{"id": 1311775898958323714, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-10-01T21:12:00+00:00", "full_text": "If you take a salary, would you take some % of it in Bitcoin today?", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 67]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1419686460127547397, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-26T15:50:03+00:00", "full_text": "@DavidKPiano @threepointone (our CTO designed Azure\u2019s Durable Task Framework before he left Msft, which is why it\u2019s similar)", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[28, 124]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1419638696844873736, "in_reply_to_user_id": 992126114, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "DavidKPiano", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1421205257325924353, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-30T20:25:12+00:00", "full_text": "@code @stolinski Here is me using Easy Snippet in our daily work at @temporalio\n\nWhat other little tips and tricks help boost your productivity like this?\n\nhttps://docs.temporal.io/blog/temporal-tips-tricks-1/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[17, 179]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1420772267772968960, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1421989921766576129, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-02T00:23:11+00:00", "full_text": "@mjg59 i am not familar with your work; can you define coherent?", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[7, 64]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1421762581186760705, "in_reply_to_user_id": 229502009, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "mjg59", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422427493710012416, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T05:21:56+00:00", "full_text": "@ASpittel @AWSAmplify Amplify DataStore + Auth is just \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffd\u200d\ud83c\udf73\ud83d\ude18 in this kind of use case! great tutorial, especially with a full video walkthrough, just amazing work!\n\none thing i'd add here is a callout to Selective Sync - you dont want datastore to sync down private info from other users!", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[22, 288]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422207113036804101, "in_reply_to_user_id": 3092104835, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ASpittel", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422590292075499531, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T16:08:50+00:00", "full_text": "@seerutkchawla such incredible range!", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[15, 37]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422586639591804929, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1554622124, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "seerutkchawla", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422686539725697024, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T22:31:17+00:00", "full_text": "@pablankley @brianleroux honestly i have little experience w/ serverless on this scale. just shared the image cause I saw it recently - would defer to @theburningmonk whose image it is, and has ACTUALLY put this into prod\n\nthere are local mock solutions but nothing on the whole-system level unfortunately", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[25, 305]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422680823086542848, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1148790367862632448, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "pablankley", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424198548720029698, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-08T02:39:29+00:00", "full_text": "useful taxonomy of approaches to naming things:\n\n- Functional / Descriptive (BMW)\n- Invented (eg Agilent)\n- Experiential (eg Infoseek)\n- Evocative (eg Uber) \n\nWith the same note on Apple\n\nhttps://www.igorinternational.com/process/i/Igor-naming-guide-AugustP-1-2021.pdf https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1424198548720029698/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 211]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1418034673150685185, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424251648545677313, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-08T06:10:28+00:00", "full_text": "@dan_abramov does a private, paid Discord count? its pretty good for signal to noise ratio \ud83d\ude0e", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[13, 92]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1424137123360350210, "in_reply_to_user_id": 70345946, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "dan_abramov", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424588758746161155, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-09T04:30:02+00:00", "full_text": "@dhaiwat10 @supabase it helps but surely isn't the only factor. 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there)", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 220]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1427654400814862354, "in_reply_to_user_id": 9164512, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "andrewingram", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428431255196995586, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T18:58:44+00:00", "full_text": "For those who missed my Twitter Spaces chat on @temporalio with @jadenguitarman, here's a recording for posterity! (audio only)\n\nTemporal: Not So Temporary\nhttps://youtu.be/ErO9Ujccwds", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 179]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1417227355165102081, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428450239392804868, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T20:14:11+00:00", "full_text": "@nbashaw i was quite disappointed to hear about their plans post their new fundraising round from @brianmcc\u2019s pod. \n\nthey are trying so hard to \u201cgo straight\u201d to justify their growth projections but i think they will just end up killing their golden goose.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[9, 255]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1428444015465308166, "in_reply_to_user_id": 17424947, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "nbashaw", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428933561835421696, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-21T04:14:44+00:00", "full_text": "Connected with a clinical psychologist over our mutual suspicion of Enneagrams today\n\nTIL that there are more developed alternatives to the Big 5 OCEAN Personality traits:\n\nMMPI: ~500 questions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Multiphasic_Personality_Inventory\nMCMI: ~200 questions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millon_Clinical_Multiaxial_Inventory\n\nfascinating! https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1428933561835421696/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 276]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1429708153189457922, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-23T07:32:41+00:00", "full_text": "@chantastic @alexandereardon @sveltejs i have a mental collection of changes if i ever work on my fork of JSX (JSWYX?). need to crowdfund a good month to work on this thing.