en, 1445768087832182796,945817135816654848,Trung Phan 🇨🇦,2021-10-06T15:09:07+00:00,"A Netflix user will browse the app for 90 seconds and leave if they find nothing. Thumbnail artwork is actually NFLX's most effective lever to influence a viewer's choice. A user will look at one for only 1.8 seconds, so NFLX spends huge to optimize them. Here's a breakdown🧵",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,7630,29130,0,1,0,en, 1447389381384282112,33521530,swyx,2021-10-11T02:31:34+00:00,"This is an excellent read from @hosseeb and clearly articulates the problem with “we’re X, but decentralized” startups. Lots of first principles here: The fact that it comes from a card carrying member of the community makes this impossible to dismiss.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,6,55,0,0,0,en, 1448143582695677953,143883,steve o'grady,2021-10-13T04:28:29+00:00,"instead each vendor created their own new and unique non-open source license or license version (Cockroach/BSL, Confluent/CCL, MongoDB/SSPL, Redis/RSAL). in practical terms, this means that if you want to adopt those projects instead of vetting one license you’re vetting four.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",1448143580485222405,143883,sogrady,,,,0,0,3,0,0,,en, 1449912418071580672,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T01:37:13+00:00,"🆕 Podcast: Gatsby 4 and the Jamstack Endgame I chatted with @wardpeet @AbhiAiyer about: - @Gatsbyjs 4 DSG and PQR - TMA: Too Many Acronyms - Dropping #Redux for LMDB - Gatsby Cloud vs Netlify - Gatsby vs Next.js - The End of Jamstack?? - @Reactjs 18 🔥",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,21,70,0,1,0,en, 1450340969748963330,33521530,swyx,2021-10-19T06:00:07+00:00,"🎧 Today's clip is on @Adam_L_Robinson's from the Code Story podcast. Just a great story of a beloved product shutting down (sounds like @r00k!), making a cheesy video, getting a call , and pivoting to instant Product Market Fit:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,0,0,0,0,0,en, 1453409173870243844,33521530,swyx,2021-10-27T17:12:04+00:00,"Feedback/suggestions here! thanks to @emilybrick, @edokoa, @MaximeDeGreve, @strackoverflow, @jnraine, @BenEmdon, @madebygak, @adnamalin, @koddsson and everyone else who worked on this! I previously wrote about Keyboard First UX:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",1453404264416485379,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,9,0,0,0,en, 1453510557122846722,46441293,Tanya Reilly,2021-10-27T23:54:56+00:00,"Hey, so, I've been a bit shy about announcing this, but I'm writing a book! It's called the Staff Engineer's Path. It is, not surprisingly, about Staff Engineering! I'm really excited about it 🤩 Want to read some? The intro and first chapter are here:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,218,1786,1,1,0,en, 1460615907139411970,18333169,Ron Au 🦆,2021-11-16T14:29:03+00:00,"Keen on developer productivity and wellbeing? r/webdev + r/web_design are officially running a 6-week talk series on exactly that 🙌 Kindly sponsored by @Reddit, the theme is ""Ingenious ways to work smarter, faster and healthier"" and we begin next week!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,8,36,1,1,0,en, 1462323377553694722,33521530,swyx,2021-11-21T07:33:56+00:00,"✅ #SvelteSummit🏔️ is a wrap! Huge thank you to @Rich_Harris, @kevmodrome, @antony, @coderinheels, @BrittneyPostma, @rauchg, @rts_rob, our speakers, and thousands of developers who joined us today, both online and in person. What a way to celebrate @Sveltejs' fifth birthday! 🎂",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,11,138,0,0,0,en, 1465523933512232963,33521530,swyx,2021-11-30T03:31:48+00:00,"If you had to choose, would you want your favorite writers/content creators to put their best stuff: - behind a $15 monthly subscription, - into a $99-299 onetime sale, or - make it free ($0) but with ads? Remember - you WANT to support their work - but what format is best?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,1,9,1,0,,en, 1469377424005632003,33521530,swyx,2021-12-10T18:44:12+00:00,"Inspiration rarely walks a straight line, and devtools are no exception. This week we learned: - Concurrent React came from React Native - @TailwindCSS started as a tiny utility and now is a JIT compiler - @Amasad was 5x rejected from FB, peers, YC, CEOs and VCs before @Replit",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,5,62,0,0,,en, 1471157778240585728,33521530,swyx,2021-12-15T16:38:41+00:00,"Unintuitive part of building for enterprise: We are more afraid of small workloads than large ones! Baseline cost to service each account dominates gross margin * usage, until you specifically invest to bring that baseline down, and it may not make sense vs other investments 😬",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,1,15,0,0,,en, 1472111291061968902,33521530,swyx,2021-12-18T07:47:36+00:00,"Decentralization is like Security - a small group of people think it is job #1 and go out of their way to have it. Meanwhile, most people *say* they want the benefits, but their actions show they are unwilling to pay the cost. To cross the chasm, must be: default, free, fast.