{"id": 1172604337366941697, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2019-09-13T20:13:54+00:00", "full_text": "TIL you can use object destructuring on an *array* to get at its properties... and immediately use them in an index with `[ ]` notation!!!! \n\n@argyleink is full of amazingness https://twitter.com/argyleink/status/1172313947174776833 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1172604337366941697/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 199]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 336, "favorite_count": 1718, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1210295490853490688, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2019-12-26T20:25:05+00:00", "full_text": "\u270d\ufe0fIn Defense of Hammers \ud83d\udd28\n\nWhy \"Right Tool for Most Jobs\" beats \"Right Tool for the Job\"\n\n\ud83d\udd17https://www.swyx.io/writing/hammers\n\nLong overdue tweet-turned-blogpost \ud83d\ude05 \n\nshoutouts due to @laurieontech, @tlakomy, @wking__, @rmngrc and everyone who commented & helped me think through this! \u2764\ufe0f https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1171549189064613888 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1210295490853490688/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 304]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 22, "favorite_count": 82, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1231493665144688647, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-02-23T08:19:04+00:00", "full_text": "\u270d\ufe0fUsing http://DEV.to as a CMS\n\nhttps://www.swyx.io/writing/devto-cms\n\nI've had the idea to use @ThePracticalDev as a headless CMS for a while, but today I actually did it. It gets me syndication and comments and nice image upload solution that doesn't involve checking into Git. https://twitter.com/bendhalpern/status/1176663688742395904 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1231493665144688647/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 299]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 27, "favorite_count": 152, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1281896981049356288, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-07-11T10:23:51+00:00", "full_text": "I admire the initiative behind https://tooling.report so much!\n\n- included maintainers of each tool\n- filed issues for every issue found\n- sensitive to nuances per tool\n- comparable across tools\n\nan instant classic piece of web advocacy I will be thinking about for years to come https://twitter.com/jaffathecake/status/1281290340746567680", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 32, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1287893745103286272, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-07-27T23:32:51+00:00", "full_text": "@patel0phone @eriktorenberg @kevinakwok More in the \"Let Non-X do X\" category\n\n@Canva lets non-graphics designers do graphic design\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1176494529807028224?s=20\n\n@webflow lets non-web-developers develop websites\n\nWhy stick to B2C:\n\n@awscloud lets non-infra companies spin-up infra\n\n@uipath lets non-automation-coders automate", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[40, 320]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1287514624523411456, "in_reply_to_user_id": 375437722, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "patel0phone", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 28, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1294310598419689472, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-08-14T16:31:08+00:00", "full_text": "\u269b\ufe0f React SFCs\n\nAn experimental @reactjs dialect for those who prefer to colocate styles and use local binding and mutation!\n\nGitHub: https://github.com/react-sfc/react-sfc-swyx\n\nPresented @ReactRally today! video coming soon! https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1294298224136556547 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1294310598419689472/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 229]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 37, "favorite_count": 196, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1316790592605626368, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-10-15T17:18:36+00:00", "full_text": "Excited to see @Temporaltech announce its Series A led by Sequoia!\n\nFocus for now is \"microservices orchestration\" - but the potential is massive. Temporal is reinventing async in the cloud.\n\nFor @reactjs devs, think \"Suspense\" for biz logic \ud83e\udd2f\n\nWatch @taillogs' 2 min explainer! https://twitter.com/TechCrunch/status/1316778816270987265 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1316790592605626368/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 302]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 9, "favorite_count": 62, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1330608936660025344, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2020-11-22T20:27:46+00:00", "full_text": "To fellow indie hackers:\n\nStripe Checkout is awesome. A Stripe-hosted UI they optimize for you with i18n and PCI and receipts etc done for you. I moved @Coding_Career from @Podia to Stripe + @CircleApp (for fulfillment) in 2hrs. Conversion went up ~20%.\n\nCan't believe it's free. https://twitter.com/JasonSwett/status/1328710087402156032", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 279]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 55, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1381105950602461189, "user": {"value": 5878582, "label": "Eli Parra \ud83c\udf0a"}, "created_at": "2021-04-11T04:44:52+00:00", "full_text": "Being lucky is like having a large \"catchment area\" for life's random opportunities. Your funnel is made of Doing AND Telling.\n\nModel based on @swyx's sketch, made in @maxbittker's lovely https://sandspiel.club\n\nSee also @techzing's Luck Surface Area & @patio11's friendcatchers. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1300079734043230209 https://twitter.com/elzr/status/1381105950602461189/video/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 308]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 18, "favorite_count": 90, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1390082681753374723, "user": {"value": 1176969867733479424, "label": "Svelte Society \ud83e\udde1"}, "created_at": "2021-05-05T23:15:12+00:00", "full_text": "Interesting point here:\n\nSvelte's ecosystem is larger than React's...