\n\nremember they told us for ~5 years `className` was necessary and then Dan just came out and admitted `class` is fine\n\nhttps://twitter.com/lesliecdubs/status/1142176302008623104?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1142176302008623104, "label": "1142176302008623104"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[39, 316]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1429702427561713671, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12745092, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "chantastic", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1431080989451714561, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-27T02:27:50+00:00", "full_text": "@ryanchenkie someday when React Suspense finally drops we will have this, but its been a long 3 years", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[13, 101]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1430968203988152327, "in_reply_to_user_id": 30654945, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ryanchenkie", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1431454424153604098, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-28T03:11:44+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83c\udfc3\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Time to Implement Change\n\nAnyone can build brittle systems. But great DX optimizes for 1-2 standard deviation changes in requirements:\n\n- find helpful docs fast (better: no docs needed)\n- low edit distance\n- smooth migration paths\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1395172543565344770?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1395172543565344770, "label": "1395172543565344770"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 260]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1431454422886924293, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1431477455362007049, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-28T04:43:15+00:00", "full_text": "Narrative shift: @Discord fumbling bot developers. This is one individual\u2019s report but documents some troubling behavior. To be seen if this high profile departure is taken seriously.\n\nhttps://gist.github.com/Rapptz/4a2f62751b9600a31a0d3c78100287f1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 208]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1420050980310183936, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432469865785352192, "user": {"value": 896059763129298953, "label": "Jai Bhagat"}, "created_at": "2021-08-30T22:26:44+00:00", "full_text": "My CFP for EmberFest was accepted!!! Thank you @swyx for giving me multiple rounds of review.\n\nMy man is really trying to make @Coding_Career a place where career\u2019s takeoff!\n\nTo pay it forward, I\u2019ll buy 1 fellow junior engineer a Community Package. \n\nJust RT this.\n\n#learninpublic", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 5, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432598502060675073, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-31T06:57:53+00:00", "full_text": "here's 91 quotes from Warren Buffett, who just turned 91. \n\nhttps://twitter.com/GRDecter/status/1432365846438027276?s=20\n\nThis one stuck out given my recent blogpost on devrel metrics: \n\n\"Games are won by players who focus on the playing field \u2013- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.\" \ud83c\udfaf", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1432365846438027276, "label": "1432365846438027276"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 265]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1386482851026112515, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432864036241088513, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:33:02+00:00", "full_text": "At the same time, infrastructure engineers increasingly embracing higher and higher abstractions to solve their problems. The DevOps movement is not so much \"Devs doing Ops\" as it is Ops doing Dev. As platforms develop, we are learning the chores that can be cleanly delegated. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1432864036241088513/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 277]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432864032235540480, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432864048677154818, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:33:05+00:00", "full_text": "This was part of my @Temporalio pitch: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1417165270641045505\n\nBecause you can dynamically use retries, timeouts, task queues and timers *without any setup* and Temporal takes care of it behind the scenes: this unlocks *self-provisioning asynchrony* in your app code. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1432864048677154818/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1417165270641045505, "label": "1417165270641045505"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 268]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432864045133008899, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432898918589763587, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T02:51:38+00:00", "full_text": "@beyang YES. PLEASE. ESP IF IT LETS ME SEARCH WITHIN FOLDERS URGH", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[8, 65]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432894718266986499, "in_reply_to_user_id": 16520821, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "beyang", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432902470418661381, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T03:05:45+00:00", "full_text": "@oldmanuk @mitchellh i made an alternative twitter query builder UI as well, in case this question comes up again in future\n\nhttps://bettertwitter.netlify.app/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[21, 148]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432813730690179073, "in_reply_to_user_id": 7969342, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "oldmanuk", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1434206572608049156, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-04T17:27:47+00:00", "full_text": "A \"swipe file\" is a collection of examples for inspiration. 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Sometimes entire industries pivot by the decisions of a few key people.