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,4,29,0,0,,en, 1473316076893081602,1249002899897647105,Coding Career Community,2021-12-21T15:35:00+00:00,"""The best places to grow are not the places where everything is peachy. It's the places where there's pressure on you to perform, and there is space for your performance to really make an impact."" @li_haoyi with some gold career advice on where to work:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,4,17,1,1,0,en, 1474055955734319112,75116574,Michel Tricot,2021-12-23T16:35:01+00:00,"We started talking with Christine Hall early 2021, and it was clear to us she had a great understanding of what we were trying to accomplish, in addition to being a thought leader on #opensource. Her in-depth article on Airbyte is a great proof of that 👉",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 278]",,,,,,,0,4,8,0,0,0,en, 1050091276715077632,33521530,swyx,2018-10-10T18:30:44+00:00,"Apollo Engine is the killer app of @apollographql. Never got it until today. This is money 💰 - analytics per field - schema insights - client aware, devtools this is how to “decouple” APIs but reconstitute loose vertical integration through other means, shifting value to them",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 279]",1050086016676179969,33521530,swyx,,,,0,9,34,0,0,0,en, 1115638145725403136,2571501973,Netlify,2019-04-09T15:30:36+00:00,"Breaking from @JAMstackconf NYC: @biilmann demos Netlify Dev - run @Netlify's edge features on your local machine! Including: * Redirects and proxies * Build and test #serverless functions * Centrally managed env vars * A live URL to your local build",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,16,47,0,0,0,en, 1221586490674696193,33521530,swyx,2020-01-27T00:11:30+00:00,"✍️New: Why I Enjoy @sveltejs - Batteries Included - The Joy of Mutability - Sugar Syntax (Two Way Binding, Stores) - Good Docs - Simple Internals - No Baggage - Because I Can I'm not pivoting to Svelte, but I am playing with it. It is a -lot- of fun!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,63,402,0,0,0,en, 1234181016367063040,33521530,swyx,2020-03-01T18:17:38+00:00,"Backend devs: lol frontend devs love toolchain churn, how do you get anything done Also Backend devs: Docker Vagrant Packer Kubernetes Linkerd Istio CloudFoundry gVisor kNative Firecracker Chaos Prometheus Ansible Juju Chef SaltStack Puppet CloudFormation Terraform Consul Vault",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,239,1773,0,0,,en, 1241858255195865090,33521530,swyx,2020-03-22T22:44:15+00:00,"✍️Mise en Place Writing How to write more, faster, and better by decoupling Writing from Pre-writing! @jsjoeio, @PKodmad, @lihautan, @laurieontech and others have asked about how I write. I'm definitely not an expert, but this system has worked for me!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,16,125,0,0,0,en, 1254871936514969600,33521530,swyx,2020-04-27T20:35:58+00:00,"👍i might be the last person in the world to know about this but check out @begin sessions: look at this thing. look at how you can tie it in with Data to hand-roll serverless auth w/o JWTs this is some of the most intuitive integrations i've ever seen.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,9,71,0,0,0,en, 1350427690814251010,33521530,swyx,2021-01-16T13:00:25+00:00,"Interesting counter-trend - maintainers of large open source projects like @Sveltejs and @Deno_land are moving *AWAY* from writing their internals in TypeScript Just at the same time when the wider dev world is falling in love with TS. Reasons: build times and code complexity.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,232,1124,0,0,0,en, 1353067401093410824,33521530,swyx,2021-01-23T19:49:41+00:00,"Periodic reminder to go through your Twitter app permissions and revoke old apps. Twitter permissions never expire, so that one joke app from 2011 you tried out still has the permissions to read and create and delete your tweets, maybe DMs and follows.