\n\nif you consider that vanilla JS libraries (e.g. D3) \"just work\" with Svelte \ud83c\udfaf https://twitter.com/DanaWoodman/status/1390030682789859329", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 148]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 23, "favorite_count": 116, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1394332453892984835, "user": {"value": 5994002, "label": "Dana Jones"}, "created_at": "2021-05-17T16:42:17+00:00", "full_text": "Enough folks were interested that I have written up my thoughts on Identifying Checkout Behavior: recognizing signs of when an employee might be considering a breakup with your company. http://danabrit.blogspot.com/2021/05/identifying-checkout-behavior.html https://twitter.com/danabrit/status/1392515208611041283", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 209]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 37, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1419782132990308360, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-26T22:10:13+00:00", "full_text": "@trostcodes @KevinJPowell just have good search and narrow interests :) https://twitter.com/jsjoeio/status/1419726229456900109", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1419726229456900109, "label": "1419726229456900109"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[26, 95]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1419781851485458433, "in_reply_to_user_id": 348836014, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "trostcodes", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 3, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420050980310183936, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-27T15:58:31+00:00", "full_text": "This is an incredible video: https://twitter.com/discord/status/1418617539404308482?s=20\n\nWriteup: https://blog.discord.com/meet-the-discord-users-who-imagined-a-place-657325b75fa6\n\nIt's a quirky amalgam of Discord memes with Awkwafina, Danny Devito, Grimes, MKBHD, flying flaming cows, and eggs. Totally ineffective at explaining what Discord is, but captures how it FEELS.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1378408503597965316, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 8, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420086929261961217, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-27T18:21:22+00:00", "full_text": "Feeling this again. Really humbling to interview people (eg early Google and Docker) and understanding how great problems attract great talent. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1189555830544355330", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1189555830544355330, "label": "1189555830544355330"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 143]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 26, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420261009583788032, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-28T05:53:06+00:00", "full_text": "@matiasfha @Rich_Harris @stolinski @gndx btw you can implement the same thing for React too. its just that the React core team prefers boilerplate to sugar syntax. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1294310598419689472?lang=en", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1294310598419689472, "label": "1294310598419689472"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[41, 187]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1420216170402091009, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12816182, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "matiasfha", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 5, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420454803944075264, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-28T18:43:10+00:00", "full_text": "@beyang \"Web Mentions\", even https://twitter.com/dance2die/status/1227453978922934277", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1227424568270368768, "label": "1227424568270368768"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[8, 52]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1420442576868368387, "in_reply_to_user_id": 16520821, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "beyang", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420456538553024516, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-28T18:50:04+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83d\udcaf I've been putting out my mixtape (http://swyx.transistor.fm/) for 145 days now and its been a great way to take audio notes + add personal commentary.\n\nSo much of podcasting is either \"Shallow Interview of Famous Person\" or \"Two guys and a mic\". Make mixtapes cool again! https://twitter.com/BrittneyPostma/status/1420442392637939712", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1420442392637939712, "label": "1420442392637939712"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 270]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 20, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420477145969618946, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-28T20:11:57+00:00", "full_text": "My opinion: you want standard comp (cash/stock) up to ~150k, THEN you want options. \n\nWhy? TAXES.\n\nesp with 83b election. Give yourself a ~40% raise with this ONE WEIRD TRICK!\n\nYou know how you should be critical of tech advice from online? Goes double for devs talking finance :) https://twitter.com/cassidoo/status/1420423346727051268", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1420423346727051268, "label": "1420423346727051268"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 46, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1420635902032846852, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-29T06:42:47+00:00", "full_text": "Today's mixtape: A clip from 1984, inspired by the Loki TV Series\n\nhttps://swyx.transistor.fm/episodes/1984-vs-brave-new-world-pt-1-intelligence-squared https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1419128271799656449 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1420635902032846852/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1419128271799656449, "label": "1419128271799656449"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 114]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 14, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1421141801407291398, "user": {"value": 6603532, "label": "\ud83d\udd0eJulia Evans\ud83d\udd0d"}, "created_at": "2021-07-30T16:13:03+00:00", "full_text": "I'm thinking about this debugging advice today -- I explained *why* to make a minimal reproduction but not *how* to make one https://twitter.com/b0rk/status/1405900088195661831\n\nif you learned how to minimally reproduce a bug recently -- what helped you learn?", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 232]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 64, "favorite_count": 295, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1421180194384084995, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-07-30T18:45:37+00:00", "full_text": "Non obvious thing I picked up from @reactjs \u2014 keep a set of fixtures to help you repro bugs!\n\nInstead of starting from a blank file or deleting from a real project, fixtures are the middle way \u2014 a starting point that implements all the APIs or pushes them to known limits. 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https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1421220603197939713?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1421220603197939713, "label": "1421220603197939713"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[9, 257]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1421180194384084995, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 6, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1421273039648399364, "user": {"value": 12087242, "label": "joel \u26c8"}, "created_at": "2021-07-31T00:54:33+00:00", "full_text": "a couple of years ago @swyx asked us what our big hairy audacious goal was... this is still my answer \n\nI am super motivated to help people escape the work-a-day grind and leverage their expertise to help others do the same\n\nlong game shit\nhttps://twitter.com/jhooks/status/1158920626272268289?