id,user,created_at,full_text,retweeted_status,quoted_status,place,source,truncated,display_text_range,in_reply_to_status_id,in_reply_to_user_id,in_reply_to_screen_name,geo,coordinates,contributors,is_quote_status,retweet_count,favorite_count,favorited,retweeted,possibly_sensitive,lang,scopes 1263123032328925186,33521530,2020-05-20T15:02:53+00:00,"🆕 The Third Age of JavaScript Every 10 years there is a changing of the guard in JavaScript. I think we have just started a period of accelerated change that could in future be regarded as the Third Age of JavaScript.",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,358,1434,0,0,0,en, 1395172543565344770,33521530,2021-05-20T00:20:30+00:00,"🆕 How to Optimize for Change My first post on the @freeCodeCamp blog in a while! 2 years ago, @dan_abramov told us *why* to optimize for change. Ever since then, I've been exploring the obvious next question: How?",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,5,64,0,0,0,en, 1435801431978635267,33521530,2021-09-09T03:05:11+00:00,"1/ I'm excited to announce a new learning experience I’m launching today with @chapter_HQ. My 4 week long “chapter” includes curated content, in-depth discussion and private Q&A for your own #LearnInPublic journey!",,,,295366d0fb34352a1961af2413827f072adefdb9,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,12,72,0,0,0,en, 1465917129954234371,33521530,2021-12-01T05:34:13+00:00,"Ok I finally made a private alt: @swyxio If you want the no-filter firehose from me, that's gonna be the outlet. No need to be mutuals just be a non-crazy person with an open mind. profile pic is from my fraternity days when i used to be fun",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,1,1,19,0,0,0,en, 1466875921818861577,1441943134112403460,2021-12-03T21:04:07+00:00,"Hey all, We've just published the first release candidate of the upcoming Relay v13 to NPM. This is very exciting for us, as it has the new version of the Relay Compiler that we've been working on for a few years now!",,,,95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,43,216,0,0,0,en, 1471493259046252548,6228302,2021-12-16T14:51:46+00:00,"The last year of downloads for hot consumer social startups Poparazzi, Clubhouse, Dispo. for context, it was reported that Instagram had 30M MAUs when it was acquired by FB for $1B DAU/MAU numbers from the last month; all data from @Apptopia",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 243]",,,,,,,0,34,305,0,0,0,en,