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,19,79,0,0,0,en, 1367518496326709251,33521530,swyx,2021-03-04T16:53:11+00:00,"In the past week alone, I've had multiple chats with startups looking for developers who can build community. I think this is a generational shift in how devtools startups approach their users quick thread on why **Technical Community Builder is the hottest new job in Tech**👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,67,441,0,0,0,en, 1370513317379280897,33521530,swyx,2021-03-12T23:13:32+00:00,"🆕 Preemptive Pluralization is (Probably) Not Evil Fully-baking a theory by @r00k on the @artofproductpod, I make the case for a ""Premature"" Optimization you should consider. TL;DR - Pluralized code is robust to @hillelogram's requirement perturbations!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,50,202,0,0,0,en, 1422286558070116359,33521530,swyx,2021-08-02T20:01:54+00:00,"Got a 6 figure acquisition offer for @Coding_Career it just automated @IndieHackers email spam (they have no idea it's a book lol) but its nice to be reminded that its still selling decently after 13 months — thats even before v2.0 Infoproducts > SaaS for beginner creators",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,0,37,0,0,0,en, 1429569769150185473,33521530,swyx,2021-08-22T22:22:47+00:00,"The Third Age of JS is rolling out to other ecosystems now. Here’s @DHH announcing that Rails 7 will no longer bundle JS by default, relying heavily on cached ES Modules from @skypackjs: From comments: “The time of endlessly waiting for webpack is over”.",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 279]",1413224595348361217,33521530,swyx,,,,0,3,22,0,0,0,en, 1430949617928048646,33521530,swyx,2021-08-26T17:45:49+00:00,"There are exceptions to every rule, a synthesis to be drawn from every dialectic. I think founders who can blend the strategy of scale and the tactics of scrappiness do very well. People like @callmevlad, @agazdecki, the @supabase team, everyone in the @tylertringas portfolio.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 279]",1430949616371961862,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,15,0,0,,en, 1432864032235540480,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:01+00:00,"One of Java's advantages over C++ is automatic garbage collection, whereas one of Go's advantages over Java is its native CSP model. At a 50,000 ft view you can see languages as advancing by the number of hard problems that are elegantly solved by convention or language feature.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1432864028842356736,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,17,0,0,0,en, 1432864042343813120,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T00:33:03+00:00,"Cutting edge AWS stack for JS dev today: - App code in TypeScript - AWS CDK in TypeScript - 0.4-3 MB of SDK code serverside - (optional) 0.2-1 MB SDK code clientside - a dozen lines of config to make it work This is *good* - gives lots of control! Control that I may not need.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1432864040624091138,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,6,0,0,,en, 1432977957388120064,33521530,swyx,2021-09-01T08:05:43+00:00,"Sometimes it can be super frustrating when the machine just refuses to do what you want despite trying everything. But eventually you see that you just didn't understand the machine well enough. Humans made that machine, and there's always something you can do to take it apart.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1432977956259778565,33521530,swyx,,,,0,5,68,0,0,,en, 1436409411640217609,33521530,swyx,2021-09-10T19:21:05+00:00,"A common definition of a Senior+ is one who ""makes others around them more productive"" like some kind of AoE bard buff atop the day job. Mixed feelings on that. Productivity/Dev Infra is a career track unto itself. If it is nobody's top priority you are leaving $ on the table.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1436404402676457477,33521530,swyx,,,,0,2,29,0,0,,en, 1436733804174008321,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T16:50:06+00:00,"in fact i’m -so- not a perfshamer I shall now say the thing I’m not supposed to say: before today you didnt know or care that Notion had a 9.1MB JS marketing site; if it impacted them enough they would’ve fixed it sooner; you may have a fast site but they have 10 million users.