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1158920626272268289, "label": "1158920626272268289"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 263]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1421215273659506688, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12087242, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "jhooks", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 3, "favorite_count": 63, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422264774327300097, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-02T18:35:21+00:00", "full_text": "July 2021: 136k views, 33k uniques\n\nMuch better month due to two big posts:\n- My New Mac Setup: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1412175450579767296\n- Why Temporal: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1417165270641045505\n\nStill one external article pending publish but another in draft. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1422264774327300097/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1417165270641045505, "label": "1417165270641045505"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 225]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1411987359017574402, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 3, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422417171884306436, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T04:40:55+00:00", "full_text": "Trying this now with @temporalio :) \n\nPSA even though you start with a queue you can still block until your work is done, aka \"synchronous start\" of a workflow\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1417165270641045505?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1417165270641045505, "label": "1417165270641045505"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 184]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1241482183472295939, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 6, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1422431689779802112, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-03T05:38:37+00:00", "full_text": "@ejames_c @dimfeld @sgrove @temporalio this writeup is probably written below your level but the resources at the end may help. would love to hear your thoughts/questions!\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1417165270641045505", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1417165270641045505, "label": "1417165270641045505"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[39, 196]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422430127212744704, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14243237, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "ejames_c", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1423005684057079813, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-04T19:39:27+00:00", "full_text": "Confluent launches their own developer learning portal, presumably entirely custom built.\n\nHow much faster could they have got to market, how much more educational content produced, if they had a service to help them?\n\nhttps://twitter.com/rmoff/status/1422957383387688968?s=20 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1423005684057079813/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1422957383387688968, "label": "1422957383387688968"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 242]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1398354955686191105, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1423025792783568899, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-04T20:59:22+00:00", "full_text": "I have updated the meme\n\npray i don't update it further https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1422675969089761281 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breaking changes\n\ndetailed yet accessible read! https://twitter.com/KentonVarda/status/1422553148099645451", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1422553148099645451, "label": "1422553148099645451"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 28, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424501065668468739, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-08T22:41:34+00:00", "full_text": "Love this explanation of \u6210\u8bed for a non Chinese speaking audience!\n\nPros: the Chinese a way to efficiently serialize 4000 years of wisdom into everyday conversation.\n\nCons: Chinese culture spends a lot of time dwelling on the past, while Western dreamers look to the future. https://twitter.com/michlimlim/status/1375835640919642122", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1375835640919642122, "label": "1375835640919642122"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 272]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 6, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424502535411224581, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-08T22:47:25+00:00", "full_text": "My take on Why @TailwindCSS:\n\nhttps://www.swyx.io/why-tailwind/\n\nProbably obvious to experts, but it's the top organic Google result for \"Why Tailwind\" now. I think more people should write straightforward \"Why X\" or \"What is X\" posts. You don't always have to write earthshattering theses. https://twitter.com/Tyler_Potts_/status/1424481436766199819 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1424502535411224581/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 304]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 30, "favorite_count": 226, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424503004074414081, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-08T22:49:16+00:00", "full_text": "I also strongly, strongly recommend Sarah's take on the #1 objection to Tailwind: \"bUT WE have inLIne StYleS?\"\n\nhttps://twitter.com/frontstuff_io/status/1394274447612317697", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1394274447612317697, "label": "1394274447612317697"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 135]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1424502535411224581, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 12, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424588758746161155, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-09T04:30:02+00:00", "full_text": "@dhaiwat10 @supabase it helps but surely isn't the only factor. Stripe is well regarded as a bigger co that is still shipping fast. \n\nbut on a small team, there is less opportunity for a HIPPO to constantly retard momentum with Apple Pie Positions https://twitter.com/shreyas/status/1231455889019699200", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1231455889019699200, "label": "1231455889019699200"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[21, 271]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1424587828982206468, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1025757442594889734, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "dhaiwat10", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1424873436657065995, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-09T23:21:14+00:00", "full_text": "Pretty wild to have @Temporalio featured in the OSS Startups podcast alongside the founders of Heptio (Kubernetes), Pulumi, MongoDB, etc. \n\nWe're still in early days but it's good company to keep!\n\nAlso see my cheeky position:sticky of @ListenNotes' player inside @docusaurus \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffd\u200d\ud83c\udf73\ud83d\ude18 https://twitter.com/temporalio/status/1424816422216028160", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1424816422216028160, "label": "1424816422216028160"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 281]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 27, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1425505828249866246, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-11T17:14:08+00:00", "full_text": "@copy_ai and @DebuildHQ seem to be the leading GPT3 startups a year out from the initial kerfuffle\n\nhttps://twitter.com/sharifshameem/status/1425185575645024256?