15 rows where "created_at" is on date 2021-08-05 and retweeted = 0 sorted by lang
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Suggested facets: source, is_quote_status, favorite_count, created_at (date)
id | user | created_at | full_text | retweeted_status | quoted_status | place | source | truncated | display_text_range | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | in_reply_to_screen_name | geo | coordinates | contributors | is_quote_status | retweet_count | favorite_count | favorited | retweeted | possibly_sensitive | lang ▼ | scopes |
1423078718633766913 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T00:29:40+00:00 | @RandallKanna you dropped this 👑 | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [14, 32] | 1423005314803138562 | 206918128 | RandallKanna | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423079363289878535 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T00:32:14+00:00 | @ashleymayer @akageleiry sounds like a job for that highest of literary art forms: 🧵👇 | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [25, 85] | 1422975926921437184 | 18994034 | ashleymayer | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423138071415980034 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T04:25:31+00:00 | @ryanmichela i think about this video alot now as a PM working on open source distsys | Twitter for iPad 574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5 | 0 | [13, 85] | 1423121750116560898 | 226766731 | ryanmichela | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423138872884535298 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T04:28:42+00:00 | @MrLeebo thanks for asking :) here’s the state of things as of today. | 1247905817342312449 1247905817342312449 | Twitter for iPad 574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5 | 0 | [9, 69] | 1423128272074940417 | 1107163664 | MrLeebo | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||
1423156238062276609 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T05:37:42+00:00 | @scarypockets @drh3 this song isnt about how sweet a watermelon is?? | Twitter for iPad 574fe4fa937eeb131136f7e3678f32d4ff3078d5 | 0 | [20, 68] | 1423153448652972032 | 854801089954185218 | scarypockets | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423309470227075073 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T15:46:36+00:00 | @brian_lovin loll cheeky @graphcdn plug there | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [13, 45] | 1423003865247408136 | 465068802 | brian_lovin | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423326514393669632 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T16:54:19+00:00 | @biantris_ thank you! | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [11, 21] | 1423314547847409677 | 1338510819743719424 | biantris_ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423327998556606464 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T17:00:13+00:00 | *starts startup* "well as you know all the legacy solutions are slow, insecure and expensive" | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [0, 95] | 0 | 2 | 70 | 0 | 0 | en | |||||||||||
1423354263686631425 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T18:44:35+00:00 | Great "You may not need a dropdown" reminder from @erikdkennedy: Who ever at @Twitter designed Scheduled Tweets should take note of the last one | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [0, 171] | 0 | 34 | 282 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||||
1423361516082847747 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T19:13:24+00:00 | @JustJake thats awful i'm so sorry. | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [10, 35] | 1423274062940237824 | 607528502 | JustJake | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423365577091866626 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T19:29:33+00:00 | @maxlynch i know but i just love the shameless superiority complex of an early stage startup making ~$0 just shitting on stable, moneymaking incumbents while downplaying their own flaws | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [10, 185] | 1423344700640145417 | 15103611 | maxlynch | 0 | 1 | 12 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423387793175113730 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T20:57:49+00:00 | Thread of things and tips I ran into as I learn @Figmadesign: | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [0, 61] | 0 | 2 | 40 | 0 | 0 | en | |||||||||||
1423388158746451970 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T20:59:16+00:00 | How to make things float in Figma | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [0, 33] | 1423387793175113730 | 33521530 | swyx | 0 | 1 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en | |||||||
1423392137257775105 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T21:15:05+00:00 | @TheEhsanSarshar yes very easily there are a few ways to do it | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [17, 62] | 1423389685410320384 | 1269951243272806401 | TheEhsanSarshar | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1423393466902482944 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-05T21:20:22+00:00 | @samseely i just tried it and that didn't work at all, it just switched to the "move canvas" hand. is there some setting that you had or are we talking about the same mode? | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [10, 172] | 1423391229593759747 | 29101388 | samseely | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE [tweets] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [user] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]), [created_at] TEXT, [full_text] TEXT, [retweeted_status] INTEGER, [quoted_status] INTEGER, [place] TEXT REFERENCES [places]([id]), [source] TEXT REFERENCES [sources]([id]), [truncated] INTEGER, [display_text_range] TEXT, [in_reply_to_status_id] INTEGER, [in_reply_to_user_id] INTEGER, [in_reply_to_screen_name] TEXT, [geo] TEXT, [coordinates] TEXT, [contributors] TEXT, [is_quote_status] INTEGER, [retweet_count] INTEGER, [favorite_count] INTEGER, [favorited] INTEGER, [retweeted] INTEGER, [possibly_sensitive] INTEGER, [lang] TEXT, [scopes] TEXT, FOREIGN KEY([retweeted_status]) REFERENCES [tweets]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([quoted_status]) REFERENCES [tweets]([id]) ); CREATE INDEX [idx_tweets_source] ON [tweets] ([source]);