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 279]",1436720513049669632,33521530,swyx,,,,0,9,133,0,0,,en, 1439904418980237316,33521530,swyx,2021-09-20T10:49:00+00:00,"Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: I wish I'd had the courage to live my own life, not the life others expected of me I wish I hadn't worked so hard I wish I had the courage to express my feelings I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends I wish that I had let myself be happier",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,21,155,0,0,,en, 1440657316441776135,15148392,Ben Nadel,2021-09-22T12:40:45+00:00,"Good morning my beautiful, beautiful friends! Ep. 041 of @WorkingCodePod is out! This week, @AdamTuttle @k_Roll242 @timcunningham71 and I talk to @swyx about The Third Age of JavaScript (and why he's so good at synthesizing facts into industry critiques).",,,,,,,9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3,TweetDeck,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,4,22,0,1,0,en, 1441836267092709382,33521530,swyx,2021-09-25T18:45:28+00:00,"Recorded next podcast with @mhevery 🔥 its a banger We talked: - @BuilderIO vs #Jamstack CMSes - @adamdbradley's Partytown - @QwikDev - Lessons from @Angular - Metabolic Health! so grateful to @ivanburazin for connecting us at @InfobipShift! Subscribe:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,7,50,0,0,0,en, 1442537833495990278,30192824,Gergely Orosz,2021-09-27T17:13:15+00:00,"A month into a paid newsletter for eng managers/engineers, it's taking off faster than I ever hoped: ~ 500 paid subscribers (thank you!) ~ 15,000 free subscribers ~ $62K ARR - A top 10 @SubstackInc technology newsletter Here's what I learned and advice on writing/newsletters 👇",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,33,582,0,1,0,en, 1444371187203641346,423094645,Jack Altman,2021-10-02T18:38:20+00:00,"This is probably somewhat of a golden age of startup creation: - we more or less know how to build startups now. Almost a science - huge percent of talent pool works in tech - capital so cheap and abundant - still so many industries need much more software The S curve is long.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,147,1206,0,1,,en, 1446276421882581011,3246815913,Hassan El Mghari,2021-10-08T00:49:04+00:00,"I'm using a technique called ""Following the Graph"" (coined by @swyx) to better understand the Next.js ecosystem. This means exploring old Next.js talks, changelogs, and RFCs to rewind to the start and understand: • What's important • Who built it & why • What influenced it",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,4,88,0,1,,en, 1448024106633363456,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T20:33:44+00:00,"This year I've done a total 180 on open source strategy. Remember Elastic making a fuss with ""Amazon: NOT OK""? I was quite persuaded. If MongoDB, Redis, Cockroach, Confluent relicensed and do fine, maybe SSPL just becomes acceptable ""open source"". Now I think MIT is just fine.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,11,99,0,0,,en, 1448043292881420293,33521530,swyx,2021-10-12T21:49:59+00:00,"Amazon merely adopted the open source. @temporalio was born in it, molded by it. Countless nontechnical concerns (""you're just series A, how can we rely on you?"") addressed with: ""Here's our code. No strings attached."" Open source decouples tech adoption from vendor maturity.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1448040791629185025,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,22,0,0,,en, 1449609391666171906,33521530,swyx,2021-10-17T05:33:06+00:00,"Re: the dark arts of launch timing. There’s a bell curve: The mediocre makers do it because they value the wrong things. The big players do it because media cycles matter. The rest should build async distribution and focus on shipping great work, as often as they can manage.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 279]",1449465216199061507,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,8,0,0,,en, 1449925621375660035,33521530,swyx,2021-10-18T02:29:41+00:00,"One of the reasons I put music into my mixtape (despite it being the least popular segment I do - basically only @PKodmad likes it lol) is b/c I am so inspired by @tiesto. He's been DJing by radio for 14 years, and its the best thing in my podcast feed.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,1,6,0,0,0,en, 1452869503876956161,33521530,swyx,2021-10-26T05:27:37+00:00,"How do ""YouTube to mp3"" sites work? Does anyone know if there's some undocumented YouTube API? How is it that I'm able to go to ytmp3 or some similar site, drop in a YouTube URL and hit a button and download in ~seconds? Sometimes instantly? Does Youtube natively output audio?