3 rows where "created_at" is on date 2021-08-21, favorite_count = 0, retweet_count = 0 and user = 33521530 sorted by lang
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Suggested facets: source, created_at (date)
id | user | created_at | full_text | retweeted_status | quoted_status | place | source | truncated | display_text_range | in_reply_to_status_id | in_reply_to_user_id | in_reply_to_screen_name | geo | coordinates | contributors | is_quote_status | retweet_count | favorite_count | favorited | retweeted | possibly_sensitive | lang ▼ | scopes |
1429158259609399296 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-21T19:07:36+00:00 | @rcdexta hmm thank you for this tip! i have a Nighthawk gaming router from Netgear and it looks like it does have DFS. will try! | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [9, 128] | 1429156611658960899 | 225288961 | rcdexta | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1429159691452436482 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-21T19:13:17+00:00 | @simonw @datasetteproj very frustrating. sorry to hear. had this happen to @Coding_Career twice. both times basically had to know someone in Twitter to escalate it :( | Twitter for iPhone 95f3aaaddaa45937ac94765e0ddb68ba2be92d20 | 0 | [23, 166] | 1428971520269844480 | 12497 | simonw | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | en | ||||||||
1428869838991028226 | swyx 33521530 | 2021-08-21T00:01:31+00:00 | @sjroot @WaveConnects | Twitter Web App 1f89d6a41b1505a3071169f8d0d028ba9ad6f952 | 0 | [8, 21] | 1428864630093398019 | 1624166100 | sjroot | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | und |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE [tweets] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [user] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]), [created_at] TEXT, [full_text] TEXT, [retweeted_status] INTEGER, [quoted_status] INTEGER, [place] TEXT REFERENCES [places]([id]), [source] TEXT REFERENCES [sources]([id]), [truncated] INTEGER, [display_text_range] TEXT, [in_reply_to_status_id] INTEGER, [in_reply_to_user_id] INTEGER, [in_reply_to_screen_name] TEXT, [geo] TEXT, [coordinates] TEXT, [contributors] TEXT, [is_quote_status] INTEGER, [retweet_count] INTEGER, [favorite_count] INTEGER, [favorited] INTEGER, [retweeted] INTEGER, [possibly_sensitive] INTEGER, [lang] TEXT, [scopes] TEXT, FOREIGN KEY([retweeted_status]) REFERENCES [tweets]([id]), FOREIGN KEY([quoted_status]) REFERENCES [tweets]([id]) ); CREATE INDEX [idx_tweets_source] ON [tweets] ([source]);