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1425185575645024256, "label": "1425185575645024256"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 123]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1373008304549466112, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1425512518437330944, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-11T17:40:43+00:00", "full_text": "Proud to be joining a conference that is taking measured Covid precautions. If you're in the East Coast, come see my first ever talk on @temporalio and the *amazing* list of other speakers at @renderATL!\n\nhttps://www.renderatl.com/speakers https://twitter.com/ThugDebugger/status/1425477419524308994", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1425477419524308994, "label": "1425477419524308994"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 228]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 15, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1425585123622223873, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-11T22:29:14+00:00", "full_text": "@glv @jessmartin @jbrancha @sidekiq @_swanand ah yeah... do they not give you a preview of when the next one is supposed to happen? i really liked that part of the cloudflare UI, helps to doublecheck that you did it right https://twitter.com/ritakozlov_/status/1425560858353049601?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1425560858353049601, "label": "1425560858353049601"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[46, 245]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1425581619637796867, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14553123, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "glv", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1426327484316884992, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-13T23:39:06+00:00", "full_text": "@chantastic \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffd my writeup ICYMI\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1221586490674696193?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1221586490674696193, "label": "1221586490674696193"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[12, 56]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1426318522242588675, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12745092, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "chantastic", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 10, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427008742797709312, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-15T20:46:11+00:00", "full_text": "All metrics have exceptions but you can roughly break up startups into stages by employee count:\n\n2 founders\n20 employees\n200 employees \n2,000 employees <- probably a unicorn\n20k employees\n200k employees\n\nAll advice has a relevance interval and it's possible to learn the tells. https://twitter.com/hnshah/status/1426972669468045318", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1426972669468045318, "label": "1426972669468045318"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 281]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 18, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427092639250149378, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-16T02:19:33+00:00", "full_text": "@Netlify @reactjs @preactjs @docusaurus @Wattenberger similar tool in this space I might as well tag on Sarah's awesome code annotation tool https://twitter.com/sarah_edo/status/1039165996676739072?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1039165996676739072, "label": "1039165996676739072"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[54, 164]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1427091715245047809, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 8, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427351639904571412, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-16T19:28:44+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83d\udcda Content-focused DevRel is your bread and butter. If you don't know where to start, start here!\n\nDefault to consistency - create helpful content once a week for a year. You can't control your outcomes but everyone can learn to be consistent.\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1353779246078910464?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1353779246078910464, "label": "1353779246078910464"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 267]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1427351638872772633, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427351641095753755, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-16T19:28:44+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83e\uddd1\u200d\ud83e\udd1d\u200d\ud83e\uddd1 Community focused DevRel is the new hotness \n\nNothing can build loyalty like helping your users find, hire and help each other. But beware the optics of relying on unpaid labor. Events are underrated, and \"superuser\" programs are on the rise!\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1367518496326709251", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1367518496326709251, "label": "1367518496326709251"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 273]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1427351639904571412, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 5, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427361704241877017, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-16T20:08:44+00:00", "full_text": "@CommandBar is now a startup! \n\nhttps://twitter.com/dazzeloid/status/1424769790107820032", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1424769790107820032, "label": "1424769790107820032"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 55]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1383146902133239813, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 8, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427370301495652354, "user": {"value": 20355043, "label": "Andy Hattemer"}, "created_at": "2021-08-16T20:42:53+00:00", "full_text": "Lots of great info in this post!\n\n@swyx categorizes devrel programs into \"Community\", \"Content\" and \"Product\". For me, here are the \"exemplary\" companies for each:\n- Community: @getdbt \n- Content: @digitalocean (I'm biased)\n- Product: @Netlify or @vercel https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1427351638872772633", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1427351638872772633, "label": "1427351638872772633"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 254]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 22, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1427656945528233984, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-17T15:41:55+00:00", "full_text": "@Hicksyfern @apollographql yeah i got quite excited about Engine 3 years ago! https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1050091276715077632?s=20 good to see it still lives on, i admit i was more excited about it than it turned out haha. i wonder why they backed off the Engine branding. what changed from the original vision?", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1050091276715077632, "label": "1050091276715077632"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[27, 282]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1427656370103410699, "in_reply_to_user_id": 154248263, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "Hicksyfern", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428094708899745793, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-18T20:41:25+00:00", "full_text": "2 years on... nice explanation and discussion of JWTs here, and I pretty much am exactly where Emelia is at\n\nhttps://twitter.com/ThisIsMissEm/status/1427988073292476418?