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1435387866079694849, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436140187881443335, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-10T01:31:17+00:00", "full_text": "conference flu is kicking my ass right now and i dont have enough to continue this theme. Gonna take the rest of the week off to recover.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 137]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1435793597870321674, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436230987726442496, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-10T07:32:06+00:00", "full_text": "@travisWaithMair @dabit3 @devonbl haha\n\nits because @Netlify made my career and i will be forever grateful \ud83e\udd17 i told @kenny_io recently how closely i\u2019m staying on top of everything that goes on in there and still will make myself available anytime they need me.", 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really mass market who dont know you from adam.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[11, 262]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1442970778157281282, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1909232666, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "fortelabs", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1444097713998467075, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-02T00:31:39+00:00", "full_text": "@cohix Cloudflare are \ud83d\udc10", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[7, 23]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 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Appreciate signal boost in a couple hours!", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[79, 180]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1441836267092709382, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1444468204223426563, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-03T01:03:51+00:00", "full_text": "welp i just got done editing and forgot it needs time to output the video https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1444468204223426563/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 73]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1444408212707438594, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1444511985832382468, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-03T03:57:49+00:00", "full_text": "@tannerlinsley @kentcdodds tanner i was only joking", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[27, 51]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1444482851160817674, "in_reply_to_user_id": 50136899, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "tannerlinsley", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1445237011242098690, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-05T03:58:49+00:00", "full_text": "@6figuredev @matsubonsai @tannerlinsley this was really great, loved the discussion of moving React Table \"headless\" at the 30 minute mark - has echoes of @iammerrick's blogpost on Headless UI and @kentcdodds' old talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiJ8tRRH0f8", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[25, 242]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1445014043719200768, "in_reply_to_user_id": 4333698017, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "6figuredev", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1445582939840868362, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-06T02:53:25+00:00", "full_text": "@dvassallo honestly your creator journey took an unexpected turn but i am really admiring this, it is truly unique and more \u201creal\u201d than anything else ive done \ud83d\udc4f keep lighting the path for others to explore their potential!", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[11, 222]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1445426568877068300, "in_reply_to_user_id": 24179991, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "dvassallo", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1449507472322949120, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-16T22:48:06+00:00", "full_text": "@simevidas @TheValuableDev @danluu @stylebot i have updated my blogpost, cheers", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[45, 79]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1449507412885458944, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1450233802056519682, "user": {"value": 57854378, "label": "Tihomir Surdilovic"}, "created_at": "2021-10-18T22:54:17+00:00", "full_text": "Want to get started developing fault-tolerant, distributed applications with @temporalio and its @java SDK? Join our intro #workshop this Friday at 9am PT! And yes, its free :) \nSignup link:\nhttps://lu.ma/temporalintro", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 215]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1451328904388485120, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-21T23:25:49+00:00", "full_text": "@flybayer as a bonus you structurally cannot say \"i work too hard\" as an answer", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[10, 79]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1451313398411583489, "in_reply_to_user_id": 2826554209, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "flybayer", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1451587809656152087, "user": {"value": 1014518078, "label": "BaskarRao \ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89"}, "created_at": "2021-10-22T16:34:37+00:00", "full_text": "\"What many engineers might fail to realize is that they must also communicate and find ways to document what they have done\" via @swyx \nhttps://thenewstack.io/what-it-takes-to-become-a-senior-engineer/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 159]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 3, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 1, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1451668722037391362, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-22T21:56:08+00:00", "full_text": "@RandallKanna i feel bad now because fb has only tried to recruit me once \ud83d\ude39", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 75]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1451567790129700865, "in_reply_to_user_id": 206918128, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "RandallKanna", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1452238286903201798, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-24T11:39:23+00:00", "full_text": "@dannypostmaa that video is really good tho, i wonder who made thay", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 67]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1452166964118372359, "in_reply_to_user_id": 197785542, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "dannypostmaa", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1452823556031610885, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-26T02:25:02+00:00", "full_text": "@taniarascia haha no i'll never make you wait :)\n\nAPI Economy is all the hotness, but everyone writes their own API wrapper clients anyway. To improve developer experience, devtools companies are creating SDKs for you to embed *in your app*.