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,2,43,0,0,,en, 1453723230104133632,33521530,swyx,2021-10-28T14:00:01+00:00,"this was an incredibly good read on why Amazon (mostly) doesn’t write fallback code for when things go wrong(!) from @jacobgabrielson of the infamous Zero Config paper very pertinent to us at @temporalio bc we ENABLE fallbacks but dont discourage them…",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,0,16,0,0,0,en, 1454258290959945731,33521530,swyx,2021-10-30T01:26:10+00:00,"Everyone in the UI devtools/low code space has nostalgia goggles for VB6. I certainly remember the joy of plopping a button on that breadboard for the first time and then hooking up the handler. Utopia has the opportunity to put the ""I"" back into ""IDE"". Just add design system.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1454258287868723204,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,17,0,0,0,en, 1455702086486663174,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T01:03:17+00:00,"We are organizing an in-person Svelte Summit NYC party ( if you are around Nov 20!) and so I've been calling random venues in and around the Brooklyn area. Quotes for a ~4 hour event: - $145/pax, 10k bar spend - $145-225/pax w/ wine Booked 3-6months out🤯",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,1,8,0,0,0,en, 1455962646537068545,33521530,swyx,2021-11-03T18:18:40+00:00,"This has been a really crazy year in @Sveltejs. - SvelteKit beta at top of HN - Highest Satisfaction @ #StateOfJS - Most loved @Stackoverflow - Top challenger @Netlify #Jamstack - 4th conference on Nov 20 ( And @SvelteSociety from 0 to 12k in 2 years :)",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,28,180,0,0,0,en, 1459615705762914304,33521530,swyx,2021-11-13T20:14:37+00:00,"Dunno who needs to hear this but the Sesame Street gang all tweet in character! The MVPs - @Elmo - @BigBird - @OscarTheGrouch Handles squatted: - @SesameErnie - @BertSesame - @AbbyCadabbySST Made it work anyway: - @CountVonCount - @MeCookieMonster Too cool for this: Rosita",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1459667585272713218,33521530,swyx,2021-11-13T23:40:46+00:00,"🗽 Just booked a giant AirBnB for next week's NYC Svelte Summit (! If any out of towners are considering flying in for #SvelteSummit, we have 1-2 beds left in the SvelteShack. DM to join! If you're local and interested in the future of the Web, join us:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,2,33,1,0,0,en, 1459728100070236163,341643950,Quincy Larson,2021-11-14T03:41:14+00:00,"Next time you go for a walk or a drive, listen to this insightful interview with @swyx on @thechangelog. Shawn talks about his journey from finance to tech. And how to gain the skills to ""live above the API"" instead of being bossed around by algorithms.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,13,86,1,1,0,en, 1462659131815477252,33521530,swyx,2021-11-22T05:48:06+00:00,"YouTube blogged about their algorithm, which adds a couple things to @veritasium's list: - Clickthru Rate - Watch Time - Survey Responses - Sharing, Likes, Dislikes Interestingly, they refute Zuck's claim that ""borderline content"" gets more engagement:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1460405005626662912,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,6,0,0,0,en, 1463612122026450946,1055044667320995843,Altalogy,2021-11-24T20:54:57+00:00,"Black Friday deals? We prefer giveaways🥰 How about a $5,000 worth design sprint to tweak your landing page or product? To enter, quote tweet this with a short company desc. We'll announce the lucky winner on Mon, 29th. You have to be following us so we can DM you if you win!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,6,17,1,1,,en, 1464293076948635655,1192893578214641664,Execute Program,2021-11-26T18:00:49+00:00,"Execute Program is on sale through Nov 30! 40% off the first year for individual subscriptions (including the new yearly billing option). Eight highly interactive programming language courses, including the most comprehensive TypeScript courses available.",,,,,,,169a89a27ef3ad2a4af15851e3f6452bfeb0ef67,Buffer,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,15,51,0,0,0,en, 1465439478269493258,1204202807298969600,Temporal,2021-11-29T21:56:12+00:00,"Ever find a race condition bug and then look again, only to see that it is gone? 