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1427988073292476418, "label": "1427988073292476418"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 132]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1133780714988736512, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 10, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428100952200859648, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-18T21:06:14+00:00", "full_text": "@xjamundx how about \"we now use both React and jQuery screw it\" \nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1428100847712423938?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1428100847712423938, "label": "1428100847712423938"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[10, 88]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1428098541671518208, "in_reply_to_user_id": 119903601, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "xjamundx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428102298241159172, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-18T21:11:35+00:00", "full_text": "Very surprised to see Netflix apparently now uses BOTH @Reactjs and @jQuery on Netflix dot com, 4 years after being celebrated for ripping out React.\n\nWhat in the world is going on in there?? \ud83d\udc40 https://twitter.com/NetflixUIE/status/923374215041912833 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1428102298241159172/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 923374215041912833, "label": "923374215041912833"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 217]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 33, "favorite_count": 299, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428130743381762055, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-18T23:04:37+00:00", "full_text": "Just got reminded its the 3 year anniversary of my first conf talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyFHR0dDZo0\n\nI remember being so nervous, just 1 year out of bootcamp talking React in front of my heroes @ReactRally. Never regretted it.\n\nIf you can, speak at a conference. Will change your life. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1030130810588819456", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1030130810588819456, "label": "1030130810588819456"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 277]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 71, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428236014082924548, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T06:02:55+00:00", "full_text": "@KajetanSw @ReactRally good luck! dont rush like i did, make sure to grab attention when starting (have high energy, joke, poll, video clip, story, whatever), slow down your words (because of nervousness) and, if presenting code, ENLARGE THE FONT!\n\nif prerecorded, tips here https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1363110323268374530", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1363110323268374530, "label": "1363110323268374530"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[23, 298]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1428234170812321802, "in_reply_to_user_id": 1069315566375264261, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "KajetanSw", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428246127464259585, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T06:43:06+00:00", "full_text": "Speaking tip - it's not about quantity! Don't rush!\n\nTwo helpful techniques:\n- Pause. In a world of nonstop noise... Silence stands out.\n- Repeat. Repetition consciously underlines the important. Recap your points every 5-7 minutes.\n\nYou'll naturally calm down. https://twitter.com/KajetanSw/status/1428242133710934018", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1428242133710934018, "label": "1428242133710934018"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 261]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 26, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428402268550754304, "user": {"value": 16520821, "label": "Beyang Liu"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T17:03:33+00:00", "full_text": "Super happy that a lot of these efforts are now well under way. Especially excited about indexing the entire world of open source and making it searchable in one place! https://venturebeat.com/2021/08/19/sourcegraph-plans-to-index-the-entire-open-source-web https://twitter.com/beyang/status/1346652236378566657", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1346652236378566657, "label": "1346652236378566657"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 192]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 26, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1428402450839457800, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-19T17:04:17+00:00", "full_text": "RT @beyang: Super happy that a lot of these efforts are now well under way. Especially excited about indexing the entire world of open sour\u2026", "retweeted_status": {"value": 1428402268550754304, "label": "1428402268550754304"}, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 140]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 4, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1429501377722474496, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-22T17:51:01+00:00", "full_text": "Sad to see @brianmcc sunset the Techmeme Ride Home+ podcast.\n\nThe premise was exclusive interviews, but interviewees canceled when they learned he (#3 ranked podcaster in Tech News) only had 300 paying subs (@$5/mo). \n\nBig blow for @awilkinson's @supercast thesis? https://twitter.com/austin_rief/status/1393966359197933568", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1393966359197933568, "label": "1393966359197933568"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 264]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 3, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1429696175716831232, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-23T06:45:05+00:00", "full_text": "@alexandereardon @sveltejs i'm kinda joking, but also kinda not https://twitter.com/stolinski/status/1422279151898218497?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1422279151898218497, "label": "1422279151898218497"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[27, 87]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1429694407792492546, "in_reply_to_user_id": 37125581, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "alexandereardon", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1429708153189457922, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-23T07:32:41+00:00", "full_text": "@chantastic @alexandereardon @sveltejs i have a mental collection of changes if i ever work on my fork of JSX (JSWYX?). need to crowdfund a good month to work on this thing.