\n\nWins: types, docstrings, mocking, stateful clients", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[13, 293]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1452812168471121920, "in_reply_to_user_id": 3580004117, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "taniarascia", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1453136713077850112, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-26T23:09:25+00:00", "full_text": "@goncy @leeerob @vercel @okbel @luis_fades @steventey @pacocoursey how does Vercel keep recruiting designers with cool anonymous avatars \ud83d\ude39", "retweeted_status": 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It's based off of http://Temporal.io's https://docs.temporal.io/docs/typescript/workflows/#condition API.\n\nYou can now wait for actions, state diffs, etc.\n\nThanks to @swyx for suggesting this!", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "9335de48b3673c3f69433a34861c115d1d382be3", "label": "TweetDeck"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 276]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1457535446674718725, "in_reply_to_user_id": 727704217012604928, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "acemarke", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 1, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1457803089230974983, "user": {"value": 90286855, "label": "Changelog"}, "created_at": "2021-11-08T20:11:55+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83d\udce2 We had @swyx on The Changelog!\n\n1\ufe0f\u20e3 Why learn in public\n2\ufe0f\u20e3 The dark side of the #API economy\n3\ufe0f\u20e3 @Cloudflare's Go game vs @awscloud's Chess\n4\ufe0f\u20e3 The #frontend pay ceiling & his move to the back\n5\ufe0f\u20e3 What @temporalio is about\n\nThis is a good one! http://changelog.fm/467", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 274]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 1, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1457957160269193216, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-09T06:24:09+00:00", "full_text": "@LankaHasindu yes is virtual by default, http://sveltesummit.com to sign up", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[14, 75]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1457951876217905155, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1263660343399759872, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "Hasindu_Lanka", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 3, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1458643184418914304, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-11T03:50:10+00:00", "full_text": "@dabit3 @gitpod ayyy fellow gitpod convert", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[16, 42]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1458463243547070469, "in_reply_to_user_id": 17189394, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "dabit3", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1459369536050712580, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-13T03:56:25+00:00", "full_text": "@BrittneyPostma @Rich_Harris so excited to meet you IRL! @antony just confirmed that he\u2019s coming too, its gonna be a fun Svelte day! any ideas for fun games to play? we wont be watching talks the entire time", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[29, 207]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1459357949671915525, "in_reply_to_user_id": 36686876, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "BrittneyPostma", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1460489833160142848, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-16T06:08:05+00:00", "full_text": "@YairDev @JoshWComeau @csswizardry's article changed the way i think about margins forever: https://csswizardry.com/2012/06/single-direction-margin-declarations/ knowing about collapse is good, but having rules so that you dont even think about it 99% of the time can be better (altho i like layout components too)", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[22, 268]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1459780398741864448, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1297737445404966913, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "YairDev", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1460765511684280329, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-17T00:23:32+00:00", "full_text": "@isamlambert on the competitive threat of the big clouds: \n\n\u201cThe one thing clouds cannot clone is taste.\u201d\n\nhttps://techcrunch.com/2021/11/16/planetscale-raises-50m-series-c-as-its-enterprise-database-service-hits-general-availability/ https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1460765511684280329/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 130]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1448162617973825541, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1463618121487446019, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-24T21:18:47+00:00", "full_text": "@adamwathan basically @devonzuegel called it, twitter should just hand her control of the twitter roadmap https://devonzuegel.com/post/the-silence-is-deafening", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[12, 129]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1463615822644002824, "in_reply_to_user_id": 716933677, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "adamwathan", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1465536266863190016, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-11-30T04:20:49+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83c\udfa7 Clipped Alex's reflections for today's mixtape: https://share.transistor.fm/s/bcbb0164", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 73]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1415568895612571666, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1466223179643318274, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-12-02T01:50:21+00:00", "full_text": "@ThePracticalDev @pimterry Nov 2021: 141k views, 41k uniques\n\nOnly one blogpost this month (https://swyx.io/community-heat/), so no surprise at all at the big drop. Twitter also not really doing that great vs my usual. Shipping things took its toll but being honest I also got lazy. YouTube did decent. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1466223179643318274/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[27, 294]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1455777335014084609, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1466616985500848129, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-12-03T03:55:12+00:00", "full_text": "@_dijonmusters @AntWilson @supabase next time ship actual ships or we riot", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, 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