😱 This exact thing happened to @christoomey of the @_bikeshed recently, and we recorded a great followup discussion with Sidekiq and Temporal experts! ft. @ANTstorm @mfateev",,,,,,,86e9766d5e36b5847fe04f82904117b15d8fde9c,Agorapulse app,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,4,13,1,1,0,en, 1465637007619608589,33521530,swyx,2021-11-30T11:01:07+00:00,"""The public clouds think of themselves as the place you put and process data, we think of ourselves as the place you move data.... (but as we build DO, KV, R2) it does feel like we’re building from the outside in."" - @eastdakota on the @QuinnyPig podcast",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",1464423478950457344,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,2,0,0,0,en, 1475105975518765063,33521530,swyx,2021-12-26T14:07:25+00:00,"Imagine if those ""Career Days"" they do for kids came with honest guidance on probability of success: Actor - 90% luck, 5% talent, 5% hard work Doctor - 10% luck, 10% talent, 80% hard work Fireman - 5% luck, 10% talent, 85% hard work Founder - 30% luck, 20% talent, 50% hard work",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,6,98,1,0,,en, 1168849219958038528,33521530,swyx,2019-09-03T11:32:24+00:00,the cat wants milk so badly,,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 27]",1162026392395161600,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,21,0,0,0,en, 1100275989622505472,33521530,swyx,2019-02-26T06:06:52+00:00,"“It depends” is the answer to most things, but not all “it depends” are created equal. You can - acknowledge the base case - give contrasting examples - explain why the minority thinks they are right - offer (subjective!) predictions Contention is not a license for Equivocation",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,7,41,0,0,,en, 1284597930398105600,33521530,swyx,2020-07-18T21:16:27+00:00,"The primary beneficiary of you being #1 on Product Hunt is Product Hunt. The primary beneficiary of you being Employee of the Month is your Employer. The primary beneficiary of you going viral on Twitter is Twitter. Youre surprised *everything* around you is designed this way?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",1284596781779767297,33521530,swyx,,,,0,14,136,0,0,,en, 1422041713187586048,33521530,swyx,2021-08-02T03:48:59+00:00,"Open secret many content creators don't appreciate: Your content has a half life and the average varies by platform. My estimates: Twitter: 1-24 hours YouTube: Weeks-Months Blog: Years Your luck surface area grows as a factor of your still-relevant content. Create accordingly.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,7,168,0,0,,en, 1422998593158275073,33521530,swyx,2021-08-04T19:11:17+00:00,"""Calling In will be, to the digital age human rights movement in the 21st century, what non-violence was to the civil rights movement in the 20th century."" An incredible explanation of the way out of the ""Calling Out"" culture that so pervades our society.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,5,0,0,0,en, 1424180543009148932,33521530,swyx,2021-08-08T01:27:56+00:00,"The problem with assessing advice in the form of ""What worked for $bigname"", or hiring pple who ""ran $bigname from small to big"": Absolutely NOBODY is incentivized to tell the full story. So little critical thinking (myself incl), it's like success is an off switch for the brain.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,0,27,0,0,,en, 1426972669468045318,3382,hiten.eth,2021-08-15T18:22:50+00:00,"Every piece of business advice should have a label that includes what stage of a startup it’s applicable for. Since these labels don’t exist today, your job is to filter the advice against whether it’s relevant at your current stage and for your startup. This is learned by doing.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",1426971885628116994,3382,hnshah,,,,0,20,223,0,0,,en, 1428048895850942471,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T17:39:23+00:00,"Advice for coworker new to @savvycal_: There's an unspoken etiquette to scheduling links. It can seem rude as it requires the other side to fit to your schedule Preempt it: “I’d be happy to book a meeting if you have a calendar link, or I can send you mine” and link if hypertext",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,19,0,0,,en, 1428067590920761349,33521530,swyx,2021-08-18T18:53:40+00:00,"PSA: I'm noticing a rise in unsolicited emails from @Github email scraping recently. This was the most egregious one so far. looked like a GitHub link but was actually a phishing site. I should know better than clicking on links in emails but i'm a chump",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,0,26,0,0,0,en, 1428861510164520960,33521530,swyx,2021-08-20T23:28:25+00:00,"I got Gigabit internet (""up to 1000 Mbps"") and TIL how much antennae affect internet speeds as measured by fast​.com: Plugged in Ethernet: 780mbps iPad on 5G: 200mbps iPhone on 5G: 120mbps iPad on 2G: 80mbps iPhone on 2G: 60mbps",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,47,0,0,,en, 1429120212687736837,33521530,swyx,2021-08-21T16:36:25+00:00,"I get qtns from “lurkers” who ask about my Twitter/newsletter/podcast strategy and are surprised to hear I have no strategy. Just principles. 