\n\nremember they told us for ~5 years `className` was necessary and then Dan just came out and admitted `class` is fine\n\nhttps://twitter.com/lesliecdubs/status/1142176302008623104?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1142176302008623104, "label": "1142176302008623104"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[39, 316]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1429702427561713671, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12745092, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "chantastic", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1429936577510182916, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-23T22:40:21+00:00", "full_text": "@TomerAberbach haha sounds like a smart guy! i also dont know exactly what you meant but here are some:\n\n- https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1308576240924725249?s=20\n- https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1320156357769637888?s=20\n- https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1278665379544350720?s=20\n-", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1278665379544350720, "label": "1278665379544350720"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[15, 184]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1429931847476301833, "in_reply_to_user_id": 708470652693565440, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "TomerAberbach", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1430608769319198720, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-25T19:11:24+00:00", "full_text": "@mwarger @FernandoTheRojo @jamonholmgren yup! gqlless was inspired by babel blade. i think the static analysis approach could probably be built into relay/apollo if people cared enough, but ultimately my attention shifted to GraphQL schema creation rather than consumption\n\nhttps://twitter.com/graphqlasia/status/1128284234928418816", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1128284234928418816, "label": "1128284234928418816"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[41, 297]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1430602199801999364, "in_reply_to_user_id": 15886909, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "mwarger", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1430991697513619456, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-26T20:33:01+00:00", "full_text": "apparently access points are a big bottleneck too! 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But great DX optimizes for 1-2 standard deviation changes in requirements:\n\n- find helpful docs fast (better: no docs needed)\n- low edit distance\n- smooth migration paths\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1395172543565344770?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1395172543565344770, "label": "1395172543565344770"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 260]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1431454422886924293, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1431454427668434944, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-28T03:11:45+00:00", "full_text": "\u2757 Total WTFs per Year\n\nAnyone can design for the happy path. Great DX handles not only the good, but also the bad AND the ugly:\n\n- Errors that don't make me think\n- Billing that is predictable and boring\n- Proactive warning of known issues\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1294689838872981506", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1294689838872981506, "label": "1294689838872981506"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 264]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1431454426175352837, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 8, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432127335445135366, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-29T23:45:39+00:00", "full_text": "I think I have the solution https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1432122467707805700", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1432122467707805700, "label": "1432122467707805700"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 51]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432108101440733184, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 11, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432533906360729603, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-31T02:41:13+00:00", "full_text": "@bcomnes YES HAI https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1361712610593316866?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1361712610593316866, "label": "1361712610593316866"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[9, 40]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432533753121935360, "in_reply_to_user_id": 2149850018, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "bcomnes", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432598502060675073, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-31T06:57:53+00:00", "full_text": "here's 91 quotes from Warren Buffett, who just turned 91. \n\nhttps://twitter.com/GRDecter/status/1432365846438027276?s=20\n\nThis one stuck out given my recent blogpost on devrel metrics: \n\n\"Games are won by players who focus on the playing field \u2013- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.\" \ud83c\udfaf", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1432365846438027276, "label": "1432365846438027276"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 265]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1386482851026112515, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432682080912084998, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-31T12:30:00+00:00", "full_text": "So excited to be presenting my latest talk, the Third Age of JavaScript at the @InfobipShift Conference!\n\nIt will be Europe\u2019s largest Developer conference in 2021 - hope to see you there! Learn more at https://shift.infobip.com/#devconf https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1263123032328925186 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1432682080912084998/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1263123032328925186, "label": "1263123032328925186"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 249]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 3, "favorite_count": 28, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432864048677154818, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:33:05+00:00", "full_text": "This was part of my @Temporalio pitch: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1417165270641045505\n\nBecause you can dynamically use retries, timeouts, task queues and timers *without any setup* and Temporal takes care of it behind the scenes: this unlocks *self-provisioning asynchrony* in your app code. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1432864048677154818/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1417165270641045505, "label": "1417165270641045505"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 268]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432864045133008899, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 7, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432864050895994890, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:33:05+00:00", "full_text": "I previously wrote about Cloud Distros, my term for the \"second layer\" of clouds forming atop the Big Three: https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1252699745883062272\n\nSelf Provisioning Runtimes are one step further into the breach - instead of YAML config and SDK code, these platforms *read the app code*.