id,user,created_at,full_text,retweeted_status,quoted_status,place,source,truncated,display_text_range,in_reply_to_status_id,in_reply_to_user_id,in_reply_to_screen_name,geo,coordinates,contributors,is_quote_status,retweet_count,favorite_count,favorited,retweeted,possibly_sensitive,lang,scopes 1254871936514969600,33521530,2020-04-27T20:35:58+00:00,"👍i might be the last person in the world to know about this but check out @begin sessions: look at this thing. look at how you can tie it in with Data to hand-roll serverless auth w/o JWTs this is some of the most intuitive integrations i've ever seen.",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 279]",,,,,,,0,9,71,0,0,0,en, 1387487111964626945,33521530,2021-04-28T19:21:20+00:00,"🆕 80/20 is the new Half-Ass Don't spend your life exerting 20% effort... hoping for 80% results... only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything. a response to @ShaanVP and @stephsmithio who are my inspirations (really, I mean it)",,,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,0,5,71,0,0,0,en, 1428130743381762055,33521530,2021-08-18T23:04:37+00:00,"Just got reminded its the 3 year anniversary of my first conf talk: I remember being so nervous, just 1 year out of bootcamp talking React in front of my heroes @ReactRally. Never regretted it. If you can, speak at a conference. Will change your life.",,1030130810588819456,,1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952,0,"[0, 277]",,,,,,,1,1,71,0,0,0,en,