{"id": 1422419304096485384, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T04:49:24+00:00", "full_text": "@sgrove @temporalio you mean CPS? continuation passing? if so then no... just `await` an `async` workflow and the framework handles the \"blocking\"", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[20, 146]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422418903381078021, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14435843, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "sgrove", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422419942129901574, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T04:51:56+00:00", "full_text": "@yash_kr_verma i think this could be a good answer but i dont like discussing this thing without numbers. if the delay is <10ms i really don't care. especially if i'm serving API requests, not web pages.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[15, 206]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422418499343831043, "in_reply_to_user_id": 3112402897, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "yash_kr_verma", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422431411634507777, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T05:37:30+00:00", "full_text": "@ThisIsMissEm - i think pqueue as source of truth (with compute being secondary) can make a lot of sense, as opposed to the norm of compute-first and adding persistence/queueing as afterthought\n- depends what kind of routing - you have to route things to the right queue at least", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 279]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422429638740135936, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14063149, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ThisIsMissEm", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422436468631347202, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T05:57:36+00:00", "full_text": "@ThisIsMissEm ya i hear you on not everything needing persistence. i wouldnt do this for a CDN or web server, for instance. but could be great for job runner/workflow engine\n\nfun fact, @netlify can offer *backfillable* analytics because it logs anonymous visitor statistics for every request.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 293]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422433377668452370, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14063149, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ThisIsMissEm", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422438456353951750, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T06:05:30+00:00", "full_text": "@ThisIsMissEm @Netlify i mean i did say anonymous. Netlify was well aware of GDPR when launching this thing. lmk if any specifics alarm you and i'd be happy to dig in further as i have some interest in what potential problems there may be https://www.netlify.com/gdpr-ccpa/ https://www.netlify.com/products/analytics/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[23, 287]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422437143713042439, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14063149, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ThisIsMissEm", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422438939432869888, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T06:07:25+00:00", "full_text": "@ThisIsMissEm @Netlify yes schema evolution was a concern in the thread i responded to today (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28034882) which prompted revival of this tweet :)\n\nbottom line is frameworks can help with coding hygiene and i'm trying to frame @temporalio as a framework to help (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkP899WxgzY)", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[23, 299]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422437929071300611, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14063149, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ThisIsMissEm", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422442377491279872, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T06:21:05+00:00", "full_text": "@ThisIsMissEm @Netlify ah the beauty of unilateral 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