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1252699745883062272, "label": "1252699745883062272"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 273]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1432864048677154818, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 1, "favorite_count": 12, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1432864823654555652, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-01T00:36:09+00:00", "full_text": "@paulbiggar tweeted as thread 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"label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-03T09:01:43+00:00", "full_text": "Aug 2021: 126k views, 28k uniques\n\nExactly one hit post on Measuring DevRel: https://mobile.twitter.com/swyx/status/1427351638872772633\n\nThe world seems to want me to write more about DevRel, which I struggle with bc I'm not thaat much of an expert and I have mixed feelings about the career path.\n\nTweets way down. https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1433716826660167680/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1427351638872772633, "label": "1427351638872772633"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 280]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1422264774327300097, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 3, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, 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Today, @supabase raised a $30M Series A with @carynm650 joining the board.\n\nWe couldn't have done it without our amazing team and open source contributors. https://twitter.com/TechCrunch/status/1436011709865603075", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1436011709865603075, "label": "1436011709865603075"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 279]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 25, "favorite_count": 350, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436263100752310276, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-10T09:39:42+00:00", "full_text": "@JanelSGM this swipe file is just growing passively over the last 2 years, waiting for me to convert it into something more serious https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1434206569881694210?s=20 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1436263100752310276/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1434206569881694210, "label": "1434206569881694210"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[10, 155]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1310951720269361153, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 5, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436423696592297987, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-10T20:17:51+00:00", "full_text": "I had the pleasure of joining @Zephraph and @HipsterSmoothie on @DevtoolsFM to talk Temporal!\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNOkWFGejUs\n\nThey edited me to sound smarter than I look! We covered what Temporal is, and how we are thinking about Developer Experience \ud83d\udc40\n\nhttps://twitter.com/DevtoolsFM/status/1436362948956639237?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1436362948956639237, "label": "1436362948956639237"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 271]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1428431255196995586, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 2, "favorite_count": 8, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436716037202980868, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-11T15:39:30+00:00", "full_text": "@simonw i genuinely think this one assumption made many remaining decisions for them: https://twitter.com/slightlylate/status/1436708762115473411?s=20\n\nI hear unexamined assumptions like these a lot and people don't realize these are far weightier decisions than they seem at first glance. Rhyme shortcircuits reason.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1436708762115473411, "label": "1436708762115473411"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[8, 276]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1436710644045152262, "in_reply_to_user_id": 12497, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "simonw", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 4, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1436720513049669632, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-11T15:57:17+00:00", "full_text": "I'm no perf expert or perf shamer (let he who is without sin...)\n\nBut here's what I do believe:\n\n1. local Lighthouse runs are not credible. Use webpagetest or http://web.dev/measure.\n\n2. you do NOT have to use the same tech for app and site! :) https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1317635707838496768?lang=en", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1317635707838496768, "label": "1317635707838496768"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 269]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1436689311315890177, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 10, "favorite_count": 159, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1438052380227117076, "user": {"value": 2461541, "label": "\u261e Desigan Chinniah \u261c"}, "created_at": "2021-09-15T08:09:39+00:00", "full_text": "Q: Engineers \u2014 you've always wanted to time travel, right? \nA: Now you can. When debugging w/ @ReplayIO. \n\nCrafted by @jasonlaster11 @sophaskins @jonbell + team \nAdvised by myself @rachelnabors @auchenberg @swyx + more\nHunted by @nickabouzeid\n\nGrab it \u203a\u203a https://www.producthunt.com/posts/replay-4 https://twitter.com/jasonlaster11/status/1438035707704995840", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1438035707704995840, "label": "1438035707704995840"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 278]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 9, "favorite_count": 16, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1438161819927859210, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-15T15:24:32+00:00", "full_text": "\ud83d\ude80 Rocketed straight to the top of HN as well: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28539247\n\n\"Really blew my mind. Every once in a while a piece of technology comes around that doesn't quite have an equivalent.\"\n\nThis http://replay.io demo is straight out of a Bret Victor talk: https://twitter.com/jasonlaster11/status/1438035707704995840 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1438161819927859210/video/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1438035707704995840, "label": "1438035707704995840"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 287]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 7, "favorite_count": 56, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1438171474506907653, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-15T16:02:54+00:00", "full_text": "@rasharm_ try it for yourself and see if a couple of CLI commands is remotely on the same planet https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1438164876975751178?