{"id": 1469092201376354305, "user": {"value": 33521530, "label": "swyx"}, "created_at": "2021-12-09T23:50:49+00:00", "full_text": "Hardest part of having a dual \u201cbottom-up\u201d + \u201ctop-down\u201d pricing strategy is minding the sharp edges.\n\nJust spent an hour today patiently explaining to a vendor why it doesnt make sense for my monthly bill to go from $150 for a team of 6 to $3000 for a team of 7.", "retweeted_status": null, "quoted_status": null, "place": null, "source": {"value": "95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20", "label": "Twitter for iPhone"}, "truncated": 0, "display_text_range": "[0, 261]", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "geo": null, "coordinates": null, "contributors": null, "is_quote_status": 0, "retweet_count": 13, "favorite_count": 211, "favorited": 1, "retweeted": 0, "possibly_sensitive": null, "lang": "en", "scopes": null}