1. Write about stuff that fascinates you 2. Find others who share your interests 3. Keep going thats the infinite game of #LearnInPublic",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,4,52,0,0,,en, 1429536652196651012,33521530,swyx,2021-08-22T20:11:12+00:00,"forgot who said this: There are two schools of thought in tech vs humanity. The Zuckerberg school: “Done FOR you”, Algorithm is king, Data wins debate. The Jobs school: “Done WITH you”, Tech is a “bicycle for the mind”, Intuitiveness wins debate. I hope we remember the latter.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,8,121,0,0,,en, 1430165281205325837,466880049,Zack Kanter,2021-08-24T13:49:08+00:00,"Bezos interviewed by @om (2008) on the origins on AWS: ""We were finding we were spending too much time on fine-grained coordination between our network engineering groups and our applications programming groups...we decided to build a hardened interface between those two layers.""",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,85,493,0,1,0,en, 1431486611296964611,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T05:19:38+00:00,"When I first found @benthompson’s writing I was madly inspired. Stratechery is 90% just talking about FAAMNG, surely there was room for midcap strategy? I made two mistakes: not trying it, and not going small enough. @packym is everything I wanted to be.",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,19,0,0,0,en, 1431691824771452930,33521530,swyx,2021-08-28T18:55:05+00:00,"Screening question for Crossing the Chasm What is the most important debate in your field that: - is widely thought to be unsolved today, - but will be widely thought to be solved in 5 years? being honest not just about the unevenly distributed future, but the perception shift",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,0,6,0,0,,en, 1432469865785352192,896059763129298953,Jai Bhagat,2021-08-30T22:26:44+00:00,"My CFP for EmberFest was accepted!!! Thank you @swyx for giving me multiple rounds of review. My man is really trying to make @Coding_Career a place where career’s takeoff! To pay it forward, I’ll buy 1 fellow junior engineer a Community Package. Just RT this. #learninpublic",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,5,7,0,1,,en, 1432533812500578304,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T02:40:50+00:00,"I confess I wasn't pumped about the @ShangChi movie initially. First Asian Marvel hero and his power is... kung fu? Really thats the best we could do? This trailer singlehandedly changed my mind. @SimuLiu wielding those 10 rings like a #NextLevel badass.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1432569213688823810,33521530,swyx,2021-08-31T05:01:31+00:00,"Today's clip: @MarkLovesTech's journey to MongoDB, on the excellent StackOverflow podcast Mark stands out for 2 reasons: He's a relational databases guy that has embraced NoSQL, and he's the rare CTO that's still in LOVE with technology (per his handle)!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,2,15,0,0,0,en, 1433535263691599873,33521530,swyx,2021-09-02T21:00:15+00:00,"thinking about this as i think of recent conversations and listening to this perhaps all dynastic leaders use the spoils of ruthlessness to rewrite history. and “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.""",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",1433502587068694528,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,1,0,0,0,en, 1434183926868635648,33521530,swyx,2021-09-04T15:57:48+00:00,"Just got a preview of @IncredibleDevHQ from @jerriclynsjohn. If you want an integrated, collaborative platform for dev video content, hit him up for a demo! Related tools in dev/video space: @loom, @TellaHQ, @mmhmmapp, @replayio, @usebubbles, @GetShareX, @birdeatsbug, @iterspace",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,6,26,0,0,0,en, 1434826976884314113,33521530,swyx,2021-09-06T10:33:03+00:00,"“Thinking for yourself means finding yourself, finding your own reality. Here’s the [problem with Twitter]... you are continuously bombarding yourself with a stream of other people’s thoughts.” Not sure if recommending this helps or hurts, too much meta",,,,,,,574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5,Twitter for iPad,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,2,11,0,0,0,en, 1435793597870321674,33521530,swyx,2021-09-09T02:34:04+00:00,"Today' clip: React Native's Near Death Experience, according to @Vjeux! I was surprised to learn on the @sourcegraph podcast that the initial impl of Facebook Photos with RN flopped! Sometimes entire industries pivot by the decisions of a few key people.