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1438164876975751178, "label": "1438164876975751178"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[10, 120]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1438166345296666627, "in_reply_to_user_id": 380739301, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "rasharm_", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1438217410029371397, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-15T19:05:25+00:00", "full_text": "@PaulieScanlon @raae fwiw i was learning it 3 years ago without the excellent docs Gatsby has today. to my knowledge i was the first one to ever write down a list of the api's and which gets called in what sequence :) https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1010677126897504256\n\nmuch of which still looks intact https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/conceptual/gatsby-lifecycle-apis/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1010677126897504256, "label": "1010677126897504256"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[21, 301]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1438216228896706563, "in_reply_to_user_id": 470012453, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "PaulieScanlon", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1438224616946733057, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-15T19:34:04+00:00", "full_text": "@PaulieScanlon @GatsbyJS moved on to 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Write async code with SDK\n2. Temporal Server handles queues, timers, retries, timeouts, heartbeats. Checkpoint every step to resume from downtime\n3. Testing, versioning, observability built in\n4. Scale any part of system by throwing more machines at it https://twitter.com/EricVicenti/status/1438571865765662721 https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1438939235801653249/photo/1", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1438571865765662721, "label": "1438571865765662721"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 303]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 12, "favorite_count": 81, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439026846549495812, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-18T00:41:50+00:00", "full_text": "RT @swyx: How @Temporalio Works:\n\n1. Write async code with SDK\n2. Temporal Server handles queues, timers, retries, timeouts, heartbeats. Ch\u2026", "retweeted_status": {"value": 1438939235801653249, "label": "1438939235801653249"}, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 140]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 12, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439333974766092293, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-18T21:02:15+00:00", "full_text": "@fnthawar \ud83d\udcaf use your calendar as your todo list!\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1364107473724919809?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1364107473724919809, "label": "1364107473724919809"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[10, 73]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1439224122031083528, "in_reply_to_user_id": 14354471, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "fnthawar", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 2, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439386889618739203, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-19T00:32:31+00:00", "full_text": "@hiangelali happy birthday :) hello from 10 years later:\n\nhttps://twitter.com/swyx/status/1385349095074656259", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1385349095074656259, "label": "1385349095074656259"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[12, 81]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1439369007119880194, "in_reply_to_user_id": 361494995, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "hiangelali", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 22, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439765391509573634, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T01:36:33+00:00", "full_text": "@ananbatra @ListnrInc ooh just found it https://twitter.com/ananbatra/status/1433446615776313348", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1433446615776313348, "label": "1433446615776313348"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[22, 63]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1439765227512369154, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439771209625862147, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T01:59:40+00:00", "full_text": "@mikesherov btw we discussed your tweets here! https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1439702355553886211", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1439702355553886211, "label": "1439702355553886211"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[12, 70]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1438491315629613057, "in_reply_to_user_id": 4241651, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "mikesherov", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 5, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439942768017747969, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T13:21:23+00:00", "full_text": "big spike in cases now. lets hope deaths curve stays flat.\n\nhttps://twitter.com/ianmSC/status/1439650247253233664?s=20", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1439650247253233664, "label": "1439650247253233664"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 83]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1346232948392042498, "in_reply_to_user_id": 33521530, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "swyx", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439954828067803137, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T14:09:18+00:00", "full_text": "I've been trying to figure out my preferred podcast style all year and I think \"@LexFridman for developers\" has a nice ring to it. Just need to be a much much better interviewer lol\n\nWho should I talk to next? https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1439702355553886211", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1439702355553886211, "label": "1439702355553886211"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 210]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 42, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439976474623234050, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T15:35:19+00:00", "full_text": "RT @tannerlinsley: \"GraphQL helps solve the overfetching problem. In practice, I think the importance of this is overhyped unless you are F\u2026", "retweeted_status": {"value": 1439976152995545090, "label": "1439976152995545090"}, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 140]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 29, "favorite_count": 0, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1439979218394177537, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-09-20T15:46:13+00:00", "full_text": "@BlakeTheDev @lexfridman @chriscoyier ooh i'd love that! esp since i'm kinda itching to start a website inspired by CSS Tricks...\n\nbtw i've been on Shoptalk in case you wanted a quick fix! https://twitter.com/ShopTalkShow/status/1310623801869246472", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1310623801869246472, "label": "1310623801869246472"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[38, 212]", "in_reply_to_status_id": 1439978469857931269, "in_reply_to_user_id": 3057306041, "in_reply_to_screen_name": "BlakeTheDev", "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 0, "favorite_count": 1, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null}