id,user,created_at,full_text,retweeted_status,quoted_status,place,source,truncated,display_text_range,in_reply_to_status_id,in_reply_to_user_id,in_reply_to_screen_name,geo,coordinates,contributors,is_quote_status,retweet_count,favorite_count,favorited,retweeted,possibly_sensitive,lang,scopes 1464423478950457344,33521530,2021-11-27T02:38:59+00:00,"AWS responds: Each month: - First TB: Free - First 10m requests: Free - First 2m functions: Free - Applies to Year 2+ ""All AWS customers will benefit from these pricing changes, and millions of customers will see no data transfer charges as a result.""",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 277]",1454251874849202185,33521530,swyx,,,,0,4,38,0,0,0,en, 1464739372167688193,33521530,2021-11-27T23:34:14+00:00,"@goEnjoy Today, a FANTASTIC rep named Lolli showed up at my door, suitcase and iPhone in hand. She talked me through the transfer, answered all my questions. I didn't *really* need help, but I could see how less tech-literate people would LOVE this. Entire thing was done in <10 mins.",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[9, 288]",1464738098806358020,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,4,0,0,0,en, 1464740702714155008,33521530,2021-11-27T23:39:31+00:00,"@goEnjoy How do they make money? The suitcase has upsells - airpods, phone cases and such. They also get compensated for every install of Apple Services, e.g. if I sign up for a free month of Apple One through them. Went public at $1.1b via SPAC last month. SPAC holders *hate it* lol",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[9, 286]",1464739372167688193,33521530,swyx,,,,0,0,5,0,0,0,en,