{"id": 1425204981804650496, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-08-10T21:18:41+00:00", "full_text": "Need research help: What is the best job scheduling/cronjob system you've used and what's one thing you LOVE about it?", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 118]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 6, "favorite_count": 99, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1446525397508657155, "user": {"value": 2330381, "label": "Will Larson"}, "created_at": "2021-10-08T17:18:24+00:00", "full_text": "Systems thinking is my fav thinking tool, but many of my largest reasoning errors stemmed from surface use (\"here's an intuitive mental model\") while skipping the details (\"comparing outputs of an explicit model against real behavior\"). Some lessons!\n\nhttps://lethain.com/how-to-safely-think-in-systems/", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 275]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 17, "favorite_count": 99, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 1, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1448024106633363456, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-10-12T20:33:44+00:00", "full_text": "This year I've done a total 180 on open source strategy.\n\nRemember Elastic making a fuss with \"Amazon: NOT OK\"? I was quite persuaded. If MongoDB, Redis, Cockroach, Confluent relicensed and do fine, maybe SSPL just becomes acceptable \"open source\".\n\nNow I think MIT is just fine.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952", "label": "Twitter Web App"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 279]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 11, "favorite_count": 99, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null} {"id": 1467001291893194753, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-12-04T05:22:18+00:00", "full_text": "Both @Cloudflare and @Supabase are pioneering a new playbook in launch week marketing \u2014 absolutely gobsmacking to watch.\n\nTurning followers into fans by creating buzz for devtools launches as intensely as appointment television.\n\nThe moat: eng + product have to align! https://twitter.com/kiwicopple/status/1466801873373986819", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": {"value": 1466801873373986819, "label": "1466801873373986819"}, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 268]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 1, "retweet_count": 6, "favorite_count": 99, "favorited": 0, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": 0, "lang": "en", "scopes": null}