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",1435387866079694849,33521530,swyx,,,,0,1,7,0,0,0,en, 1436065787408633857,14829286,Lee Edwards,2021-09-09T20:35:39+00:00,"Probably would straight up invest $1-2M in any Developer Experience (DX) or Devrel expert starting a devtools company with a strong engineering cofounder in a space that’s 1) big, 2) not crowded to the point of being commoditized. That’s probably all I’d need to see. Just saying.",,,,,5a110d312052166f,San Francisco,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,15,139,0,0,,en, 1436602844216500227,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T08:09:43+00:00,"Enjoying @corywilkerson’s explanation of “.dev” on @changelog they dont quite go into whether there was any internal resistance to the shortcut (@ 40mins in), but loved learning about the Github Computer Club and the minor tips (dotfiles, linking vscode)",,,,,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,Twitter for iPhone,0,"[0, 280]",1436594934002458626,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,9,0,0,0,en, 1436628297039982592,33521530,swyx,2021-09-11T09:50:51+00:00,"Incredible discussion of platform economics and YouTube optimization by @veritasium: Non-obvious conflict: subscriptions (follows) vs recommendations (feed). Every ad supported platform wants to maximize time on site, which means the feed eventually wins.",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,3,29,0,0,0,en, 1437918660455124997,311340284,Melanie Perkins,2021-09-14T23:18:18+00:00,"The opportunity that we have is only superseded by the responsibility we feel. We hope we can live up to it over the years to come. So lucky to turn a wild idea into reality with the best team, community and investors. Exciting progress on our 2-step plan:",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,130,990,0,0,0,en, 1441069852127543299,1031313930734460928,React Advanced Conference,2021-09-23T16:00:01+00:00,"He's the head of #developer experience, author of a bestselling book on progressing career in IT, and a sought-after mentor and speaker. This interview on @GitNationOrg is with @swyx who got some valuable advice on self #marketing for career development:",,,,,,,fbceb240777efd04e705e7d9e72d864f60964124,Twitter for Advertisers,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,4,0,1,0,en, 1441147744991596544,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T21:09:32+00:00,"Just saying I'm floored by the quality of connections that I've made here. Struggling to keep up with everyone getting in touch about the book/podcast/Temporal! I do pay it fwd too. If I can help you out w a quick answer or blogpost, my email is in bio. Will eventually respond!!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,63,0,0,,en, 1441190031939420174,33521530,swyx,2021-09-23T23:57:34+00:00,"Seeking opinions - when should a startup hire its first ""data person""? (not data scientist; just someone who gets data fed into one place, proactively find insights, and make it easy for others to dig up their own) whats a good milestone? B round? # employees? # ""data sources""?",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,1,50,0,0,,en, 1441436065680609282,33521530,swyx,2021-09-24T16:15:13+00:00,"accounts grow ofc - thats the power of SaaS - but i do feel like the market should *pull* you into a barbell than intentionally pursue it.. bc the cognitive dissonance on marketing, product, eng, docs, support etc is huge basically building two companies with one shared codebase",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",1441436063923195905,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,15,0,0,,en, 1445236122112561157,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T03:55:17+00:00,"In 2020 I thought I had given my last @reactjs talk, said all I had to say. Smash cut and here I am prepping for @ReactNewYork conf, framing @Temporalio as React for the backend! (not the actual tagline, just a talk title) Tickets are free: See you tmr!",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",,,,,,,0,3,32,0,0,0,en, 1445299225974095877,33521530,swyx,2021-10-05T08:06:02+00:00,"Here's @Spolsky explaining how hard it was to write the Amazon One Click Buy button, because it turned a sync shopping cart experience into an async timer-based model: UX is often improved by async, but infra + complexity means people dont do it.. til now",,,,,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,Twitter Web App,0,"[0, 280]",1443024483170729989,33521530,swyx,,,,0,11,70,0,0,0,en,